Video Games You Wish Existed

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 12, 2016.

  1. littlepinkbeast

    littlepinkbeast Imperator Fluttershy

    Hmm, well, I've wanted a good sequel to Vagrant Story ever since the first time I played it. Something with Callo Merlose as the PC, trying to track down Ashley and get his account of what the hell happened back there, while dealing with the powers Lea Monde awakened in her.

    Apart from that, metroidvania/actionRPG stuff would be great. Things similar to Secret of Mana where you use weapons and abilities to navigate the gameworld, or Wild Arms or Golden Sun only as an action RPG instead of separate combat screens, or Zelda games with more character customization and levelling.

    Oh, and cyberpunk RPGs that aren't Shadowrun based. SUPER looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077 :D
  2. Unfortunate

    Unfortunate Writing Disgrace

    Wait I thought of a SFW game that is currently beyond my means. Tactical Strategy, you get your quirky army of dateable babes. Twist; you are the unambiguous villain on your way to torture, seduce and murder the opposing army into submitting with no method too gloomy, no tactic too underhanded and no romance option too 'not available for this story'.
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  3. bornofthesea670

    bornofthesea670 Well-Known Member

    hell yes
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  4. bornofthesea670

    bornofthesea670 Well-Known Member

    pfafa on an unrelated note my brother and i were chatting about video game cheats once and laughing about how funny it would be if the person just brushed it off as 'yeah no, i'm a wizard -shrugs-'
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  5. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    okay so here's a couple of things I've thought about:
    • Ace-Attorney-style game where you're an ~inquisitor~ in a medieval-fantasy-ish world with lots of supernatural creatures, and you defend people who came under fire for crimes mostly because of their species or (magic-related) profession. Sometimes a human did it, sometimes a different supernatural creature.
    • I posted this one on Tumblr and got like no notes, but: Sly-Cooper-style action/stealth/platformer game based on the Mistborn books. It's a series with a complicated set of interrelated magic systems based around metals, and there are different ways to use specific ones. One player character would be a Coinshot (ability to magically push on metal, allowing you to use bits of metal as projectiles and fly through the air- hence the cool platforming) and a Bloodmaker (ability to store health- spend a while feeling horrible so that later you can heal yourself of diseases and injuries, which would give a justification for both the common video game character ability to soak up bullets like a sponge and a hit point system). Another would be someone with the ability to dampen specific emotions in other people, along with the ability to store connection to people and places, which allows for puzzles where you have to talk your way into places or get information without getting found out in any of a number of ways. At some point there would be an incredibly silly boss fight against a chromium compounder, which is someone who can a) basically make an infinite luck loop and b) drain your reserves of the metal you use to fuel your Coinshot powers if they touch you, so you spend the entire fight desperately trying to keep your distance while everything you do to try to hurt them gets blocked by increasingly ridiculous coincidences.
    I'm also on team More Metroidvanias. I suck royally at most Metroidvanias, but I love them.

    Oh, and I don't know if this really counts, but:
    • Final Fantasy X, but with Tidus completely removed from the narrative. He's just not there. Yuna is the main character. The only reference to Tidus is in Jecht's spheres addressed to him, which you find periodically all through the game. I have sort of decided there is another universe out there where this is the released version of FFX and our version is a teenager's OC-insert fixit fic because they were so upset at the ending. :::PPP
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  6. Unfortunate

    Unfortunate Writing Disgrace

    Okay, I'm revisiting the first one for more depth and detail. Possibly because I'll revisit one day when I'm not a failure/have someone that knows what they're doing helping me out.

    So the game's rough plot would be that an opposing kingdom has finally developed enough firepower to finally match yours man to man. Your parents (who are mysteriously dead after an accident with their food and some rat poison) helped this come about and support independence but it resulting in a higher crime rate, hate crimes due to the two people being so different and a variety of other nasty things. Most relevant to you, the sheltered protagonist, is that your parents were too busy with their peacekeeping to actually raise you so instead you were raised by the typically evil adviser and a nanny who your dad had an affair with (and is just a touch bitter than your pure and virginal mother, whose too good for this sinful Earth, was chosen over you). They also raised all of your (six other) siblings with the same values of treachery, peace through power and the importance of support characters.

