Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I'm procrastinating on Starscream<>Wheeljack and just found out that Wheeljack was once Ironfist's mentor, which got me thinking about Last Stand of the Wreckers, so! In the spirit of not getting productive things done, I'm making a quick LSOTW identification guide.

    The intro:
    • Fortress Maximus: dark blue and grey, look for his tank tread wings and his big grey finials. Also he's fucking massive and one of the few autobots with red eyes.
    • Overlord: blue and white, look for his luscious grecian statue lips and the bloodshed. Also fucking massive.
    The recruits (so many overlapping colors, argh):
    • Ironfist: blue and white and yellow, look particularly for the yellow shoulders and the pointy faceplate. Also has a half-healed hole in his forehead
    • Pyro: red and yellow and blue/grey, look for the tall robot who looks like Optimus Prime (may not be helpful advice, but it's literally what he's trying to do. primal apotheosis, huzzah! alien mental illnesses are fun)
    • Guzzle: yellow and white and grey, look for the short, squished-looking everything, except for the massive gun barrel attached to his back
    • Rotorstorm: various blues, look for the pink cockpit and visor, or the general douchebaggery
    The Wreckers:
    • Springer: bright green and yellow, look for the green mohawk and the boyish good looks
    • Kup: dull greens, look for the flat-top head thing or the cigar cy-gar. Basically, look for the grumpy old man.
    • Perceptor: red and grey and white, look for the blue cross-hairs monocle
    • Topspin: blue and white, look for the shoulder wings and the blue visor against a blue helmet
    • Twin Twist: blue and white, look for the pointy white helmet, the un-visored eyes, and the shoulder drills
    • Verity: look for the human :V
    • Impactor: yellow and purple, look for the purple mohawk or the missing hand. Also look for ultraviolent loose cannon husband material.
    • Ultra Magnus: blue and red and white, alluringly massive, look for the upstanding lawman husband material (not actually around very much, don't sweat him)
    Aaaaaaand I just remembered I totally forgot about uploading the LSOTW text stories. So hopefully I'll do that after I finish up with the fic!
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2016
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  2. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    wheeljack's sitting here trying to be all introspective and conflicted and I'm just like
    is that a shark and a wasp singing a duet in the background?
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  3. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    That is one of my favorite panels in the entire comics run. I love Sky-Byte so much. I love Waspinator even more. They're two of the most ridiculous characters, and they got to sing a duet together. I can die happy now, my life truly complete. I send that panel to my poor irl friends when I'm trying to railroad them into reading this comic.

    Also this is where I really truly fell into the Starscream woobie dungeon. He needs a moirail or someone or something, I just want my garbage baby to be happy. I want him to have a friend ;_;
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2016
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  4. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Join us in the Starscream feels. Also try rewatching Prime while having dumb evil jet feels.
  5. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

  6. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I was already hip-deep in Starscream feels in that continuity, I don't need more pain

    No, I do need pain, but I need to muscle my way through the eighties cartoon first, and finish the RiD cartoon too. The eighties show is so bad, it hurts me. I know it's funny bad, but I just spend most of my time whispering 'what the fuck, what the fuck' to myself as I cross-stitch.

    (Cliffjumper just shot a rock???? Because it looked suspicious? And then you tried to take down Megatron even though you come up to his kneecaps?? Why are you so adorably violent, small red robot son? Also please never stop being so violent, it's fantastic.)

    Slash though, I do have some interesting Starscream feels from Prime that I'm working into that remix of Ray's whatsit (that I still haven't gotten to finishing) that I'll never publish outside of here. There's something that really gets to me about a shitty person trying to become unshitty, and a shittier person coming along and shitting on them. Plus elegantly understated threats of mutilation :3c
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  7. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

  8. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    This is why you never watch the 80s one alone. It helps to have someone to whisper "what the fuck' too.

    I still have what if feels on Prime and what if
    Arcee hadn't gotten Starscream into a pissing match that turned into a fight. I was so hoping to get a Starscream redemption arc. Though DAMN was him pretty much running back to his abuser and becoming super devoted creepy as fuck
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  9. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    holy shit i'm 5 issues into RID and i'm deeply, deeply in love with arcee.....

