Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement


    Man I might actually draw some scenes myself because its TOO PERFECT
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  2. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oops, I am apparently drawing the thing. I need to tweak Whirl's body language and add a ton of damage to Rotorstorm, but apparently I had lots of art effort hiding in me waiting for an opportunity to burst out. If you had asked me two hours ago I would have said there wasn't a chance in hell I'd feel like figuring out how to draw a whole new robot today, and yet here I am. (also ignore rotorstorm's face/head it is bland and boring and off since it's just a placeholder 'cause the boy ain't gonna have a proper face by the time I'm done with him)

    Transformers - Rotorstorm Whirl CR.jpg
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
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  3. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    /stares out over the fields, pouring myself another drink/ Looks like another pain-storm on the horizon...hurricane Spock coming down on all of us for a OHKO...
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  4. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Also yeah, I just made the connection that this perfectly fits in with Starscream getting himself a new body in exRID. This crossover really is perfect. Imagine OP doesn't have a mouthplate thingy before he retires - he's just doing hero work with his sorta-unsettling face out all the time, but when Starscream tracks him down again he's covered his face with the usual mouthplate and Starscream's like...yeah, that's a lot better. Don't take that off again
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  5. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Slash imagine Starscream looking back through a mini personal museum of Optimus Prime's old weapons and hardware, and putting on something REALLY excellent and ridiculous, like some ridiculously oversized Optimus shoulder armor and picking up an Optimus-sized gun, and Windblade is just like *shakes head*, and then Optimus himself walks in (with a ukulele). Everything about this crossover is so great.

    And and and omg. The showdown between Megamind and Titan. Imagine STARSCREAM doing that.
    Or their time on Eukaris was basically this:
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
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  6. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Pyro is that one random citizen from that scene. You know the one


    But yeah, who would be the Titan analog though...who would Starscream be dumb enough to try to mentor (via holoavatar) to get a new hero to oppose him, only for it to go horribly, horribly wrong...
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
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  7. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    YES, oh my god. Poor Prymo Pyro.

    I'm trying to think of who plays a clear villain on Cybertron, but we're kind of running low on overt villains there and Starscream isn't really the mentoring type. :T Scoop was doing the sketchy things with prophecy and whanot, and Rattrap is super sketchy, but neither of them is really a Titan type. Devastator as controlled by Scoop, maybe? But that's still not a great match and Devastator is kind of lacking in personality. The closest I've gotten happy with is Prowl, for trying to grab too much power and not quite managing it and being super bitter that everyone doesn't love him for what he's doing, but even that isn't a very good match.
  8. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Ehh, I could see it being Rattrap more than Prowl only because Rattrap being a down-on-his-luck guy that Starscream hits with the superpower serum by accident and figures 'hey, might as well roll with it' might work. He could also possibly be reworked as a kind of sleazy dude toward Windblade more than I could see Prowl in the same situation, but it doesn't really fit either of them well, does it? (The ultimate crack suggestion: cameraman Rewind. Except no, absolutely not)
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
  9. Petra

    Petra space case

    Okay but.

    How do you think Whirl would react to hearing Rotorstorm died?
  10. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    not very well, I'm thinking.
  11. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    My trouble with Rattrap is that I have trouble seeing him getting as out of control violent as Titan got in the movie. Even his power plays are pretty chill in the comic. But OH, I just had a thought. What if, instead of a serum, Starscream stole the enigma of combination to make his new nemesis? Instead of a public museum, it could be like, an artifacts of the primes vault or something, and that would mean it's also pretty reasonable for him to run into Windblade down there. A combiner is overpowered enough to outclass even your average survived-four-million-years-of-war soldier, and the people who go into these things tend to lose their sense of selves and some of them get a BIT out of control.

    Slash that gives an excuse for the big epic climax where
    Wheeljack can make his big heroic not-quite-a-sacrifice, and Starscream can Wheeljack Wheeljack Wheeljack the combiner apart to save the day
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  12. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Ohhhh, that could work! :D Devastator under Scoop's control or Menasor or someone similar would work pretty well (plus, the fact that it's Caminus that gets stomped all over in Combiner Wars would give Windblade even more emotional connection to the destruction). Poor Prowl can be that warden guy who's always getting knocked out/tricked whenever Starscream breaks out of prison, just 100x more bitter about it. Who would be Bernard?
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  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    shit shit shit

    I need to maybeeeeee do a thing (maybe not tonight, but SOON)

    And what additional context does this give to Whirl's attempt to mercy kill Springer post-Overlord? Would he be still reeling from that extra loss out of nowhere that he hadn't been expecting, and that he doesn't think he even deserves to feel as a loss?