    You would play as male or female but the character changes entirely. The male is the youngest brother who has never experienced hardship and the eldest is the only one that's unable to use magic and as such. Each of the sibling characters would reflect and overall common archetype of character classes while their servants would be more specialized classes that would make up for the weaknesses of that class. To explain, a Cleric would have a pair of servants that tank damage while a Knight would have long distance support. Also, support type characters would be used more than on the battlefield. You would be able to recruit a Torturer, a Cook, a Maid, etc that would deal with the internal mechanisms of the castle and game. These would become just as important as the more obvious aspects of battle as you would need to take hostages, feed your army and deal with diplomatic situations. Therefore, it would a fusion game between Fire Emblem and Long Live the Queen conceptually.

    Obviously, since I've no means to make this, I didn't name the characters. I just put them down in birth order (I always come up with new game ideas when I'm sick and it's such a waste of my time when I have stuff to do, haha). If the game were serious, I'd most likely give them a number themed set of names anyway.

    And since your Father was something of a cad, each of your siblings would be your half-sibling and have a different inherited ability.

    • First - Knight Class. Female Protagonist. She is significantly older than the other's having been the child born initially between the King and the Queen to cement the marriage. Unfortunately, as the King didn't possess magic naturally and neither did her mother, she's completely unable to use it and was considered less favourable than her other siblings for it. As such, she holds a deep resentment in her heart that makes her entirely unsuited for matters of the court and diplomacy. She is however, the most capable melee fighter and her intimidating face (covered in scars) has merit on it's own.
    • Second - Blackguard Class (reverse Paladin since you're evil). Eldest Brother. He took on a fatherly role to the rest of his siblings due to First focusing on training so she could make up for her magical failings and has something of a neurotic personality from having to take care of a messy group of siblings. He uses a combination of magic and swordplay which he learnt from the people that raised him and with the blood of demons flowing through his veins, being a Blackguard makes sense. Although his parents did originally try to sway him from the path. At one point, he took the vows of a Paladin and still holds some of the same morals. Additionally, since he was 'the golden child', he is well versed in matters of the court.
    • Third - Beast Class (the token non-human/animal person character). Second Sister. She is famous for an immature personality and her various addictions which constantly get in the way of her life. She's also famous for her brutal fighting style with axes, clubs and claws and her rugged beauty. Like First, she forged her own way in the world through foreign jungles and forests before returning to fight in the war. Unlike First, she doesn't regret the way she was born or how her life was lived in spite of being considered a lesser being by most of the kingdom. She believes everything happens for a reason.
    • Fourth - Cleric Class (healer). Second Brother. He trained with the clergy as a child but took a twisted view of Crystal Dragon Jesus and now fights according to the letter but not the spirit of his holy book. He has a very strict and demanding personality; often making people live up to impossible standards. He also holds himself to those standards, convincing himself that it's not enough to be skilled at this type of magic but seeking to develop skill in the court and with melee combat. He feels like he hates his parents more than the rest of the siblings. Since he was in the middle of the age, he was considered an extra bit and taken off the clergy because they were unsure of how to train him.
    • Fifth - Ranger Class (archer). Third Brother. He was secluded off from the world as a child due to an initial sickness and took to taking potshots at enemies from behind the castle walls. When the illness eventually ceased, he developed such great skill with a bow and arrow that he couldn't imagine doing anything else. He has a show-off personality and constantly makes up stories about great exploits he's been on. Unfortunately, due mostly to his sheltered upbringing, he doesn't understand the darker parts of war or even what his siblings are fighting for. Rather than debating the why and how, he cares more about how impressive his shots are.
    • Sixth - Assassin Class (rogue). Third Sister. She felt more attuned to the shadows than to people and like Fourth, was an extra. Due to her gloomy personality and fixation on dark and dreary things, she was typically considered to be the 'abnormal child'. As such, she was pushed away where her odd behaviour could not harm the image of the kingdom to their neighbours. There, she perfected the art of seeing without being seen and became even more antisocial, seeming to draw the hatred of the building and the people inside of it into herself. She idolizes Third and keeps trying to become a Beast like her but it's simply not in her biology.
    • Seventh - Sorcerer. Fourth Brother. Male Protagonist. He is the youngest brother, only sixteen and is the sibling most skilled at magic. Unfortunately, he has no skill in melee or defense and has to have his servants physically protect him. He has an unusual and sadistic personality that's effortlessly able to disguise itself as something harmless. So, if you're unaware of his true nature, he's very popular but it's the other way around for those that understand him. So he surrounds himself with other sadistic people and isolates himself from his siblings. He does however, have good skill at the initial part of diplomacy and is better to use for it than Third.
    Classes not featured: Monk and Dragoon due to lack of sub-sections. I added Blackguard because I like them despite being a subsection of Knight. Reasonably, Second should be a Cleric and Third should be a Dragoon with Fourth being a Bard. But that's for lameos.

