
Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by Aniseed, May 12, 2015.

  1. Aniseed

    Aniseed Well-Known Member

    Hello. Please call me Anise. I'm 25 years old and just sort of faff about at home due to self dx'd anxiety, depression, potentially PTSD, other mental bs, and maybe autism? I've been sort of on the fence about how I feel about myself self-dxing as autistic but making some changes and treating myself as if I am potentially autistic has done some good, so, maybe. I sort of have the autistic trait of not-really-giving-a-fuck-about-gender going on I think, so I call myself agender. I tend to go by she/her pronouns in real life so I guess that's best for consistency. They/them is okay too.

    I've anon'd to Seebs a few times in the past and have actually been following Vastderp's blogging at random places around the internet for something like 10+ years? I remember finding Kagerou during my avidly reading of webcomics phase back when I was in my early teens and following his blog on livejournal for a very long time. I was surprised to randomly run into his blog again on tumblr a couple years back and followed him there, then kind of followed a lot of other people from him who had interesting things to say in regards to a variety of topics.

    I do have a tumblr but I'm not sure how comfortable I feel giving that one out to people. I mostly reblog other peoples' art to it. If I wanted to converse with people on site I'd probably rather make a new one.

    This got way too long when I tried to put in some info about my interests sooo those are gone now, lol.

    Nice to meet everyone!
    • Like x 3
  2. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    Obligatory "Tales of the Abyss?" sperg question goes here.

    But anyway: As I've said to seebs in the past, caring if self-dx of autism is valid tends to kind of be a meta-diagnostic of autism. Anyway, welcome to the party.
  3. Aniseed

    Aniseed Well-Known Member

    If you mean the video game, I've never played it. I think the only Tales game I've even done the slightest bit of messing around with was Tales of Symphonia? I think? They seem like solid and interesting JRPGs though. I just have such bad focus issues with having to sit at the TV to play console games, I'm better about doing things on my computer.

    I do have a seebsian diagnosis (TM) but it's just one of those things I hesitate on. Last time I tried considering that I might be autistic I went to an abusive sort-of-significant-other I had at the time about it and they really tore me down about it lol. I haven't brought it up to my current (supportive and not at all shitty) partner but it might be worth a conversation. If she disagrees she won't be awful about it.
  4. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    :D hi!

    what are your interests, since you mentioned them?

    steven universe
    is obviously one of them, judging by your icon. su is awesome!
  5. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

  6. Aniseed

    Aniseed Well-Known Member

    Yes, I love Steven Universe! I'm actually really awful about sitting down and focusing on TV or movies, but Steven Universe and it's 15 min episodes are refreshing and easy for me to handle.

    I uhhh like to play games a lot. I have to be in the right state of mind to play them but I do enjoy them. I have a bunch of games on Steam I've never even touched though. A lot of them are indie games and RPGs. Lately I've been playing the MMO Final Fantasy 14. I like MMOs a lot but I can only focus on 1 at a time and I feel like I get burnt out on them a lot quicker nowadays because I so rarely play with friends or make new friends in game. I used to play World of Warcraft for many years but that got incredibly boring for me after the nightmare that was daily quests in Mists of Pandaria and I quit.

    I like reading but again, haven't done that a lot lately due to some focus issues.. with books I kind of all-or-nothing them and power through them over the course of a day or two. I've gotten better at it and try to just read in the evening before bed but then I end up staying up way too late trying to get through it. Last books I read were the Hunger Games books a few months back because my house mate had them. Right now I have the latest Haruki Murakami book on the back burner. I know when I do get back into a reading mood that's what I'll go for. Other than that I tend to like just general novels and sort of fantasy books. I've read all the Harry Potters and a lot of Neil Gaiman books. I'd really like to read Terry Pratchett's books but there are so many that I feel hesitant to get into them and then just lack the money to get all of them.

