Small Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by LadyNighteyes, Feb 27, 2016.

  1. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    But how else will i find all the former TGWTG people on here? It happened with the TSW fandom too.

    Other small fandom problems:
    Having plenty of gif-able moments but only one part-time gif maker.

    Having only two smut fics, one of which is an OC gay orgy. Everyone else stands around going "you sin and write the porn" "no you!"

    #we have two whole ships #and tentacles! #what more do they need?
  2. leitstern

    leitstern 6756 Shatter Every Sword Break Down Every Door

    I'm a one-woman Star-Stealing Prince rep machine. I really, sincerely consider it one of the best games I've ever played, and it's at the top of my list along with big, company-produced household names. Like, christ. I am in LOVE with SSP but that's my problem. Can it even be said to have a fandom?...

    I also have a serious b (c?)-lister webcomics problem. I am Inhuman's biggest fan. Did you know that the author of Grayling is completely redoing her comic with better art and a much better storytelling direction? You've heard of vastderp's comic, right? (That one's a slightly dumber question bc I assume that's the reason half of us even heard of this corner of the internet in the first place.) Paranatural sure has its fans but not nearly enough. DMFA is still happening. Yes, really, and it's really good now.

    I understand why a lot of people don't read webcomics, as they're personal projects that often start with an author who isn't sure how to do it yet, sometimes resulting in some painfully bad archives to slog through before you get to the 'good stuff.' And you never know when starting to read one based on the word of your one weird friend--some of them do get to good stuff eventually, and some are painful forever. This is why I never push the reading of webcomics onto people, but holy shit, if you engage me in conversation about them, I care Way Too Much.
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  3. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    God, I have Kickassia on DVD. What a weird time that was...

    Also, in addition to hell yes Bartimaeus series - I need to get copies of the Abarat and Abhorsen stuff, plus Mortal Engines and Midnighters. Those were my middle+high school series that I was always rechecking out of the library over and over, and now I'm trying to collect them before I forget what they're called :P
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  4. Sol

    Sol needs a coffee

    @littlewhitemouse i feel your obscure webcomic related pain. the worst is when the author abandons the thing and you're stuck there with no ending and like one other fan like ...bUT

    as for small book fandoms i'll sit here ranting about how super SUPER tragic it is that inkheart never got a movie forever. dustfinger is my boy.
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  5. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I almost did the thing where I went "didn't it get a movie" and then I actually.... remembered the movie.............

    What a shame. It could have been great. (I really loved that series when I was younger.)
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  6. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    You mean like how Avatar: The Last Airbender never got a movie?
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  7. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    honestly, i find "it didn't get a movie" about stuff that got bad movies to be really confusing. like, i know it's a meme or whatever and i can spot it, but it always makes me do a double-take. which, i guess, might be 'cause i've ever hated any movie enough to wish it didn't exist.
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  8. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    I'm just waiting for the "Too bad Ghost in the Shell never got a live-action movie" to kick in preemptively.
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  9. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    yeah i've always thought it was amusing but also kinda confusing, as i tend to be one of those people who rants about how terrible a movie is and then ends with a soft "imma still watch it tho".
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  10. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I like it as a running joke, but I'd still talk about the movie if someone asked. But I also ride or die for the Fast & Furious franchise and unironically consume every fuckign thing Vin Diesel puts out regardless of quality, so sometimes you just gotta suck it up and admit that shit movies are fun sometimes.

    (I was pleasantly surprised by the Mortal Instruments movie tho. Like yeah, they changed shit, but it actually worked for the better.)
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  11. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    *makes inquiring noises about riddick*
  12. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    The main thing I make those sorts of jokes about is the second season of my favorite anime. Because it's got a different tone, a different structure, poor writing, all the recurring characters' personalities completely derailed, and is full of sexual content I find creepy and tasteless (and which the original didn't have). My ability to enjoy the original is severely impaired if I treat the second season as canon, so I pretend it doesn't exist.
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  13. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I LOVE RIDDICK ADN IF YOU WANT I CAN GIVE YOU A LONGWINDED META EXPLANATION OF THE RIDDICK (2013) FILM AS A SPIRITUAL DIRECT SEQUEL TO PITCH BLACK AS OPPOSED TO THE THIRD IN A SERIES (which it's still that but I think it's a really interesting and good direction to go in, returning to the sci fi horror roots of Pitch Black to rebuil Riddick-as-a-person from where he began)
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  14. leitstern

    leitstern 6756 Shatter Every Sword Break Down Every Door

    Pitch Black is one of my go-to lazy day movies and you have my full permission to rant as desired
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  15. leitstern

    leitstern 6756 Shatter Every Sword Break Down Every Door

    -opens pandora's box- what the hell anime is this
  16. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    ABSOLUTELY DO THE THING i love riddick too and can't wait for furia to come out.
  17. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Darker than Black.
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  18. leitstern

    leitstern 6756 Shatter Every Sword Break Down Every Door

    ...goddamn I was sure it was something I was going to be able to bitch about too but I've literally never heard of it

    I thought I knew all the Problematic Anime
  19. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    it interesting because as a genre, Pitch Black is very much Space Horror, right? But The Chronicles of Riddick hits all the opera notes, including leaning heavily on the fantasy-is-science wall with some things that are just flat not explained (hello etherials) on top of the dubiously sci fi necromongers, right? So we end up moving from a survival story to a hero story

    But Riddick is still Riddick, so of course it's a hero story that involves copious amounts of killing and some time in jail. Because of course it does.