    Anyway, it would take place in a Dark Fantasy world with Magitech and combine Raising Sim, Tactical Strategy and Dating Sim gameplay and storylines together.
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  7. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Not mine, but I participated in a discussion of it: Pokemon Go type augmented-reality thing, but Shin Megami Tensei instead. Certain demons are far more likely to appear in certain places based on their mythological associations- angels showing up around churches, Melchom lurking in banks, Haunts and Spirits near graveyards. I live in West Virginia, so if I wait near a bridge Mothman is almost guaranteed to show up on it sooner or later. There's a triggerable event where the four Chinese celestial animals appear around you in the appropriate compass directions, and if you beat them all in a given time limit Huang Long spawns at the point where you started.

    If someone has Mara on their team you judge them mercilessly.
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  8. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I have nothing really to add, but consider me making delighted :D faces at this.
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  9. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    There's a Mistborn tabletop game, but dammit, it's a loss to humanity that there is not a 3D video game that drops you in a city full of random metal fixtures and support beams and lets you zoom through the air over it (or potentially splat like an idiot by running out of coins and Pushing yourself out over somewhere with not enough metal). And the magic has enough variety that there are a ton of things that could make for awesome mechanics in different playable characters. (Steelrunner! You can store up speed and then tap it to move insanely fast. In-game result: missions where you have to figure out how to budget your limited speed reserves to get past guards or whatever.)
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  10. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Unrelated one: shapeshifter Metroidvania. Doesn't need to have enemies (or at least, ones who can actually kill you), it's just you versus an environment that stops you from Going Places. The upgrades are mostly different forms and improvements on those forms- one that can swim, one that can jump really, really far, one that can climb vertical walls, one that can navigate very small cracks, one that can fly (but gets buffeted by strong winds that are found in many areas, so as not to render other travel forms useless), one that's resistant to heat, one that's HUGE and not bothered by being pelted with things, one that just plain has the right kind of hands to open doors. That kind of thing. And you wander around and learn to turn into new things and explore.

    Edit: why yes my favorite part of SotN was backtracking and finding all the places I could get into now that I could turn into a bat, why do you ask
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2016
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  11. The One Guy

    The One Guy Not that other guy.

