Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    I'm excited to get to the next one, so super quick reaction: some really great moments, but what the fuck was with Cyclonus kicking Tailgate? I was so lost there.

    So is Brainstorm trying to martyr Megatron or put someone new in his place? Oh, never mind, my comic reader crashed before I read like the last two pages. I'm glad my hunch about it not being Orion/Optimus was correct. (I can never decide what to call him.)
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  2. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    *makes pleased sounds*
  3. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    Prowl bothers me because he's so very, very bad at people, and yet so sure that he's the only one who knows how to get anything done. And for all that he's supposedly so smart, so observant, so intelligent, he barely even realizes that if your allies think you're secretly evil, that's not conducive to getting anyone to cooperate.
    This is not to say he should be more ethical or more open about his scheming. This is to say that he should hide it better you idiot. So much of his nonsense is to compensate for the fact that he doesn't bother to hide that he's up to something.
    As someone who spends effort trying not to appear to be a sociopath, I find that his incompetence and most of all his obliviousness about how much he hampers his own effectiveness really grates on me.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
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  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Guh, combiner wars was an awkwardly paced slog, just like dark cybertron, though at least it was shorter. That ART, AUGH.

    I was so stoked to see First Aid taking a more central role, and he........ didn't, really. I'm kind of bitter he got yanked off the Lost Light for this bullshit.

    Also you put Mirage, Sunstreaker, and Ironhide together, you reference their loaded history directly, and THIS IS ALL WE GET OUT OF IT??? What a waste. What a fucking waste. Their mutual mess was one of the pre-mtmte things that had me hooked emotionally the hardest. And it doesn't help that the art is so sinfully hideous here.

    Oh my god, Prowl :CCCCCCCCCC I want to give you a hug. You're such a MESS, and I know you're going to go off from here into Sins of the Wreckers and you'll be even MORE of a mess and I just want you to put the brakes on your life for two goddamn minutes and go off and recuperate somewhere. Seriously, I think he's maybe one of the most damaged characters in this whole thing, and he's suffering a lot more than a bunch of the rest of the cast because he just will. not. stop. I want him and Jazz to be sweet together, or him and Optimus to go off and recover from burnout together. I want him to have a best friend who sees him as a best friend. When Optimus described him as 'an open wound,' I almost lost it.

    I know that somewhere else in the series, someone painted 'SWINDLE LIVES' on a wall, and that had better be true >:C I want my garbage child back.

    I also want more Lightbright and Sparkstalker, I know they're engaged now, but c'mon, give me some more robot romance on the screen. Also I like her head a lot.

    MORE. STARSCREAM. BEING. GENUINE. I like the scheming, but he's been so off-balance and insecure and legitimately trying to do some decent things, and framing it so that 'everyone is opposed to starscream and this is Right And Good' is really dispiriting. I want more exRiD 33 type stuff.

    God I miss Sarah Stone. Why do they pay this artist to do these things. I can't even draw robots very well and I'm pretty sure I could make a more enjoyable comic than this grim and gritty bullshit

    I like that this comic was shorter than Dark Cybertron... but it was too short. I totally lost track of what was happening with the combiners, and the reading/art experience wasn't pleasant enough for me to want to untangle it all. So much of this miniseries is just unpleasant to look at. The series needed to be longer. It just turned into nonstop action nonsense oh wait here's half a page of character BACK TO THE ACTION THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE HERE FOR RIGHT?

    Kind of! I think he's supposed to be sympathetic in an... unsympathetic way? Like, you're supposed to see where he's coming from, and why he's doing the things he does, but you're still supposed to be like '...BRUH. not cool.' On the other hand, Prowl is very bitter and hurt that people won't understand that he's doing what has to be done. He rocks further and further off-center as the series progresses. He's pretty chill at first on earth, and he's downright decent in Chromedome's flashback, but by Sins of the Wreckers he is a complete mess and I find it really sad and upsetting to watch him function. I love him to bits in pieces, in the way where I want to shake him around and yell at him to get a moirail and get your life in order.

    At one point Optimus Prime is talking to him, and says that he thinks Prowl is an open wound, because of a series of what Prowl sees as personal betrayals, like Chromedome, etc. That part got me good, my heart just about broke for him.