    "One time, I tortured a guy for six years. It gave me time to think, to get my head in order. It made me a better person."

    i love you arcee
    • Like x 8
  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    OH MAN, GUYS. So coldstars and I were talking about Prowl being a self-sabotaging asshole, and how he can't break the cycle of assholery. I said that he demands absolute trust from others, but he doesn't trust anyone else, and that when other people are like 'um, that is not actually reasonable,' he's like oh so you all hate me well fine I hate you too. And coldstars replied that what Prowl is doing feels an awful lot like splitting. So. WELL.

    Guys. BPD PROWL.

    Clinical diagnosis: five of the following
    1. Fear of abandonment (I'd say yes, even if he won't admit it)
    2. Unstable or changing relationships (AHAHA)
    3. Unstable self-image; struggles with identity or sense of self (especially wrt the combiner business)
    4. Impulsive or self-damaging behaviors (e.g., excessive spending, unsafe sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating). (I'd say his command style and interpersonal everything is definitely self-damaging)
    5. Suicidal behavior or self-injury (probably not, though you could say interesting things about emotional definitions of 'self-harm')
    6. Varied or random mood swings (maybe. probably not. he's pretty solidly in control most of the time, but it can be hard to tell from writer to writer :T)
    7. Constant feelings of worthlessness or sadness (again, I'd say this is arguably yes, even if he won't admit it. sometimes it feels like he's an egoist in the narcissist way where you act like you're the best, but it's covering up deeper feelings of the opposite. and he's definitely angrysad like all the time now)
    8. Problems with anger, including frequent loss of temper or physical fights (HA)
    9. Stress-related paranoia or loss of contact with reality (oh man)
    So as far as my character interpretation goes, that's six or seven that come out to a yes, at a bare minimum.

    I need need need to do a more complete writeup of this as soon as I finish the silly wip I've been procrastinating on all day, but I'm really really excited about this and this probably helps explain why I'm so invested in his character.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2016
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  11. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Well, I'm sold.
    • Like x 2
  12. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    That period of her existence is so great, because Hardhead is also there at the time, and he's just "okay, I'm going to explore this place because it's weird and potentially dangerous" and she's all "okay, I'm going to stay here and mangle this guy repeatedly." And as far as it's depicted, Hardhead just accepts that. This is at the end of Spotlight: Sideswipe, by the way.

    Anyway, ExRiD has problems but Arcee is not one of them. Also you left out the best part of that speech: "I am not a psycho killer." Sure you aren't, Arcee. Sure you aren't.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2016
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  13. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    Speaking of, the TFWiki's lists of attempted Arcee toys is kind of hilarious, in a "graveyard of failed dreams" sort of way.
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  14. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    So sudden realization:
    Why don't they mention in MTMTE that Crankcase went up against Thunderwing and is still around? Like, sure, lots of people went up against Thunderwing the first time, but he was on Nebulos with a dinky little team of other redshirt no-name Decepticons when Thunderwing woke up the second time and he isn't dead or a plane capable of rapid retreat. That's amazing.
    He probably just doesn't mention it to people.
    • Like x 3
  15. sicknastyspades

    sicknastyspades Most Rad.

    Hey fellow robot fans, I posted a thing in the nail art gallery thread and it occurred to me you people might be interested in seeing this robot-related thing I did to my fingers and also to my torso?

    • Like x 11
  16. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Oooh those are so cool! The nails and the shirt! Awesome nail art.
  17. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Look up some of the very first toys if you ever want a 'what' laugh. Ratchet looks so weird.

    Wheelie doesn't even look right in his masterpiece toy.
  18. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    • Like x 7
  19. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."


    my son!!! My son is on your nails!!!! that looks so cool, omg, I love nail art
  20. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    I decided I wanted my comic screaming preserved on my blog for posterity, so here is my issue 46 reaction (as well as any further screaming I'll do today or in the future).
    • Like x 4
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