    There's been two major game ideas I've come up with:

    The first is basically a build-your-own-faction RTS game. I got the idea a long time ago from playing the game Warlords III, an old turn based strategy game where you can customize your army, but all sides are the same aside from aesthetic differences based on color and what units they can produce. I thought this idea could be taken much further. I came up with the idea of a generic RTS where every aspect of a faction could be customized. I started coming up with a lot of information about it, but I'd have to dig through many stacks of old papers to find all the details I came up with. What I can recall from what I had is under the spoiler:
    You'd start with gold as a resource, tent-type buildings, and the ability to build a town center, a worker, and a soldier. You'd then be given a large number of points that you can put into various units/buildings/resources/etc. Units are pretty obvious, they have different abilities, strengths, and costs. Buildings each have unique abilities. For instance: Infantry units can be produced from the town center, but if you can build a barracks and do so, they can be produced faster and cheaper there. You can also choose a different building type: The default tent buildings are the weakest and can catch fire, but are also the cheapest to build, metal buildings are a bit stronger and fireproof (my idea is with approximately medieval technology, so we're not talking steel beams here), wooden buildings are much stronger, but can still catch fire, and stone buildings are the strongest and fireproof, but also the most expensive. (In addition to costing points, you also have to have the correct resource type.) The cost to build/produce/train things is determined amongst various resources, but any resources you don't have are paid in gold instead. Different resources have to be gathered separately, making them more inconvenient to gather, but costs in resources are lower than the equivalent cost in gold, and they provide certain bonuses for having them. You can also put points into researchable upgrades, or you put even more points into starting with these upgrades in place. In addition to putting points into all of these things, you must also choose a government type, each with their own advantages and disadvantages, and an economic system (under capitalism the production of resources can vary greatly, but it produces the most resources on average over time, under communism the production of resources is mostly steady, but it produces the least resources on average over time, and socialism is in-between). Then you can design your flag (or stick with the default flag for the government/economic system combo), and can start playing with your entirely custom faction! Of course, the developers would have to do a lot of balancing, but if done well, it could be awesome!

    The second idea is a sort of campaign style RTS game where a demonic force has taken over the land and it's up to you to drive the demons away. The campaign involves freeing the affected territories and goes into RTS mode for each battle. It would be very open ended and you can save the territories in whatever order you want. But here's the gimmick: The provinces you save will aid you in your campaign, but the longer you take to save them, the more corrupted the land and the citizens become. Eventually, you'll reach a point where the citizens of un-freed territories have become fully demonic forcing you to wipe them all out without any hope of them joining your cause, but before that you'll get to that point, you'll get to where the ones you do save will still have low sanity and warped morals. This acts as an idea in and of itself, and for a while this is all I had come up with, but at one point I decided to flesh out the idea with potential specifics for doing this, and much of what I came up with is under the spoiler:
    The game would be a sort of cross between a top-down RPG and a RTS game where you start out with one character and eventually end up with that character as a leader of armies. You'd play as an angel, sent down to a prosperous kingdom to investigate unusual readings of demonic energy in the capital. With two members of the clergy you seek an audience with the king, only to reach the throne room and find the king dead. The court wizard reveals himself and captures one of the clergymen to complete the sacrifice, unleashing an army of demons into the city. You fight your way out of the castle and to the church with the other clergyman as a tutorial guy. You're then presented with an orb designed to ward away demonic energy. It isn't strong enough to save the capital, but it does have enough power to save one of the 7 surrounding provinces, so after fighting your way outside the city you have a choice of which province to save first. Each province has armies and different benefits to give you, as well as some way of driving demonic energy out of one more province. The provinces can be saved in any order, but the later in the order the more the province will be corrupted by one of the seven deadly sins. The first province saved will remain free of corruption, the second, third and fourth provinces saved will become increasingly indulgent in whatever sin is designated for that province, changing the benefits received from the province's aid. Overall, they will provide slightly worse benefits, but mostly just different. Starting with the fifth province saved, the citizens will have started changing into demons and the benefits start dwindling. By the seventh province, the citizens will have become fully demonic and need to be wiped out and provide no benefit or troops to aid you. Furthermore, the first 5 provinces you save will provide aid to you in it's own liberation, but with decreasing forces, and the last 5 provinces you save will have citizens that fight against their liberation, with increasingly growing forces. And with each saved province you'll save less and less, while more and more will defect to the now corrupted capital. All provinces also have a leader which can provide extra bonuses in battle but has to be recruited. The first leader is recruited automatically, but with each subsequent province it becomes harder to recruit the leader, until the last province where the leader cannot be recruited. Any leader not recruited will aid the enemy instead. The (color coded) provinces I came up with are as follows: Red is the location of a military base and can provide extra troops; it gets corrupted by wrath. Orange is home to a great university and can provide technology and research to benefit the battles; it gets corrupted by sloth. Yellow is a prosperous center of trade and can provide money and trading bonuses to aid help pay for the costs of battle; it gets corrupted by greed. Green is a mineral-rich land full of natural resources to help provide for the needs of the battle; it gets corrupted by envy. Blue is a largely independent province that has no major benefit, but is above average in everything; it gets corrupted by gluttony. Purple is a magical land that can provide magical aid for the battle; it gets corrupted by lust. And finally black is home to a secluded society with warrior monks that are particularly strong units in battle; it gets corrupted by pride. (The capital is the "white.") After driving the demonic energy out of all the provinces, you can utilize their combined strength to finally take on the capital and the evil wizard (now demon lord) who has taken it over.
  12. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    I want a game like Hatoful Boyfriend but with cute monster girls
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  13. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Who are also pigeons?
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  14. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    well i would also enjoy pigeon monster girls but something other than pigeons is what i was thinking
  15. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    i don't know how it would work at all but i've always liked the idea of an rpg that relied heavily on the background music to decide what happened next. like, if there was fight music out of nowhere you'd have to figure out what action(s) you had to do to diffuse the situation (e.g. stand between two people and tell them to chill, or pull a fire alarm) or just be swarmed by enemies for a long time. alternatively if you like stirring up trouble you could figure out how to make the fight music start (e.g. break a bottle in a bar and point it at someone). it'd be neat to have lots of different endings and achievements depending on what music you triggered, and when, and for what duration.

