Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    do you think bel can have ordered him a new prosthetic? i kind of want him to find a great big flashy gift box in his quarters, all gold paper and tyrian ribbons, containing a beautiful, indestructible, minimalist carbon fiber prosthetic, completely bedazzled in the tackiest possible way, and nested in a bed of glitter. the really fine glitter that gets into everything. the absolute maximum craft herpes. and also the little mylar shape confetti that sticks to every surface with static cling.

    the card is an absolutely beautiful tiny handmade book signed with a little blue spade. :D
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  2. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    basically this:


    decorated like this:


    just the most obnoxious lisa frank deco kei bedazzler barf imaginable, and he used the GOOD glue.

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  3. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    He would be completely charmed, especially by the glitter. Also quietly pissed off, and extra charmed because of it.

    I'm pretty sure he would also gamely wear the glitter around everywhere, if not the bedazzling. And give Bel a lot of vengeful hair-nuzzles.

    Also, do you think Bel would show up for his release... event? Erskin would definitely expend every calorie left in his dumb little shell to look tough and cool if Bel was around. Which I'm sure would give Bel even more to snip at him about.
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  4. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    let's say bel took the conn so lainey can be there. i think an event like that is for red quads, it'd be pretty tasteless for a black quad to show up when he's guaranteed to be weak and vulnerable through no fault of his own. bel doesn't want to shame him for getting medical help! so i think the good kismesis thing to do is facilitate erskin's matesprit being able to be with him.

    and leave a glitter bomb of a get-well present in his quarters. :D
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  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional


    I think he'd have a more armored sort of leg, probably designed by a very fussy committee in the make spaces. I like the idea that troll prosthetics are filled with bioware that acts as natural muscle, and also makes sure the prosthetic grows along with the troll and is the right weight and everything. so it's more like an exoskeletal limb they bolt on, a big crab leg... i think it's also self-repairing to a degree, at least, the connective tissue inside is, it'd draw on the troll's own resources.
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  6. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    btw if jethro comes right out and declares pale feelings explicitly, erskin would feel obligated to turn him down and distance himself, because it would be like, 'cards on the table, let's both act like mature adults'... casual sex with friendly highbloods is one thing, stringing someone along in the pale quadrant is significantly more icky.
  7. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i am on board w/your limb design, and also with jethro not declaring. he's thinking he doesn't want to force a decision on erskin when erskin is stuck with him, he'll wait til they're not doing the physical therapy thing. or try to. his feels are pretty obvious tho. :P
  8. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh btw should i have it be time for him to get out of the heal tank? i'm not sure procedurally how that should occur, and it is past my bedtime, but i can think on it and do it tomorrow.
  9. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Yeah, skipping them to Erskin getting out of the heal tank— in a couple hours or the next day or whatever— would be nice. I guess they would pull Erskin out of the VR, and get used to being in his body again for a little bit, then help him out of the tank and clean him up and dump him in a wheelchair. We can play through that bit.
  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    okey! i gotta go bed, you can write some of that if you want or i'll do it in the morning.
  11. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Maybe write Sigmah... opening the pod up? giving him a final check-up? When you feel like it, of course.
  12. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i'm sorry, i'm stuck again. i don't feel up to making up medical stuff that sigmah would be thinking/saying. this may be just because i didn't sleep, possibly i should not attempt things, idk. but erskin and jethro! so cute!
  13. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    would you like me to skip over it or just wait a day? or days, whatever.
  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    tbh i think i'd be pretty cool with skipping it, i don't think it'd be all that interesting a scene honestly. sigmah's on his best behavior and very polite, because he is really glad to have found a place to practice neuromedicine that doesn't involve torturing kids. and i'm sure there's some cool tech for getting erskin out of the heal tank and cleaned up and into his wheelie. idk like a hovering bath chair or something. but i can't think of what it is.
  15. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    ok. i am kind of braindead today too, and hustling like nuts to get the last 2 pages of my comic done. i'll give this some thought and check back in later. personally, i like weird tech, alien stuff, and the little details of medical scenes— i think you might have shot yourself in the foot inventing sigmah, because i could sit there and watch an alien doctor do alien doctor things all day, and it's not apparently something you're interested in writing! so i keep setting up scenes for sigmah to do his thing...

    anyway, maybe we can keep it to just erskin and jethro's POVs, so erskin is like 'i have very little idea what is happening because i am so disoriented and upset' and jethro is like 'this isn't exactly my area of expertise either'.
  16. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i love writing alien futuretech and medical stuff when my brain is working! it just so isn't right now.

    perhaps we should let it go for today, and have a go at it tomorrow.
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  17. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    okay to skip topics again, i was looking at wolf and wolfdog stuff again (as you do) and this guy:


    is a malamute hybrid clocking in at just about 100 lb. He weighs slightly less than I do. I'm not really sure why he is a majestic beast and I'm 5'4 and made out of mops, but I am going to chalk it up to how life is not fucking fair.

    Anyway if Pancho and Erskin kept their human mass when turning into their wolf forms, they'd be big as hell, even by timber or eurasian standards— most red wolves are only 50-60lb. We might have to just call quantuum on the whole thing. Where does the extra mass go? Pocket dimensions. Why not.

    Anyway, Bel, as a four-legged carnivore massing 200lb (which honestly I like, I think it's fun that Bel is a literal tank), would not be anywhere near real wolf size. He would actually be in the same weight class as a tigress.


    not this tigress.


    this tigress.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2016
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  18. rainbowbarnacle

    rainbowbarnacle Cat Aggrandizer

    hmmm, hm. I dunno, I figured Pancho would come over to have a look at her after dinner; lu's kind of napping atm so I'm guessing it's up to pancho whether or not she wants to take a look at her while she's sleeping or if she wants to wake her up first. (I imagine she has questions, so lu will need to wake up at some point.) I bet Twitch could describe things too, like how Lu was when they first met and everything, and after pancho's first post I could describe what symptoms she's seeing or sommat.
    upon first glance, I am thinking Lu is a skinny strung-out weird looking almost-seatroll who came very close to borfing all over bel's shoes and has some pretty awful horn trauma going on, so I'm thinking Pancho might be all doctorly, at least at first? Either way, I dunno if Lu will be up for hardcore flirting or anything, but she's up for talking.

    As for further down the road, I'm actually okay with their relationship being kind of an unrequited one if you are, with Lu being all *HEARTEYES, MOTHERFUCKER* without any angst or fuss; she'd just be kind of shamelessly floating on a cloud of obnoxious red feelings whenever they spoke, just plain delighted with her in that way that's like "okay so we can't get all quadranted yet, that's fine, I'm just happy to listen to you talk about tea and someday we're gonna get married and move into a bigass hive".
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  19. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    twitch definitely wouldn't be able to remember what lu was like when they first met. that was a situation that changed too fast for her to have any hope of recording it through repetition— she's still shaky on who lu is until reminded, and doesn't remember anyone exists until they're either in front of her, or she's reminded of individuals she's known for months. people's histories are way beyond her.
  20. rainbowbarnacle

    rainbowbarnacle Cat Aggrandizer

    ah, kay! <3
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