    OH SHIT. So Whirl was in the Wreckers when this was going down. He wasn't involved with that particular mission, so he wasn't one of the ones where Springer told them the candidates and had them vote on them. So. DOUBLE WHAMMY. Whirl finds out, after the fact, that he and Rotorstorm almost ended up on the same small team and he didn't have a fucking clue. And two, BAM, like a day on the team, Rotorstorm is dead, lots of people are dead, and Springer is only a semi-survivor. And Whirl was in a kiiind of shaky position on the team. Springer was a little worried about his stability, and it isn't clear whether he communicated that to anyone else. But being on the Wreckers was also pretty much the biggest stabilizing force in Whirl's life. Springer at least should have been keeping an eye on Whirl's mental health, as team leader. With him out of the picture, would anyone even have noticed if Whirl was in an especially bad place? Maybe Impactor should have been watching, but... he took Guzzle and peaced on out to go do war shit. The only other person we know was hanging out with Whirl was Roadbuster, and he's not doing so fantastic on the mental health front either, and he was hyperfocused on Springer. I doubt anyone was paying any attention to Whirl at all. I don't know where I'm going with this, but this is interesting, this is super interesting.

    edit: oh no, this is getting awfully close to whirl's suicidally self-sacrificing days. what would he feel because he wasn't on the mission and rotorstorm died, and whirl thinks he should have been there, because he was the one who really deserved to die instead? i mean, that's pretty dependent on the accidental abuser interpretation, but. i have emotions now.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
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  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    omg, would bernard be metalhawk?
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  15. Petra

    Petra space case

    Do you think Rotorstorm even knew Whirl was Jetstream, aka that the person he feared the most was on the Wreckers when he was trying to join? Was he trying to prove something to himself?
  16. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Imagine Starscream impersonating Metalhawk to try to get on Windblade's good side. Then imagine, days after the final battle, Wheeljack is trying to clean up the lab, and finds Metalhawk's dead/unconscious body stuffed into one of the closets. "Starscream?! We've talked about leaving people lying around when we have a perfectly functional CR chamber to fix them with!" And Starscream's like...I honestly forgot he was in there this whole time

    I can 100% guarantee that Whirl would be thinking "They should have taken me along instead, because who would have missed me?" Then he spends the rest of the war not-talking about it to anyone, spiraling lower and lower after he gets booted out of the Wreckers entirely and loses that little stability he still had, and finally winds up alone in a cave with a bunch of Sweeps, planning to blow himself up because he's out of ways to justify his existence
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Canon mentioned that he knew Jetstream had changed his name, but doesn't say anything about knowing what he changed it to! Just that he changed it. My personal favorite combo is that he'd recognize Whirl if he saw him in person, but wouldn't know the name 'Whirl' if it popped up.

    And OH, his history with joining the Wreckers is actually really interesting. After Simanzi (which gave him some really nasty ptsd and led to the obnoxious cover personality he has in canon), he applied for Wreckers membership, then rejected it when it was offered. No timeline indicating whether Whirl was on the team at that point, I don't think. After that, he took up a teaching position at the IAA, which was the school where Jetstream had abused him. At some point, without his knowledge, Rotorstorm was added to the Wreckers reserve list. After the Decepticon Surge (during AHM), Rotorstorm did some nice heroic military things, and since he'd also been on the reserve list for a long time, Springer approached him to offer him membership.

    There's all kinds of interesting ways things could play out, depending on how you want to fill in the holes in canon. If Rotorstorm subscribed to Fisitron's datalogs, he would have known that there was a 'Whirl' on the team, but he may or may not have known that Whirl was Jetstream. But considering the Simanzi ptsd and the way he applied for and rejected Wreckers membership, he could have been deliberately trying to keep his distance from the team and might not have subscribed to the datalogs at all. Or there's the stuff Springer said about how he was worried about Whirl's stability and he wasn't going on this mission, etc., so when he was talking to Rotorstorm, if he went through the team membership, Whirl's name might not have come up at all. Lots of ways to play it! I personally favor him not knowing Whirl was Jetstream, but recognizing him in person, because it allows for the most painful amounts of interpersonal drama and angst.

    Oh my goddd, I know, right? There's so many painful directions to take this, and I could totally see him even hiding it from Rung, because that might be one part of his past he's most ashamed of, and he already hid plenty of the rest of his past from Rung, until Fort Max pushed the issue. I'd really love to see him digging into some more of this moral injury business with Cyclonus or someone else who'd be likely to understand it. Cyclonus would be tough, because they've got that antagonistic past. Maybe not Rung, because he might understand on a theoretical level, but I really want to see Whirl talking with someone who understands it in an intensely personal way. The amount of trust and intimacy it would get him to open up about that, though, that would be a real tricky thing to approach. Iiiiii need to think through my Whirl ships, or maybe just brace myself for some serious solo introspection writing.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
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  18. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    But think: Whirl regretting not going on the Garrus-9 mission. Then coming across Fort Max, who is clearly heavily damaged from his time on Garrus-9. Whirl sees Fort Max barge into Rung's office, gets pinned to the floor and listens to Fort Max threaten Rung. And Whirl thinks I should have been on the mission to save Fort Max. But I wasn't. And now Fort Max is hurt and is hurting people. And I wasn't on the mission.
    I'm here now.

    And then Whirl starts speaking. "Listen, Max, in the hope that this can still have a happy ending..."
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  19. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oooooh, I didn't even think about the not-quite-history between that pair of characters. Why does absolutely everything in Whirl's entire past hurt so good?
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  20. Petra

    Petra space case

    He's trauma-licious!
    • Like x 6
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