    eta: i guess it'd be a little similar to the stanley parable, except music instead of a narrator
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2016
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  16. The One Guy

    The One Guy Not that other guy.

    So why say "like Hatoful Boyfriend" rather than just saying "a dating sim with cute monster girls?" Or do you want it to be post-apocalyptic with a horror/mystery bonus path?
  17. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    i say like hatoful boyfriend cuz it is a) one of the only dating sims i ever really got into and remember well and b) i liked the post-apocalyptic thing
  18. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    So, I had this idea for a video game as sort of a cross between Dealing With Dragons, Neko Atsume, and whatever elements are fun. BASICALLY:

    You are a dragon, just starting your lair. Your lair can be set at a variety of locations on the world map, and each location will influence your starting princesses, kingdoms to deal with, environmental issues, that kinda thing. Your dragon is also very customizable (cause I like that kind of thing) with each location having at least 1 general type of dragon for it (giant fluffy dragons up north, that sort of thing.) You can, by the way, make it so that you are a fluffy dragon in the middle of the desert, or a feathery jungle-suitable dragon up in the mountains, but it'd be more challenging than otherwise.

    Anyways! You are a dragon, you have a lair, now what you need is a princess, or preferably more than one. Now, each kingdom around you has at least 1 princess one way or another, and while your first few are going to be easy, the longer kingdoms know you're there the more they will come up with defenses specialized for you. Maybe if you go hunting closer to the lairs of other dragons you can find kingdoms specialized for dragons that are, say, acid breathing giant dragons while you are an ice breathing sneaky magic using dragon, and thus have an easier time breaking in, but you're possibly drawing the ire of other dragons.

