Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    SAME, oh my gosh. Everything else I've gotten into has either been a slow burn, or it's been really intense, but over fast. And I've never been good at the community part of fandom, but now I'm yelling about giant robots with lots of people and it's amping everything else up, and it really, really does feel like baby's first fandom.
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  2. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    and it's all thanks to ray :') we should send him a fruit basket
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  3. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    i definitly misread that and was like "but he'd hate that manga it's too problematic and also girls"
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  4. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Ohhhh, that makes more sense. I was mostly like 'but how do they have this film when rewind is blown up???' and also the cover I have says something about a dark Cybertron prelude, so that messed me up.

    I just bought Dark Cybertron vols. 1 and 2, because it's a lot easier for me to read downloaded on my tablet, and this way I don't have to flip back and forth. And I had leftover birthday money to do it with so.
  5. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    oh good, it's much more convenient to just read volumes 1 and 2!! good luck, it is a long slog through and the art is mostly awful. persevere for the sake of the lady robots and rodimus characterization and a very important instance of someone getting what's coming to them via CLIFF SUPLEX
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  6. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Not gonna lie, that cliff suplex was one of the most satisfying things I've read in the whole series
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  7. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i'm barely even embarrassed to admit how hot i think CD is in this panel tbh
    "Come on, Prowl, on your feet."
    Edit: PS the suplex page is saved in my robofolder as "GEEEEEEEET DUNKD ON!!!!!!!!!!!"
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
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  8. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I love flashbacks full of banter when the last issue alluded to brainstorm doing some seriously fucked up shit. Just. love those cliffhangers.
    and also whirl and CD an Rewind and Tailgate so like ALMOST ALL MY FAVES
    okay MORE timetravel shenanigans BRAINSTORM WHAT IS UR DAMAGE?
    (also i want to frame that panel of Rodimus pinching the bridge of his nose with his head thrown back. It is... Perfect. He is so done. He just wants to peacefully roadtrip without anyone turning out to be a universe ending bad guy for once, you guys it can't be that hard.)
    "It's Time. It's confusing." rodimus <3
    "Shh. On second thought let's keep it ambiguous." Whirl that's flirting. You are absolutely flirting with Rod there.
    (Also i never noticed how tall Whirl is? he is taller than Rodimus? somehow that's cute)
    PERCY I wibble everytime people use nicknames for each other in this dumb comic but percy has gotta be the best one so far
    also on the trip are, apparently: Cyclonus, Rung and uhhhh Riptide (i think? i don't have the new guys's names straight)
    "And whirl I thought you were in prison!" "Oh god I am, aren't I? Err -- Day Release." omfg couldn't you have checked that shit you guys are already fucking up the flow of time I can't believe it. Who thought letting these idiots do something this sensitive was a good idea?
    awww Tailgate is so cute when he's listening to people intently
    FUCK poor Rod.
    MEGS NO you should NOT have a nice chit chat with past!OP what the hell, bro
    holy shit my heart
    I ship Megs/OP so much
    "Hey Best friend! Miss You!""Shut up and give me a progress report" okay fuck i ship rod/Megs too
    .... I have a sudden very big desire for Megatron and OP joining forces to push Rodimus' buttons until he implodes from emotions am I a terrible person or am I doing that particular OT3 right?
    Rodimus talking liek an obnoxious Tween is also very important to me. "Very Sus." much wow.
    Cy and Tailgate bickering like an old couple is MORE IMPORTANT to me
    Rewind you sneaky little shit it's cheating if you know it's true
    rodimus for fucks sake
    rod it's BETTER this way
    fucking hell he deals so badly with loss
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  9. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    same tho CD is such a babe
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  10. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    The art changed and now I'm really getting all the red and white/blue and white/red, white, and blue robots mixed up again. Ultra Magnus and Orion Pax look just alike now, and no one being sure whether to call him Pax or Prime is not helping at all. Halp. (btw @spockandawe "skids: recognizability problem child" made me laugh because it is so true. I latch on to prominent features if possible and he has none.)

    I'm a little confused but googling 'transformers dead universe' and such confused me WAY MORE so I think I'll just muddle through, I'm pretty good at getting context and starting in media's res. But basically everything @IvyLB said in her (their? I am so bad at remembering people's pronouns) liveblog is me rn. Except that Starscream is such a self-centered DWEEB. I laughed so hard. If this is typical Starscream, how the fuck did R&R manage to interpret him as ~*~misunderstood woobie~*~ or whatever the fuck. I'm not sure exactly who, but I follow someone who calls Draco Malfoy her useless trash child, and these give pages have absolutely given me this impression of Starscream. I'm delighted. Please someone tell me he is actually like this ALL THE TIME and not just for this arc.

    Edit: this art style makes everybody look so angry! Look, friends, take your cue from everyone around you: laugh sometimes. It's good for you.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
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  11. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    (I use they/them pronouns but it's nbd lol a lot of people get it wrong cuz my entire online presentation is femme af)

    Starscream is very useless with occassional moments of "Holy shit". I love trashtalking him but i'm actually still genuinely impressed with some of his scenes :P
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  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    If you can spot Skids' ugly red croc feet, that's just about his one giveaway! Other than that, he's the absolute worst.

