Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    also i have a liveblogging thing to get back to!

    i kinda love the cover of chapter 7 it looks like a sleuth comic and it reminds me that yes, occasionally this arc is capable of indulging my need for goofy silly stuff. Very occasionally.
    i love how by now people have learned that the bot offended by people not remembering his name is probably named Rung. I especially love that that misfires on Swerve now :P
    "I'm one of the main guys" easy there swerve, the 4th wall is not for leaning on unless Brainstorm is around. But yeah you are one of the protagonists, honey. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise <3
    "I said of course too soon. Please explain the arrows Skids?" ilu Getaway
    "Shh. Stop impressing everybody for a second" BRAINSTORM
    "THAT WAS A DIFFERENT GET OUT OF THERE!" how are you so perfect Swerve?
    "Your sparks" boy howdy that's not terrifying at all.
    Why are Nova and Galvatron such douchebags again?
    OHHHHHH that's clever, Rodimus.
    Oh no. Ohhhh he's gonna tell him about something bad and it will emotionally hurt me i'm sure of that. I can feel that anticipation of heartbreak by now like you can smell an oncoming thunderstorm.
    The anticipation of heartbreak smells like licorice. But licorice wood, not licorice candy. Because the wood actually tastes good but you have the lingering association with the gross candy and... (... thaaaat metaphor got away from me hard)
    "This scratch? I've had worse. Now grab my legs, Bumblebee..." Megatron. I love you. You're the metal-est.
    Wow that is one HELL of a grudge you've got there, megs. I almost feel bad for Starscream. almost.
    "Help me out here I haven't threatened anyone in years..." is tHAT WHO I THINK IT IS?
    • Like x 7
  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Megatron now is hardly the time to go all "I'm the hero this planet needs". But on the other hand... I mean bumblebee asked.
    Starscream you are a mess. A bitter, sore loser who can't be assed to try and help fix his mistakes. Nope, instead you just sit there and feel sorry for yourself. Great goign you fucking leader.
    "Starscream, either lie down and die or get your city in order!" wow harsh.
    "Now as Optimus once said to Megatron, why can't we all just get along?" Getaway. Getaway pls.
    Whirl my love. You beat those ammonites up. Have fun, darling.
    Windblade looks like a grade a babe woah
    Cyclonus is coughing up half his energon and Rodimus looks like a kicked puppy. Great. So glad Orion Pax is there to make sure my faves are safe and happy */sarcasm*
    *clutches heart* Rodimuuus
    How is he so good at making me feel for him?
    Orion Pax you massive asshole. You could have at least not started judging him right then and there.
    Can we not use Cy as a throwing weapon he's kinda not feeling well and i'd be much obliged if you could stop being such a massive asshole Nova.
    the whole Metroplex thing is so weird and so cool, i love it. Titans are awesome
    This Autobot/Decpticon team up thing is cool! thought they are still arguing a whole lot instead of trying to fix things TOGETHER
    "He had me waiting there for like twenty seconds for a dramatic entry." oh my god I love this bumblebee/Megatron banter. You dorks.
    Bee i'm sorry to break it to you while you ahve your dramatic little speech, but i thiiiiiink Megs' plan is more reasonable :I
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  3. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Starscream continues to be terrible.
    "Naive little autobot. Since when does anybody stay dead?" WELL REWIND SURE IS STILL DEAD SO FAR AND ALSO FUCK YOU
    sarcastic whirl is my favorite whirl
    i want to punch Nova's terrible face in.
    "Don't worry autobots!" "KAFF?" "Sorry, Autobots and Cyclonus..." i love that even when he's actively dying cy won't have any of your dual divide bullshit
    wait does that mean there's TWO MORE EVIL PRIMES THERE?
    ah okay so Nova is basically trying to throw Orion off his game by making himself look like other primes, cool
    goddammit pax now is not the time for wallowing in regret
    oh rodimus. you still believe in OP that much?
    yeah okay pax just rip that fucking arm off.
    ohhh that was almost cool
    (I'm so proud of Rodimus tho. Fuck what OP thinks of him. I'm proud of you for what it's worth, darling.)
    "Nova has fallen at the hands of the true prime" why does everythign always have to be so dramatic?
    i love brainstorm
    why can't shockwave just drop dead?
    aww well Galvattron sure is FUCKED
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  4. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    ahhh your reactions are always so GOOD and CORRECT, it warms my heart :')
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  5. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    ALSO @spockandawe i am HYPERVENTILATING @ THE SINGING FIC ohhhh my god there is not a single thing about it that i do not love
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  6. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    "HOW CAN YOU LOSE A GIANT PORTAL?" good question, next question.
    wheelie's speech pattern thing is adorable
    "Yeah yeah, Soundwave. Just -- Nobody start shooting anyone for a few minutes, okay guys?" ilu bee
    well well Arcee has met chromia, nautica and windblade. Will this explain a few things? Bc i have no idea why the pronoun thing is such a big deal.
    oh god are those the constructicons i have heard of? I love them and their insistant "You liiiiiiiiiike us Prooooowl" <3
    awww CD
    "I wanted to be a Medic" "Really? I wanted to be a genocidal despot. Funny how things turn out, isn't it?" ilu ratchet
    "Know What'd be nice? For a bunch of autobots in grave danger to have a conversation that doesn't involve seeing who has the biggest Selfless Streak!" truer words have never spoken. y'all have a self-sacraficing problem, you know that?
    But singing, singing is GOOD
    brainstorm i don't think correcting people's pronounciation of fancy names snarkily actually helps but you do you, darling.
    Schockwave is completely nuts but i mean... purely logical he is right in that if he destroys something he has "dominion" over it in the sense that no one else can have it. Doesn't make it any less cray of course.
    neat new paintjob, Arcee :D (it's medic colors is that significant? Is she actually a medic?)
    oh fuck me Megatron is making me feel things for him. Fuck but that looks like genuine regret.
    witnessing chromedome throw Prowl off a cliff is the single most satisfying thing I have ever gotten to experience.
    awwww Nautica bby
    the constructicons are the most hilarious people to have as witnesses for this beat down
    please just punch prowl into the sun, Magnus, please
    "I'm glad you've found company... because i think you're the loneliest person i've ever met."
    that was a devastating burn and i love you for it ultra magnus.
    Starscream is still a bag of dicks and he'll probably learn approximately nothing from how much of a collossal pathetic failure he was during this whole arc.
    Metalhawk have you no chill?
    what the fuck Schockwave. Just... What the fuck.
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  7. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    YES you got to the cliff scene and the CONSTRUCTICONS YRSSSSS