    Anyways, you've got your princess now. What happens next can go a few ways. One: Eat the princess. This gets you some points for your Scary Evil Dragon Reputation and some EXP or something, IDK. Two: Ransom the princess! If you play your cards right her kingdom will give you cash, and if you know what you are doing then you could set up a scheme where you are drawing tribute from multiple kingdoms and having fun with all that gold and artifacts. Artifacts can be used to upgrade your stats and get neat abilities, or to set traps in your lair, or generally gain advantages when knights come trying to kill you (well, you ARE demanding tribute and eating princesses.) Gold can be used to buy artifacts, lair upgrades, or as gifts for other dragons who might be getting upset with you.

    However! You do not have to only be a jerk to your princesses. You can choose to be a friendly, nice dragon. As it turns out, quite a lot of princesses do not much like the whole 'princess' gig, and some of the ones that do like it know that getting kidnapped by a dragon and then rescued can get them a good knight. So, if you decide to be a good dragon, you can raise your relationships with your princesses by a) talking to them and learning about them, and b) getting the lair upgraded to be more comfortable - and not just softer beds. Spend enough time with a princess to learn she likes alchemy? You have now unlocked the GENTLEWOMAN'S LABORATORY upgrade. And these don't just make your princess like you more - if you're friendly with your princess and encourage her interests, she'll help you out! An alchemist princess would give you potions, while a mage-princess might buff you in battle and provide supporting fire when knights come a-knocking. They'll even do this if they want to get rescued, but only if you take a few specific conversation paths and find out exactly what they're looking for in a knight (if they are the sort of princess who wants a knight,) then promise to help them get one. If you get a knight who fits in with what a princess wants, then fake defeat and let her get away, then the princess will be eternally grateful to you and send you neat gifts. (Incidentally, it ought to be possible for some of these knights to be ladies. Or for princesses to be set up with each other - maybe even princesses from another dragon's lair?)

    You should also have to deal with other dragons at some point. At some point they'll get annoyed at you stealing a princess before they got the chance, or at you taking up the best part of the hunting around that section of mountain, or whatever, and you have to deal with that. And you have a few options there! You could give them some of your gold or artifacts (princess made artifacts should be more valuable and useful, just a side note, I think? Or maybe it's easier to get one that does what you want,) you could make friends through conversation trees, you could send one of your princesses to make friends with one of theirs (depends on either having a Diplomatic or politically interested princess, or having one from a country with a friendly relation to one of the other princesses',) though that risks that dragon stealing her, or you can fight the dragon and take their treasure and princesses. It's up to you!

    By the way, you'd get information from a bunch of helpful nature spirits or a witch or whatever. What kingdoms have which defenses and political situations, what artifacts you could snag while grabbing that princess, what various knights are like (for matchmaking), what other dragons are like, and profiles on princesses (including whether or not they'd agree with being kidnapped, or what their talents might be, or all that kinda thing.)

    Ideally it'd be the sort of game where you have a ton of options on how to play. If you want to eat knights, terrorize princesses, and make the kingdoms of man fear your wrath? You can do that! You want to conspire with princesses to sneak them off to your lair, set them up with knights that they like, and make friends with all your neighbor dragons? You can do that! You want to do something in between and also just do lair customization? Go ahead!

    (Also there should be plenty of room for LGBT stuff. Princesses should be able to fall in love with other princesses as well as knights, knights should be male or female or Mysterious Yet Dashing Champions, and there are some princesses that are actually princes or vice versa?)

    Anyways such a game would probably be absurdly huge and ridiculous to program, but I'd love to play it, I really would.

    (((Also it would be cool if there were a few princesses who wanted to be dragons and who, through some quests of various difficulty, could be transformed into dragons who will be your friends and who will follow the model of dragonning that you have set before them. Also dragon/princess(or dragon transformed princess) romance should be an option because it'd be fun.))))
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2016
    • Like x 9
  19. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    Isn't there murder involved somewhere as well?
  20. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    hatoful boyfriend is not at all like i imagine it to be, is it?
    • Like x 5
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