    (And I'm gonna back up real quick to talk about Jack/Keira-- not just the fact that this is a kid who is already pretty fucked up by the system, but how she functions as a morality object for Riddick. It'd be easier to leave her behind when she starts her period, but they don't. In The Animeā„¢, I think it's worth noting that this is the first time Jack kills, and this is really where Riddick starts effecting outward compassion. And part of that is because Fry died for him, I think, but I think most of it is Jack. So no wonder he sends her off with Imam! He's trying to effect positive change for the first time in like, ever, because of the changes that the planet in Pitch Black forces on him.)

    So, hero story. Has to begin with a loss. Here it's Imam, because that also gives Riddick, The Hero, an actual reason to go for the Necromongers, not just like, because he kills people and gets off on it a little. Moral justification! It's great. And then the shit goes down with the prison, and that moral justification gets shaken a little, because oh my god Jack/Keira why tf are you here. Really banging that hero worship in, huh?

    (I think it's interesting that he reacts like Keira betrayed him by trying to become a merc. I think part of that is because of Jack's hero worship-- Riddick tried to do something for him that was actually worthy of worship, and Kiera turned her back on it)

    And then she fucking dies! Holy shit! And he wins, and he keeps his kill, but his morality object! She's fucking dead what the fuck. And... he's the evil overlord, because this isn't a Hero Story where he Defeats The Evil and The Light Prospers, this is the kind of hero story where you go "wait now hold on, who thought the MASS MURDERER was a good idea for our hopes and dreams"

    (since this is also pretty stream of consciousness, I wanna mention that I like how the Furyian ability to destroy the Lord Marshall was sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy-- he went and killed all of them but Riddick, so of course Riddick became a horrible murdering piece of work that's fully capable of killing his way out of every situation. It's not even like, self fulfilling like "oh I left some of my soul in your head" it's literally "the survivor of this genocide grew up to become a Notorious Criminal What Kills Very Efficiently" and that's beautiful. I also really like that his fancy eyes are a self inflicted ability, which has very visible downsides. Riddick has nothing handed to him. All the changes and abilities he has he made himself-- his Hero Story is about choice, and the choice to be The Bad Guy is important I think)

    But PR! you might be saying, Literally what the fuck does this have to do with Riddick as a direct sequel to Pitch Black?

    Well, here's the thing: The Chronicles of Riddick are a space opera and a hero story and ultimately for Riddick it means nothing. All of the changes he built upon himself are undone, violently, by the hand of the person who killed off his people in the first place. His hero story was a circle. He started from a horrible little planet with things that wanted to kill him in the dark and he....

    Lands on a horrible little planet with things that want to kill him in the dark rain.

    And I love that! You could, in theory, watch Pitch Black and then Riddick and miss almost nothing in terms of character development, because he comes around to where he was in the first movie: fighting for himself, to survive, with other people (and those connections to people) as an almost incidental thing. But he still connects! He still tries to save people, even when he's being a snarky bastard and killing them first!

    (It's interesting to me how he locks onto people/things and uses them as weird outlets of affection. Jack in the first-second movies, and the dog thing in the third. Look at my handsome emotionally stunted son.)

    Because the changes he makes, he makes on himself first-- because people show him he can change. In Pitch Black and Riddick, people lift him up, while in the Chronicles, they beat him down. And these have direct consequences on Riddick as a person! His legend is stable, and in some ways he always returns to it, but he's deeply affected by things, and I think that shows itself best in these tense survival situations like Pitch Black and Riddick

    I can't remember where I was going with this but I got really emotional about Riddick as a character so I may pick back up on this when I'm less compromised by my Deep Feelings About Murder Men

    Incidentally, if anyone else wants to see weirdly emotional men-of-violence played by Vin Diesel, The Last Witch-Hunter is a fantastic fucking film and has a lot of really good moments.
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  20. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    The nonexistent season isn't nearly as ~Problematic~ as a lot of Problematic Anime, but the new director put a bunch more sexual themes and content in apparently just because they were in a later timeslot and it... largely wasn't handled well. At all. And it was very much not what I came to my superpowered-espionage-with-a-bonus-dose-of-realism anime for, especially all the fanservice of an underaged girl.
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