    Also: the pronoun thing is a Big Deal because prior to this, in the IDW universe arcee was literally the only female transformer, and she is female because of Terrible Science and. look, spotlight: arcee is Not Good, let us leave it at that. anyway: the bots from caminus are just sort of like, yeah no a lot of us are ladies what's the big deal, whereas every bot from Cybertron EXCEPT arcee uses "he"
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  8. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Brainstorm is my favorite nerd
    of course he has Nova's corpse/shell/whatever in his lab. Of fucking course
    Schockwave is awful and terrible and I' assuming the key to punch him into letting up is coming in at the right moment from the Dead Universe
    why does anyone believe schockwave will give them anything they want when he literally states he will end space time. It doesn't take a genius to comprehend the implications of that
    Aww Megatron
    oh come ON i thought I was finally done with Starscreams bullshit
    i hate the big fight scenes i can never tell what the hell is going on anymore
    "Farewell element of surprise... it was nice knowing you..." bee is so done with everyone's bullshit I love it.
    Megs i think now is probably not the time to take your anger problem out on galvatron
    poor brainstorm he deserves better than people using his chest as a door
    (how did that even happen?)
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  9. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ahh, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! That was a really fun one, and Whirl having a reason to get upset and not doing it warms my shriveled little heart. Plus Tailgate saying socially clueless things and being handled gently when it happens is personally important to me. And Cyclonus trying to be delicate and circumspect and Whirl being the opposite of those things is my FAVORITE.
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  10. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    i live for the fact that Whirl actually corrects people about how the ammonites aren't minicons.
    "Somewhere in there is a lesson on unintended consequences." yes but this is whirl we are talking about, even if he agreed with you his impulse control is kind of bad.
    Oh WHIRL
    CD being on "Stomp watch" is adorable.
    "This is the single most unpleasant thing that ever happened to me..." "Could've been worse, we could've been doing the splits on our way out" Rodimus please tell me there is fanart of you doing #SplitsOnTrees
    well people sure are having a field day dying all over the place today :I
    and i fucking hope rodimus will do what I know i can trust him to do. He's not that desperate to be the hero who saves the day when he can instead help his friends. (I hope.)
    shockwave i think you are the only one who can see those parallels. Because you are completely bonkers.
    oh yeah that is helpful. Please have a breakdown right now Shockwave. That will help.
    i knew it rodimus <3
    also cy can you stop being a bitter little jerk and accept that people can kinda sorta liek you and want you around?
    Aww omg of course he was afraid he'd never see tailgate again
    "How did you guys manage to open a portal in my chest? Did you harness the power of bickering?" ilu brainstorm
    can people please stop declaring my faves on the brink of death, kthxbai
    Nicely timed word picture association, everyone take a shot *slams glass on the table*
    "Fighting. Chromia does it so how hard can it be." "If you want some pointers, Nautica, look to your other sister-in-arms. Because Arcee's nailing it." i love every single part of this
    i love you so much brainstorm
    "Hey I totally understand. Who wouldn't be overwhelmed? who wouldn't freeze up? I guess the only person i can think of is Perceptor." "Oh, well played, captain, well played" i love both of you
    well OP i guess you owe not still being a giant whiny emo kid to Rodimus so you better tell him that in those words so he can stop feeling terrible about disappointing you.
    "It's always about you, isn't it? No one wants to hear about your latest midlife crisis." "Trying... to tell him... that people can change." "Come now, Prime. show is always better than tell." please just get spades-married already you bickering idiots
    holy fucking shit Megatron you know your epic moments, don't you? GOOSEBUMPS ALL OVER MY ARMS
    that was so cool. That was such a cool team-up moment.
    "Ahoy down there! Anyone order a last minute rescue?" I LOVE YOU SO MUCH RODIMUS
    well that sure is bad news tho that the decepticons are going with galvatron
    FUCK YOU starscream I mean you are right technically but really? you're gonna blame the whole ammonite genocide on metalhawk? FUCK YOU
    "I don't if this makes things more or less complicated" well yeah, OP, but that's gonna be your job to figure out.
    I'm feeling this conclusion so much. God Damn. This is great.
    Huh. The second half was MUCH better and a much faster read. But i'm still glad i'm back to That Roadtrip Quest Life.
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  11. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

