Easy: Astralfire is the best, all the others are inferior (but he still likes them because he's that good).
this is all ive put down so far https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=5BD2E022185F8C3E!124&authkey=!AIVDp7i3kIGz0Q4&ithint=file,xlsx
I feel like Memequeen Lunamoon doesn't quite fit in, should I make a more goffik sparklewoof as well?
i love how there is like two more pages since i went to sleep. you all are great. That depends on if people would want me to use them! I can come up with sparkledog casts pretty easily on my own, so it's not really an issue. I might use some for NPCs and have an ORIGINAL CHARACTER DONUT STEEL for the main. I've got a little google doc and fuck it pmuch anyone is welcome to add ideas/worldbuild on it so lemme just link it. HERE HAVE AT IT IF YOU WANT. You can suggest features, story ideas, characters, whatever you want. Just note that some stuff I can do is totally limited as it'll be done in RPG maker VX Ace. Always and forever. I'm still a member of several sparklewolf forums.
@palindromordnilap excuse you how very dare you challenge the supreme authority of Our Lady Moondust (snrk)