fiber arts!

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by jacktrash, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    the links would be good! pinterest won't let me click through, i hate it so much *flailing floor tantrum*
  2. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    Immna do it, and add some of my other ones

    rainbow horsey
    squarey pattern
    swirly pattern (kay specifically linked the blue swirl one, #4)
    some cute fishies
    interlocking triangles (this needs 3/4 stitches (i think thats what theyre called) at elast i think so. *shrug*)

    My other suggestions
    Small rainbow squares
    small diamonds (cntl f and put in 'deuxieme'. first result, the picture above it)
    many different rainbow squares
    flower quilt thing
    this thing --v

    sorry that took a while. {:I
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  3. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

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  4. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    no need to apologize, i am super grateful you took the time to do that for me. sorry i'm a fussypants about pinterest, it's a pet peeve. i love the This Thing especially!
    • Like x 3
  5. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    and this thing could probably interlock quite well, if you matched up the sides...

    eta: the fussy thing is fine, no worries. i wouldve suggest an account for conveinience sake, but hey its your life. you do you C:
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2016
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  6. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    Finally finished some li'l Homestuck zodiac sign patterns, all less than 20x20. Gonna get some high-count Aida cloth and make 'em into buttons. Hoping to make other symbols too - aspects, the kids, etc...
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  7. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    Ohh how are you gonna make them into buttons? Like I'd be worried about them getting dirty D=
  8. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    well i guess they'd be more properly called badges, i dunno - but i'm using self-cover buttons. basically i make my little design, then put it on the front of a button, then snap the back in, and glue on a pin. in theory you could wash them with soap and water, i suppose, but i wouldn't tumble-dry them ...
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  9. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    Neat!! Thanks for the link ^^
    • Like x 1
  10. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    Hey guys, I need some second opinions on a thing :)

    UK Mother's Day is on March 6th, and I've been making mine a patchwork travel backgammon set, since that's a thing she plays a lot of and enjoys. I would say that the roll-up board part is almost done - I just need to sew in a couple of rough edges, more or less, but I'm not sure if I should decorate the inner edge of it. Here, look -


    I've beaded all around the top, bottom, and right-hand edges, but since the left side is going to be inside the roll when it's all tucked up, I was wondering if I should so something a little more intricate and/or chunky? Here's what I've done on the other edges -
    Despite the pic, they are really small beads, and it took me most of friday evening and all of saturday to finish it. Also, here's what the back currently looks like, which I'm also wondering if I should add to at all.


    It's all cotton/patchwork weight cotton, with a layer of fleece between the two main pieces to add a bit of durability and a slight quilted effect. What do you guys think?
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  11. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

    @lilacsofthedead It's beautiful! I don't think you need to add anything, but it's hard to tell from a picture. But what a lovely thing.
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  12. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

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  13. NuclearVampire

    NuclearVampire The teeniest horrorterror

    Mrrrgh.... Can I vent knitting woes here? Can I ask knitting support questions here? Cause I have a scarf I'm trying to make, and it is being obnoxious. Friend asked for a Davesprite scarf, I decided that the pattern that fit the general theme best was herringbone, went to knit it on the round, so I could do some stranding, and apparently herringbone will slant. Tried slapping two rows of knit between the sides, same problem. And just.... *head desks repeatedly* Stop slanting! I never had this problem when working herringbone flat!
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    if you'll link me to the stitch pattern you're using i'll try to troubleshoot.

    edit: i did find this

    so if your pattern is bumping left by one stitch every round, that'd be why.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
  15. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh btw @Kaylotta & @Imoyram i decided to go with 'azulejos' from that gazette site y'all linked


    i'm doing the central 4x square in black, gold, and deep pink, and then i'll do the other squares in like... any color that makes me go oooh. whether it clashes or not. idgaf. it's spring, time for colors! not classy traditional spanish tilework colors. BATSHIT DRUGFUCK COLORS.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
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  16. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    @jacktrash I totally headcanon a massive version of this as Lu's favourite blanket :D
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  17. NuclearVampire

    NuclearVampire The teeniest horrorterror

    *sad faces* Nah, I am doing that, that's one of the pages I found when I remembered herringbone stitch, and wondered if I could do it on the round. I've kind of given up and gone "Design element! It's totally on purpose!" cause eventually it's gonna make it all the way around, right?

    Oh wait, shit, that's totally gonna mess with the stranding, shit fuck damn it..... Ugh.... I might have to frog it and like start each row a stitch early or something. *watches video again to make sure they didn't miss anything* Whelp, looks like she was totally doing that without calling it that. This is what happens when you get in a hurry. Knew just enough to get me in trouble. *unravels*
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  18. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Help, help, I can't stop cross-stitching giant robots!

    Fulcrum Tarn Finished.jpg

    (original image)

    And dang, I think this was the hardest one I've done yet. I need a break (I'm not going to get a break, because I'm behind on a craft exchange and I promised a gift to an artist, plus I'm not allowed to start marathoning the eighties transformers cartoon until I start the next picture shhh). I did this on black Aida cloth, not realizing that makes it ten million times harder to count right, or get the needle precisely in the hole, or heck, even spot if youu have a missing stitch anywhere. I'm not entirely happy with this picture, because I couldn't get the color to balance for love or money. You can see all the dark colors, but the eyes and energon especially are a bit washed out. Which is a little unfair, because there are 25 shades of pink and purple in this monster. I turned it in to be framed today, and both the framing people at Joann recognize me and have casual conversations with me when we pass in an aisle now, so this continues to be an exceedingly expensive hobby. But going by even just minimum wage for my time, this piece would cost multiple hundreds of dollars, so I think treating myself to a nice frame is only fair.
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  19. turtleDove

    turtleDove Well-Known Member

    The gloves have been finished, although I only barely touched the second skein; any hopes of actually finishing the lot of it were dashed quite thoroughly. The thumb on one of the gloves also rather promptly unbound itself the first time I wore them and I'm going to need to fix that before I can wear them again.

    I've also come to the realization that making a quilt for friend that's also a stashbuster project is...perhaps ill-advised, in as much as if I continue, this thing is going to be an unholy mess of mixed materials in every direction and it will be ridiculously difficult to wash. And I like this friend, I would rather not give her what amounts to a white elephant gift. So, this creates the problem of "what do I do with all the wool skeins I have no plans for, now that I can't / shouldn't use them for this project?" (And the co-related problem of "what do I do with the already-knitted squares that are wool?")
    And to make matters more complicated, the idea of frogging and starting over with hexapuffs, instead of granny-squares, has been tempting me. Because hexapuffs are cute and I wouldn't need to mess around with measuring out the size and I've got an embroidery pattern for them, buuuut I would probably need approximately a jillion of them to make a twin-sized blanket.

    Help, what do?

    (Fortunately, this is a) not a project with any kind of due date, and b) a project that is thoroughly side-burnered right now while I work on a birthday shawl for my sister. So I can use that to avoid working myself into a fuss over this.)
  20. IndigoRiffRaff


    I used to do a fair amount of tie-dye, am now wanting to do something perhaps a little more... tasteful, but still fun. This means I need clothing blanks. I like this dress pretty well, I almost want to get two so I can dye them different colors - purples and blues for one, maybe earth tones or something for the other? (if anyone feels like suggesting things, feel free!)
    Also! I think I'm gonna make a weighted plushie for my partner, which requires obtaining fabric (there's no fabric stores here and it's one of those things that's harder to shop for online because You Gotta Touch It). Apparently there's a Jo-Ann Fabrics in the town my partner is moving to so a fabric-choosing (and, honestly, touch-all-the-stimmy-fabrics) date may be a thing that happens :D
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