    And everyone who's in a position to really provide emotional support to Prowl ends up drifting away. There's some plot stuff going on in early exRiD, where he's left in a pretty awful place. He calls Bumblebee his best friend, but that's not a thing anymore. He and Optimus Prime go way, way back, but he thinks Optimus Prime is leaving him behind. He and Jazz were close in some ways, and I don't know what Jazz is doing right now, but Prowl has at least drifted away from him. The general premise of Sins of the Wreckers is that 'Prowl is in trouble, but does anyone actually want to save him?'

    Back in like issue four or five, Tailgate asked Cyclonus about the Decepticon/Autobot war. Cyclonus gave him a very abbreviated version, Tailgate was like 'huh, I think I wanna be a Decepticon.' Then Rodimus and company were like uhHHHH and showed him a supercut of Decepticon atrocities from throughout the war. Tailgate was super upset, because he felt like Cyclonus set him up to make a fool of himself. Cyclonus was like 'only an idiot would expect a full picture of the war from a brief conversation.' Tailgate punched him on the arm once, so Cyclonus sent him flying. Then when Tailgate was curled up on the floor apologizing, Cyclonus still kicked him again. I like it, it's an ugly little moment.

    Also @PRelations, I've found the sarah stone windblade comics to be a nice reference for a nice, sleek transformers style, though they do have a pretty limited cast to choose from. I also shamelessly reference herzspalter's style, because she's got a great grasp of detail and form without it getting too overdrawn like some of the comics do and she's really consistent and has a huge archive.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
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  5. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    I adore Jazz and Prowl. I think though Jazz wanting to go back to his music and you know enjoy peace felt like betrayal to Prowl. So when SPOILERS happens Jazz had already been pushed away.
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  6. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Fucking - the DJD has multiple Megatron statues? That they kneel to? Tarn has a first edition of the manifesto on his wall? I know Megatron is charismatic, but I think y'all might be taking this a leetle too far. I do enjoy a chance to get into a villain's head, but this writing is so good I'm afraid they'll make me like Tarn a little. Not allowed, comic.

    "as my sea green spark begins to mottle and contract" tarn do you think you are a romance novel heroine.

    Ahhh we have a new big bad. And Tarn is compelling but not that likeable, cool. Although there are so many beefcake robots in this comic, it is very aesthetically pleasing to me. I'm ready for a new arc!
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  7. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Getaway... what the fuck are you doing. I refuse to believe Cyclonus said anything of the sort to Getaway. If nothing else he is too fucking jealous to even speak to him, and he obviously adored Tailgate. It is not okay to make Tailgate sad by making shit up about his crush. That's so middle school. I do not miss being 14. You were never 14 the way a human was, why do you insist on acting like it?

    (Brainstorm, you raised some pretty good points in your trial btw - like, you done fucked up but you didn't do any permanent harm. I'm glad you're still here.)

    AWWWW, RATCHET. AWWW, TEN. Too fucking cute. Ten's art is fucking great. And Ratchet is so spot on about Drift. Rodimus could have definitely found a better way to handle that whole shebang. I think he just panicked. He's not a bad dude, just reactive and not very given to self-examination.

    AWWWWW RATCHET NO. I mean, you deserve retirement, but don't just leave your friends forever! I refuse to believe giant space robots don't have a texting equivalent, even if distance makes it difficult

    Edit: So 41 starts out with a Tennyson epigraph, which is... ominous. I have teared up but have yet to actually cry over this comic; who wants to take bets on which issue will start the waterworks for real?
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
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  8. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies


    I'm glad this was a quiet couple of issues as interpersonal drama goes. There were some really sweet funny moments, too. GETAWAY NEEDS TO STOP STIRRING TAILGATE'S POT THOUGH, THAT IS NOT OKAY.
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  9. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

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  10. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

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  11. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

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  12. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    omg @Allenna that's so cute.... how's the quality??? i never buy clothes online so i'm super anxious about the whole.. *gestures vaguely*

    (also... is that a backwards autobot necklace u are wearing.... and if it is where did you get it... i'm so weak)
  13. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Pretty good! I got the relaxed fit since I was a little worried about the woman's fit sizing. There's def a chemical smell when you first get it open - but I've found that with ALL t-shirt places like this. It's pretty soft too.
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  14. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    I've now run out of downloaded comics. :/ This will probably be the last one I read tonight, but I wanted to ask anyway - on the site that's been linked, looks like the issues go straight from 45 to 50. Do I just need to get them elsewhere?

