Getting to floor 25 of the skeleton dungeon earned me 10k G! I had to leave quick, but I think it might go deeper than that. Merits further exploration.
Can you walk through grown blueberries? Cause if not I think I might have made a very big mistake. I sunk so much money into this venture, but gardening might not be for me.
I believe so? I seem to remember not having any problems with it. It should only be the trellis stuff, like grapes or hops, that stop you from walking through.
Oh thank god. I spent the past few days carving out a plot and making sprinklers, and I thought I'd just ruined it with densely packed blueberries.
If you cannot walk through a crop 1) it will have a picture of vertical sticks on the seed packaging 2) it will have a note "grows on a trellis" in the descritpion 3) you will be unable to walk through it as soon as it is planted Exception: "Wild seeds" can be walked through but will eventually turn into forage items that block your way the same as regular randomly spawned forage.
moar links, kitchen edition, because thankfully I'm not the only one twitching about the original: Green and Brown Black/Silver and Birch/Pink I still wanna do a Birch/white recolor but that'll have to wait until I can sit down and look at some how to's
Aaaah new kitchens, I'm so glad Dev fixed the vanishing dialogue box problem, so I'm going to have to restore the save I had before I married Elliot and give it another go. I'll lose a few days of progress but eh, don't care, I'd rather not miss Elliot dialogue. (So cute.)
Almost halfway through my first Fall and I still don't really know entirely what I'm doing or which direction I'm going! So far my farm is just embarrassingly piecemeal. I construct things as I think of them and put them down wherever. I'm almost looking forward to Winter so I can take a breather and get reorganized. Also my farmer is the cutest farmer.
There's an online planner tool if you want to get a headstart on figuring out layouts. :3 I try not to plan too much ahead or I get neurotic, but it's been really useful for helping me get a rough idea of where I want stuff. And I concur, your farmer IS very cute.
Dang, you have such a nice setup compared to mine. And also you have a keg! It till me till year two to get that recipe! Show of hands, who's rocking the daisy? I used to, but I traded it out for a skull mask to match my skull shirt.
I am totally rocking the daisy. I switched to earmuffs in the winter, but now that it's spring, it's right back to the daisy.
I am currently! I used a mod that made the hats CUTER though so I had a white bow headband for a really long time. With my new farmer, though, original flavor daisy forever.
SO HEY @Mercury what accent colors would you like to go with your birch wood kitchen? :3 Would you like tile counters? Do you have a favorite wallpaper you'd like me to convert to a bedspread?
!!! Ooooh hm I really like tile counters - blue or teal would be nice. And man, a new bedspread! Hm... I like the starry wallpaper but that seems like it'd be a bit much on a bed. Ah! This gradient wallpaper would look really good, I think!
You got it broham. Right now I'm troubleshooting why my fancy green plaid bedspread shows up in the big farm house but not the starter. Once I got that handled I'll start on your style!
I wonder if, since the starter bed is smol, it uses a different texture? Like the kids' bed, if the kids' bed has a separate texture. (The kids do get a bed and not just a crib, right?)
Firstly: The deepest I've gotten so far in the mines is Floor 40-45. I don't mine much - the only reason I'm even this deep is I wanted to make Iron. I decided to do some fishing to round off the evening and pad my Crab Pot drops to try making Quality Fertiliser A treasure icon showed up and I went out of my way to snag it because why not It was a Diamond and an Iridium Ring.
After looking through all the unpacked .pngs, the only place I see the smol bed is with the rest of the farmhouse_tiles file: So unfortunately I can quite figure out how to change the base farmhouse bed. >:( GOOD NEWS though is that you'll get your custom bed as soon as you upgrade to kitchen level. anywho, time to make some birch~