Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    I can't remember where I saw this one post about how someone who hadn't read mtmte thought that Rung and Kaon were the same person, and Rung would become Kaon eventually

    but I want that a lot.

    edit: or any DJD backstory, at all. why does Kaon not have eyes? what's the deal with Vos??
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
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  2. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    that's a herzspalter comic! and yes GOD i want to know all about the DJD....
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
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  3. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Right here!

    (technically it's the second post in that tag, but I STRONGLY encourage everyone to read the top post too)
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  4. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    you found it! :D thank you

    (but really, whatever the deal is with Kaon, I hope it did involve horrible eye gouging + Tarn saving him, which would account for why he's so touchy and close with Tarn.)
    • Like x 4
  5. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    The out-of-comic reason is that Kaon originally had eyes but the artist forgot to draw them, and JRo was just like "I like that. Keep it up."
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  6. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    That's the best reason for a character design
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  7. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I am not really here for robots punching robots, but. I kinda wanna see Galvatron vs Overlord go down.

    Mobile is slaughtering the 52 previews, but that looks like one hell of a scene :D
    • Like x 2
  8. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh wow, I would be SO down for that :O I really miss how in the RiD cast pages, they used to sometimes say Galvataron: Barbarian. It was nice and evocative, since the people writing him were so erratic, especially in pre-rid days. And Overlord is Overlord, so yeah, they really were a match made in heaven. I'd pay good money for a comic book of that.
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  9. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    • Like x 7
  10. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    It still gives me the weird headcanon that Rung and Kaon are twins.
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  11. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    I love that JRo's artist seems to troll him sometimes. Like the wheel on Rung's back that he suddenly had to explain.
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  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Well, if I had serial number 999,999 or 1,000,001 when I could have had one million, not gonna lie, I would also probably turn to a life of rage-fueled violence
    • Like x 5
  13. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

  14. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    i have no idea why it does that sometimes, i'm too stupid to format shit in ao3
  15. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Yeah, I've never been able to figure out and until I found the gdoc script listed here: , I always hand html coded my fics so they'd format right. If you use google docs that script is an amazing thing.

    My suggestion for right now is to go in and <(p)></(p)> or <(br)> where you want line breaks.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
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  16. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I don't use gdocs right now, but I might switch over eventually, so thanks!
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I'm doing that thing where my brain suddenly decides that I have been horribly, unforgivably unproductive (not even remotely true, so ?????????), so to silence the brainweasels, here's my current kink bingo breakdown. It's a mess, sorry.

    The dark blue/grey ones are completed. The pink/orange ones are marked for potential deletion. The only things left irritating me are that one, there are like a million categories for impact play, and when everyone is made of metal and super durable, I just..... don't........... find that exciting. Maybe one (or two) fics for someone doing very careful impact play right on the valve, but that would be about it, and definitely wouldn't cover spanking or whipping. Pegging is tough to work with when everyone's got a dick already. Plus I'm not sure what to do with sex work. I'm like 99% positive I'm going to dodge that one, unless something decent occurs to me with Drift.

    1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg

    Uncovered ships I definitely want to address:
    • Brainstorm/Nautica (200% chance of femdom)
    • Brainstorm/Chromedome/Rewind
    • Brainstorm/Perceptor
    • Ten/Ultra Magnus
    • Rodimus/Ultra Magnus
    • Drift/Rodimus
    • Drift/Ratchet
    • Drift/Perceptor
    • Blurr/Starscream
    • Starscream/Windblade (I think doing her with built-in heels might be my cleanest workaround for food/shoe, and that's only kinda something I'm into, but I am definitely absolutely into it if it's in a strong femdom context)
    • Needlenose/Horri-bull it's so sad I'm gonna die, Needlenose pined for four million years and Horri-bull died as soon as the war was over and what if they had sex once/sometimes and it meant something really intimate to Needlenose and he knew it was just casual platonic fun for Horri-bull
    • Cyclonus/Whirl
    • SEXY Tailgate/Whirl
    • SEXY Tailgate/Cyclonus
    • Trepan/Overlord
    • Fortress Maximus/Overlord
    • Rewind/Dominus Ambus/Minimus Ambus
    • Sunstreaker/???? (but Sunstreaker getting worshiped in a way that breaks past his superficial vanity)

    This whole thing is a mess, by the way. Even the stuff I've finished isn't locked down, and gets relabeled as needed (ex: Chromedome/Rewind went from 'in public' to 'exhibitionism,' because I realized I like writing public sex things, but I don't care much for exhibitionism). Very little is set in stone.

    Random other thoughts:
    • Age is hard when like everyone has millions of years under their belt. But Megatron is a grumpy old man and Tailgate is like the only young 'bot around and also he's tiny and massive size differences are so frigging hot don't judge me
    • Brainstorm and Perceptor are getting fuck machines, which is always a category I struggle with. Brainstorm's gonna be like 'yoooooooooooo so I made a thing wanna hang while I test it out for, uh, health and safety reasons? that's not weird is it? is that weird? shhhhhh shh sh don't question it just let it happen.' And Perceptor's going to be like 'oh hey what is this dial over here how about i just turn this all the way up.'
    • I really think Starscream and Windblade will have to take feet/shoes, because I can't think of anything else and that actually sounds hot
    • Figuring out military kink is hard because for so many people in-story, it's just... normal, there's nothing special. So tentatively Tailgate+someone, but I dunno for sure who Tailgate/Fort Max
    • Historical roleplay is a fucking mess unless maybe someone roleplays an ancient prime or something, but that just sounds boring :/ I may drop that.
    • Public humiliation is also hard, because I don't like seeing people embarrassed in public :T I thought about something with Tailgate learning he's had Whirl's name wrong and being super upset over it, but then *I* got super upset over that idea, so I'm leaning towards not writing that :PPPPP
    • I don't know who is getting nippleplay vent play but I am preemptively very excited over it
    • I feel like there's something to be done with holoforms getting jiggy with giant robots, but I have no clue where to take that yet.
    • Whirl gets oral fixation and the point of view for oral fixation because everything is going to be pain and I'm excited to see him hurting
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
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  18. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I am excited about all if these but I'm also a horrible little goblin that locked onto the anonymity prompt and gurgled quietly.

    I agree about the impact play though. I cant really see a good way to make it work without edging into the guro/torture side.
    • Like x 2
  19. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh man, that was a very recent addition, because I didn't know what to with with it, but... yes. I don't even know how I'm properly going to set this up yet, or with who, but it's gotta be Rodimus, and it's gotta have that flavor. I'm leaning towards Megarod because of course I am but I don't want to write off other ships too quickly, or ignore the possibility of getting more people involved, even though that would make it harder to write. Hm. Also with delayed aftercare where skipping any sort of emotional contact or aftercare is part of the original scenario and he gets used and left, and it isn't after he finally crashes and starts to fall apart that he gets the love and contact and physical affection he needs
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  20. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    You could do some love things with Ultra Magnus or Prowl with the military kink. Or Kup and Springer.
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