    And oh my god, Starscream is the worst and I hate him a lot and love him a lot more, and maybe hate myself a little, because I've found myself in the Starscream woobie dungeon >_>

    Some of this comes down to pre-mtmte continuity, because this Starscream isn't selfless by any means, but he's a lot less devoted to power for the sake of power and genuinely has some ideals he strives for. And Megatron is a complete dick to him. I wrote a post about some of this a while ago in the cdcf (here it is, spoilers-ish for all hail megatron), but even when Starscream is being loyal and doing his job, Megatron is really genuinely cruel to him. And Starscream does have a (well-deserved) reputation for being self-serving and treacherous, but like... Megatron gets to turn over a new leaf and act in good faith and gets some measure of acceptance. Starscream tries to turn over a new leaf and act in (mostly) good faith and people just keep shitting on him. I can't say it's undeserved, but it's really sad watching him be like 'oh, this person is my friend!' and someone else be like 'yyyyeah, about that.' And when Megatron returns from supposed death, I think it was PRelations who said that Starscream's reactions pinged him like a battered housewife? I definitely see it. And as harsh as the trial stuff is, I don't blame Starscream at all for what he does.

    (actually I have a lot of headcanons I haven't ever talked about, sstuff about how Megatron is genuinely trying to be a better person, and is mostly succeeding, but there's something about him and Starscream, where he just slips right back into the old abusive patterns and can't break that cycle)

    But anyways, yeah. Starscream is my new trash baby, and I've embarked on a big epic Blurr/Starscream romance fic, because I desperately need him to be happy and loved :B
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  13. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    @IvyLB i feel like you missed an issue! did you read the one with
    Mims and rewind ?

    this one, i mean? or did i miss your reaction? :U
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
  14. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    @IvyLB whoops, my bad!

    @spockandawe ooh, cool! This was just the first I'd seen of him, and this appearance did not fit at all the narrative r&r build up (when does it ever though).

    @ anyone else who read DC: did anyone else have to take a break because the incredibly human faces/expressions on robot bodies uncanny-valleyed the hell out of them? That's why I'm posting so much now.
  15. Glassware

    Glassware Well-Known Member

    Yeah like...Megatron and Starscream in the comics are just this incredibly abusive relationship. And it's scary to think about how it got that way because we do get a couple early Starscream flashbacks and he pretty much used to think Megatron was god? But something (possibly all the inefficient and needless atrocities, Starscream is an evil dick but he's a smart evil dick and not a sadist unlike pretty much the entire rest of the Decepticon command structure) broke Starscream's faith in Megatron, leading to backstabbing, and instead of killing him like with every other traitor he's ever dealt with Megatron deliberately keeps him alive because...well, because he really seems to enjoy hurting Starscream. Spotlight: Megatron is pretty much just an entire flashback issue of Megatron abusing Starscream physically and emotionally until Starscream gets back into the treacherous yet dependable second in command role and stops begging Megatron to kill him.
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    @sirsparklepants, I didn't have that problem with DC, but oh my god, there's this one artist who sometimes shows up in the pre-mtmte comics, and


    That's supposed to mostly be Ironhide talking to Optimus Prime, for the record. This Ironhide.


    And I think the first panel might be Kup? I don't even know, I can't get over the Homer Simpson robot five o'clock shadows. Among other things. I had to take so many breaks from this art, and even then, I don't think I retained much of the actual plot content.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

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  18. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Augh. Those faces are so... augh.

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  19. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Man, that sure is a lot of stuff going on! Shockwave, I know you're an evil genius and all, but plz to tone down your xanatos gambit, I can't keep up. Too many plot threads. I spent most of issue six confused because I thought Nova came through with Galvatron.

    Wow, Orion dragged the shit out of Rodimus there. I'm guessing there is a lot of projecting going on - that and I get the feeling Orion is really fucking tired of fighting, which I would be too after four million years.

    Swerve had some cute little moments in here too, and ladies! I'm excited for ladies, and to find out more about Ratchet's pronoun questions. And poor Cyclonus omg. I know nothing of his background, but I'm getting the feeling 'undead space slave for millions of years' wouldn't be inaccurate. And now he's here again, and presumably trapped again, oh noooooo.

    Also I get that this is a huge story of an epic world ending scale, but I just want one scene with Tailgate plz. So far he is Sir Not Appearing In This Film. Also also, I don't really know who Bumblebee is but his telling off of megatron was great. Also great: whoever it was that gave that little speech to Starscream.
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  20. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    :O i missed that one somehow
    idk how i managed to do that lmao
    i can't even tell what the fuck is happening
    fuck man formism is fucked up
    is this like halfway through the war?
    Did CD just fucking BREAK the door because Rewind had a nightmare? omg <3
    holy shit this is making my heart hurt the way they negotiate their relationship i just
    oh god you two are breaking my heart
    oh FUCK history is already being altered, isn't it?
    holy SHIT rodimus I don't think now is the time to rag on megs. Look at him he looks awful
    oh my god brainstorm you fucking mess what are you even doing
    and WHY i really wanna know WHY he is doing all this this must be the most elaborate double agent scheme i have ever read about
    Megs and Rodimus talking about ridiculous shit is adorable. Megs ur so ooooold
    Megatron is so done with how uch this crew attracts weird shit <3
    "Not at all. On this ship a minor breakdown is practically a rite of passage" ilu Ultra Magnus
    holy SHIT arcee is fucking hardcore
    um. Dominus? what the shit is with ur head mate?
    ohhhhh my god is that like empurate 2.0 TV-Head edition? that's AWFUL
    FUCK but that's terrible.
    God i love this awful awful dystopia. this worldbuilding is so great.
    "His face is council property now." SO AWFUL. SO GOOD. LOVE THIS.
    all those fucking banners, too. "Everything is fine." "You are your altmode." "You are the eyes of the council" SO ALL ENCOMPASSINGLY TERRIBLE
    "Thought So. I'm on fire today." i luv u so much rod
    ohhhh is that why he wanted that green spark?
    Rodimus u don't understand anything about science and that's okay, i still luv u, but ur embarrassing urself in front of the nerdsquad
    a-hah! that case is still important!
    wow fuck that is even awfuller. Only very basic vocab. fuuuck.
    • Like x 7
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