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  12. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    By the way, does anyone have the Bullets prose story from LSOTW?
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2016
  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    There's a lot more in there that's good besides just the Bullets story! I don't have comixology copies, so if someone has those and could screenshot the prose bits, that would be awesome. BUT if nobody has it, I have the hardcover compilation, and I can work on getting all the prose things onto here later tonight.
  14. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    ahh i only have the physical copy of LSOTW, sorry!
  15. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    in other news tho.... where. does one buy official TF merch...... i'm gonna drop by the nearest comic store and see what they have but...

    (this has never ever happened to me before, i have NEVER wanted to buy Official Merch, i have never wanted to Actually Wear fandom related things........ how did GIANT ROBOTS turn out to be the fandom that made me publicly come out of the nerd closet??)
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  16. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    The fact taht my sibling is listening to Hamilton next to me is making me think about a Transformers version of Hamilton. Someone more familiar with both canons should do that

    "... it doesn't have to be red and purple" BRAINSTORM PLS THAT IS NOT THE PROBLEM
    The concept of Megatron in therapy makes me unspeakably happy. It sounds like some fix-it-fanfiction except it's canon. I love this comic.
    "*Magic = Science that Rodimus doesn't understand" I AM LAUGHING SO HARD
    "Wish us luck because who knows, maybe the knights can help us find a cure for your personality" harsh rodimus
    "Prowl! What did we say about muttering?" Optimus you are not Prowl's dad either. Why do you dad everyone?
    boy oh boy oh boy oh boy
    ohhhh if this doesn't blow up into a full scale justice court drama i'll eat a hat mhhhhh i'm EXCITED
    Awwww Rod. The thing with Thunders really annoys you, huh? I smelll the spades, babe.
    so i take it when rung takes his goggles off he just stops pulling his punches? bc that just now was not the gentlest way he could have talked about the revised version.
    Yes who is Terminus?
    "But we're not allowed to take anyone who might remind rodimus of prowl" lol
    I want to marry Nautica. And chromia too. But mostly Nautica.
    sheesh that's an intense reaction to that Megs. Mnemosurgery not your thing?
    oh nooooooo Chromedome is holing up? D:
    shit man. fuck. Chromedome darling TTnTT
    jesus fucking christ whirl. come ON that is NOT helping at all
    woah that's kind of metal. Stabbing Megatron is a way to open portals now. NEAT.
    Megatron is made of chill and I don't know how that is even possible.
    Yeah wow okay that... is truly a lot.
    And there's the bomb.
    i want to know how megs became captain fo the lost light. I want want want to know.
    a COFFIN?
    I'd try official webstores to see if they have a merch line up or something?
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I don't know about official merch, because a lot of it does tend to focus on the toys and I'm dodging that potential addiction like a motherfucker, but I've seen some really nice transformers artists putting their stuff on society6

    Larrydraws (I have the Fort Max print and I really, really want the Rodimus, Megatron, and Starscream ones too, at a bare minimum) (eta: shiiit, and Impactor is looking fine)
    Herzspalter (I have the three-part Bumbleblitz print, plus a Family: Superior tank top, and I really want the Shockwave+Soundwave one, the one with all the Shockwaves, Rung/Fort Max, ALL THE THINGS)
    And VulpisMajor (in particular, this Tarn Down For What shirt is one of my favorite possessions)
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2016
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  18. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

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  19. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    I will see what I have of prose stuff in my account to screenshot when I have spoons later.
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  20. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i think i'm safe from the potential moneysink of the models, because the only kinds of models i'd want would be shit like this, which is not a thing that you can actually buy hhhaahaha ...:( i would sell my soul for that whirl

    and thank you for the sources everyone! :)
    • Like x 1
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