    I have a few scattered vaguely-interested-in-trying-this interests but I usually get overwhelmed about them.. I'd love to learn how to knit, got frustrated, haven't touched the kit I have in months. Got a new sketchbook to get back into drawing, keeping putting it off. Would love to learn how to make music on the computer, costs and steep learning curve of the softwares holds me back.. depression makes it hard for me to start things or to stick with them unfortunately.
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  7. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    Oh my god let me tell you about Terry Pratchett.

    The number of Discworld books does look overwhelming, but most of them aren't connected, or are only loosely connected, so you can pick and choose or grab whichever ones are at the library. I wouldn't read in chronological order - I think the books get dramatically better after the first few. Here are a couple ways you might get into Pratchett.

    The Watch
    This group of books follows the Ankh-Morpork City Watch and their commander, Sam Vimes. The city of Ankh-Morpork is full of great recurring characters, and the Watch books have a definite order and build on each other. Start with Guards! Guards! - it's the first one and it has a dragon.
    Guards! Guards!
    Men at Arms
    Feet of Clay
    The Fifth Elephant
    Night Watch

    Moist von Lipwig
    Moist von Lipwig is a career con man recruited by the Patrician of Ankh-Morpork to modernize city institutions, starting with the Post Office. These are some of Pratchett's later books, and the two of the three that I've read are scathing satires on business, finance, and government, as well as having some really fun characters.
    Going Postal
    Making Money
    Raising Steam*

    *haven't read this one - apparently it also features the Watch

    All of these books can be read on their own, although some of them have elements you'll appreciate more if you've read others.
    Small Gods - Novice Brutha, a simple but good-hearted young man, becomes the Chosen One of the Great God Om, currently existing in the form of a small tortoise.
    The Truth - William de Worde starts Ankh-Morpork's first newspaper, the Ankh-Morpork Times, and finds himself digging into a plot against the Patrician. Better if you've read some of the Watch books.
    Monstrous Regiment - The kingdom of Borogravia has been at war for years, and Polly Perks' brother Paul is missing in action. Polly disguises herself as a boy and goes off to war in search of her brother. Guest appearances by the Watch and the Ankh-Morpork Times.

    Everyone has their favorites - if I had to pick, I'd say Night Watch and Going Postal are mine. I haven't gotten through all of the Witches books yet (loved Lords and Ladies, though), so maybe someone who has can speak to the best place to start on those.

    BTW, you said you'd read Neil Gaiman. Have you read Good Omens? Please say yes. It's co-written by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett and it's fantastic.

    Uh. That sure was an infodump. Sorry. I cut it down a bit. Welcome to the forums!
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  8. Aniseed

    Aniseed Well-Known Member

    @WithAnH I absolutely LOVED Good Omens. It's the first book I read by Neil Gaiman as well tbh. But diving into his other books seemed less overwhelming than diving into Pratchett's, so I grabbed a copy of Neverwhere, American Gods, and Anansi Boys instead of Pratchett books at the time. :)

    I've been advised in the past to start with The Watch books or the books about Death. I think I have a copy of Mort at my parent's house, but my sister may have taken it after I moved out.
    • Like x 1
  9. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    There's also a 3DS version now! Or you can watch the anime it's actually not a shitty adaptation.

    anyway the point is that there's a character named Anise in it and I'm going to be imagining you as her now forever, sorry.

    (also man do I feel you about the depression inability to focus. do I ever feel you.)
  10. Aniseed

    Aniseed Well-Known Member

    She looks like a cute character so I'm okay with that :P

    You had me at '3ds game'. I love 3ds games. Anything I can lay in bed and play is good to me too. I just can't handle the whole 'sit in the living room on the couch in front of the TV for long periods of time.' thing.
  11. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+


    i really feel on you on the having trouble starting things thing. like, i want to do art and fic, and have done art and fic before but.... starting a piece is just... really hard. though my problem is probs more of an anxiety thing, though a few people on kintsugi, including @seebs, have suggested that i might be depressed. i dunno.
  12. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    Anise is fucking great. I mean I love everyone in this game but. She's so great.

    HUZZAH. A VICTORY FOR ME enjoy the thing it's definitely my favorite traditional-style RPG.
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