Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    link! prowl is only barely involved, i think!
  2. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Robot spotting guide two!

    • Trailbreaker/Trailcutter: dark grey, look for the red visor, the forcefields he can generate, or the alcoholic autobot. He isn't a main character, but shows up with reasonable frequency
    • First Aid: red and white, like so many medics. Look for the one who is too good for this world, too pure. Or look for the blue visor, white faceplate, and the cross on his shoulder
    • Ambulon: red and white, again. Look for the yellow eyes and headband, or his peeling paint
    • Pharma: red and white and blue, look for the flashy shoulder vents and wings, and the unbearable amounts of swag
    • Fortress Maximus: blue and white, and massive like Ultra Magnus, unfortunately. Look for his dark grey face finials, his red eyes, and his adorable tank tread wings
    The DJD (it isn't that important to keep these guys straight):
    • Tarn: purple and black, wears a mask that looks like the decepticon symbol, makes another fashion statement with his bold tank tread shoulders, fucking massive
    • Helex: navy blue, has an oven for a chest and red tear track looking things on his face, plus a tiny extra set of arms, also fucking massive
    • Tesarus: tan, has a pink X for a face and a hollow chest full of spinning blades, also fucking massive
    • Kaon: red and gold, missing his eyes, has electrical thingies built into his shoulders, is reasonably sized for a goddamn change. Also he has a pet sparkeater.
    • Vos: white and black, slender, tends to speak in symbols representing old cybertronian, has a distressing tendency to remove his own face
    The Scavengers:
    • Fulcrum: tan and orange, has an adorable helmet and a chin to die for
    • Misfire: purple with black and white highlights, a precious adorable dork who is very sociable and inherently lovable, surrender and fall prey to his charms
    • Krok: grey and yellow, look for the ugly grey faceplate, or the long-suffering dad leader of the group
    • Spinister: purple and black, but taller than Misfire, and also spikier and with a faceplate and a stronger inclination towards violence
    • Crankcase: blue and yellow, look for the grumpiest grump to ever grump and also the giant hole in his head
    • Flywheels: mostly purple, look for the giant-ass feet
    • Grimlock: grey and black, look for the size and the uniquely shaped face, with the bits on the sides that look like a nose and teeth
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2017
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  3. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh goodness, I finally found my momentum in exRiD, and I am really starting to love it.
  4. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Is MTMTE one of the comics that just sometimes rezzes characters and everything's fine afterwards? Because several of my favorites just died and I am Not Okay D8

    (....I totally forget what chapter, because I've been binge-reading it in chunks at three in the morning, but. Luna 1 and the bits just before and after. Why are the cinnamon rolls dying.)
  5. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    I wouldn't say that people get rezzed, really. But often things aren't quite what they seem! Or there are things we don't know about.... you might say that..... there's more.... than meets the eye......
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  6. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    between @IvyLB and me.

    imagine transformers in sailor uniforms, and i mean the girl kind
    imagine transformers in human clothing
    imagine transformers in suits.
    imagine transformers in santa costumes
    imagine transformers in sexy santa costumes

    imagine tailgate in a kigurumi.

    imagine transformers cosplaying

    (imagine tailgate and cyclonus cosplaying r2d2 and c3po)

    imagine rodimus cosplaying naruto
    (imagine rodimus cosplaying sailor moon)
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  7. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    OKAY i actually got on my computer finally so HERE is the prose story that came with #21, for anyone interested! it includes some important stuff that doesn't get explained elsewhere!
    Breaking Glass 01.jpg Breaking Glass 02.jpg Breaking Glass 03.jpg Breaking Glass 04.jpg
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  8. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Rewind's documentary is adorable but the amount of affectionate behavior CD and rewind apparently had in private is DISTRESSING AND HURTING MY HEART
    i can't believe Thunderclash got a fucking mean girls montage.
    wow this dude is intense. Ultra Magnus just HUGGED HIM?
    (poor rodimus. I am laughing so hard tho)
    "I just helped him pass his medical exams" okay seriously? how perfect IS this guy
    rodimus DID take it pretty well, all things considered
    of COURSE he has a tragic backstory that doubles as inspiration porn. what else
    awww Rung that's kind of... well whatever the heck it is it's kind of cute?
    that's pretty rude random circle member! They are only a little bit nuts
    oh so CD CAN make the pfft sound omg
    now's the part where the reading process gets complicated i assume?
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  9. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    okay starting Dark Cybertron
    wish me luck
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  10. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    "... Today, I'm happy. With you, I'm happy."
    "Are you happy? Is that a nod...? And... we have a thumbs up." *scrunched up smiley visor*
    *gently melts* they love each other..... very much..........
    "Soon. Not yet. Soon."
    *inconsolable wails* BRAAINSTOOOORRM...........
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  11. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    those lines murdered me. in the feelings. im dead. and posting from hell. robot hell.
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  12. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    .... what
    no really i don't get it?
    wait shockwave was double empurata and shadowplay victim, right?
    what raised titans? whaaaat?
    (i'm not used to confusion anymore)
    is this cy's backstory?
    Starscream you are kind of an arrogant jerk, aren't you?`"Starscream the first" what a cringeworthy idiot.
    huh he demoted himself? pax is an interesting character.
    Rodimus how much do you want to impress Pax. you're downright EXCITED, darling.
    "Swerve don't you dare" how does anyone take these nerds seriously?
    "assuming command...?" holy shit his face. Rodimus is REALLY attached to this by now huh? D:
    god how obnoxiously unlikeable can a single robot GET? starscream must be practicing being this awful
    Prowl needs to shut it.
    But Arcee is a babe
    Ohhhh that's... Nova Prime? who is evil? idek