    So, um. What the actual fuck is going on here. Earth is following them??? Cyclonus is mad about paintball??? Swerve has a really weird jingle?

    He's projecting earth? Wtf. What the actual fuck. And it has a laugh track. Of course.

    Everyone's avatars are super attractive tho. I really, really want to see Megatron. Please be a super craggy tired dude, I would live for it. HE ISSSSSS, YES. WITH LEATHER SHOULDER PADS AND A SKULL BELT BUCKLE. THIS IS EVERYTHING I COULD EVER HAVE ASKED FOR. Did he just smash his cane because he was mad Rodimus was teasing him about his age? Megatron yes. I have converted. I am a Megatron Stan. *lies down in the garbage pile, covers self up*

    (Every time I type Rodimus my tablet tries to aurocorrect it to RODIMUS because I type it that way so often. It amuses me.)

    Oh Swerve no ;____; this is so sad but also funny, why do you do this to me, comic. OHHHH MAN I FORGOT ABOUT THE FOURTH WALL BREAKING MACHINE. At least he can talk now. Hey, they found him!

    Oh man Megs. "I didn't say weak, I said fragile." Is that character development I smell?

    CYCLONUS <3_<3 "they need to know where you keep the keys to the bar" BE STILL MY HEART.

    Holy mood whiplash, batman. This is intimidating as hell. And a mole in the DJD? Who???
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  15. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

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  16. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    ahhh thank you :) i ordered it so fingers crossed that going one size up was sufficient and i'm not gonna get my arm circulation cut off after the first wash........ i'm so excited though omg.... ahhhh a whirl shirt, i'm gonna have a whirl shirt <3 <3
  17. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i just want you to know. i have the exact same problem on my phone like. "brainsto-->BRAINSTORM shit wait backspace i'm not yelling this time CHILL"

    just kidding. i don't have any chill about these giant goddamn robots

    also HIGHLIGHTS, i'm straight up just going to copy paste my highlights from ivy's liveblog with a few additions because the important point REMAIN THE SAME....
    - tailgate's skirt has whirl's face on it, and tailgate has a cyclonus mug and. look if jro didn't want me to ship the ot3 then he shouldn't have written the ot3
    - megatron the silver fox throwing away his decepticon walking stick when rodimus the 80's movie protag comments on it
    - nautica attempting to tickle megatron
    - "tetrahexian humour. very dry."
    - skids' holomatter avatars have so far been the 11th doctor and the 9th doctor

    first off it is good that you have accepted your place in the megatron stan trash pile, please enjoy your stay and do your very best to ignore the fact that you're stanning CAA's fav. let me know if you succeed because then i will want to know your secret

    and YES THE META BOMB, isn't that FANTASTIC, he's been doing all sorts of 4th wall breaking stuff ever since he set it off and, like the recaps and talking about being a "main guy" and --- look, this comic is so clever and funny and good
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  18. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    my biggest tip with shirts from these places is wash them inside out on cold and do not dry them in the dryer. throw some fabric softener into the wash if you want the fabric really soft.
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  19. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    True facts. Also he's said that Power of Love is Cyclonus and Tailgate's song.

    Megatron looks like he could be a Johnny Quest villain. Rodimus did like how hot the cane made him.
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  20. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    SKIDS WAS CHRISTOPHER ECCLESTON AND I FUCKING MISSED IT??? *edit: christ, he was, not being able to see his scalp threw me off.* And the continuity here is ridiculous in the best way.

    Yeah, my thought process was basically 'he's a genocidal warlord but I want him to be a good guy?? Is this apologism?' And then I went, hell no, because a) I don't deny he did some fucked up shit and b) I am capable of distinguishing fiction from reality. And also c) the writers of these comics are really invested in making us all Megatron stans, lbr. CAA never entered the equation, mostly because my brain categorizes him as 'tryhard narcissist manipulator*' and therefore because of life stuff he ceases to be a thing I remember or care about except when someone posts some new ridiculousness in CDCF. So, that's the secret, I guess.

    *he's hurt people and he's a little shit, I'm not trying to play that off
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2016
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