    Wait which one do i read now, chapter 2 or chapter 23 of mtmte?
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  13. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    just keep reading DC! when you finish it, mtmte picks back up on regular issues on #28
  14. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    okay, thank you!
    dumb question what's with the issues between 22 and 28? or are they technically included in the dark cybertron volumes?
  15. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    they're chapters of DC! but only every second chapter.
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Also the contrast between Swerve being so giddy over Tailgate and how horrible he felt over Rung gives me Emotions. I mean, Swerve in general gives me lots of emotions, but that particularly gets to me.
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  17. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    YES, i am not prone to Swerve Feelings in general but the rung + fort max + swerve scene gives me life omg i've never been fonder of him than i was while reading these
    "Hey, what are you two doing in here? Are you... looting? I expected it of you, Fort Max, you light-fingered rogue, but Rung?!"
    A grinning Swerve skipped across the room and went to vault over the bar. He caught his boot on an engex pump and fell face-first into the serving space on the other side. A second later, a solitary wheel rolled out from behind the bar, circled Rung's leg three times, and toppled over.
    "Save your innermost energon," said Swerve, clambering to his feet. "I am unharmed!"

    "Tailgate! Lives! On!" *almost catches energon goodie in mouth*

    Brainstorm laughed and clapped Swerve on the shoulder, agitating an old injury and making the bartender flinch. Brainstorm continued to laugh until Swerve joined in, at which point he grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him close. "It's not funny."

    brainstorm you are SUCH AN ASS........
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  18. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    So five being a Significant Number: does the word "Quintessons" mean anything to anyone in here? I am a repository for theories that I have no clue how to apply.


    Also with Dark Cybertron, the MTMTE/RID issues are contained in the DC volumes (1 & 2) on the one comic website that's been linked a few times. RID was definitely necessary to understand a good chunk of it, but just skimming the TFwiki gave me a pretty reasonable base of intelligence to go off of.
  19. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    The first time the comic made me cry was Rewind's goodbye message, but I was already emotionally fragile, because Swerve's message to Blurr got me REALLY close. I had to put my computer down and walk away for a few minutes. But the second time the comic made me cry was in issue 43 when everyone is trying to help him, all of Swerve's self-loathing and the severe self-neglect and the isolation, it WRECKED me. Swerve should have probably been on that pseudo kin stable I made in the cdcf, and he's probably one of the closest character matches to me, but we're alike in ways I don't like talking about, so I dodged, ducked, dipped, dove, and dodged :P

    (also given that isolation and how he couldn't even find someone to be his roommate and all, okay, so. In the comic he called Tailgate his friend and asked why Tailgate didn't tell him about the cybercrosis. Tailgate not wanting to tell people is legit, sure. But given how Swerve knows how isolated he is, and how he still regards Tailgate as a friend, Tailgate putting that little bit of extra distance between them is a quiet little ouch moment. And then he's so fucking happy when he can help save Tailgate's life, and just asdfdsadffffffff I have a lot of secret Swerve feelings)
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  20. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    alright then onward to chapter 2 of DC

    I am getting mildly annoyed with in no particular order: the dinobots in general, basically all of the on-planet autobots who aren't arcee, bumblebee mom-ing his group because they won't stop WHINING.
    Orion Pax, probably: why is everyone so excited?
    Brainstorm, definitly: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Dead Universe confirmed for SBURB?
    okay if i'm honest everyone expected you to be hiding and crying like a baby, starscream. But the weaponslocker line is kind of cool. Maybe. If i'm squinting and tilting my head a bit.
    "I got you a weak energon spritzer" i love how everyone accomodates the fact that magnus can't handle drinks.
    "I can't even remember when they were ever fully raveled..." i don't know if that's a word, magnus but okay.
    "And Prowl." "... yeah, him too." i love that no one really likes prowl. very reassuring.
    "But mostly -- mostly I thought about Megatron" i ship it
    wow that is one dramatic-fated-to-be-nemeses-soliloquy, pax. You sure you don't have a crush? You sound like you're arch-enemy-married.
    can people please not be shitty to cy? he doesn't deserve it
    whirl and cy seem like they have the awkwardest friendship and i love it
    Maybe i ship it pale. a bit.
    "I'm allergic to hostile environments" ilu brainstorm
    Rodimus reassuring Magnus that he is a good leader is my life now.
    how did Starscream get elected to prime if no one likes him is a mystery
    starscream i am sure you must have the narrowest definition of betrayal then from what i've heard. Aren't you supposed to be a backstabbing douche?
    chosen one? Wha...- wait i'm just not gonna ask.
    "The false prophet" well i guess i shouldn't expect anything else from cybertronian's apparent theocratic political structure. From what I've gathered Primes are supposedly divinely appointed warrior priests or something?
    why thank you oddly specific prophecy
    Nova is such a jerk
    "The dead universe is dying" that is the stupidest sentencce i have ever seen.
    well those are huge and i hope you guys are gonna find cy or else, my friends, OR ELSE.
    Cyclonus it is not your turn to be terminally ill. it'll never be your turn by the way. just fyi.
    why the fuck are people still clinging so hard to the decepticon/autobot divideeeeee
    • Like x 5
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