so i saw my friend who is a massive percy jackson nerd today, and i said "hey, [friend], do you want to help me make a percy jackson oc?" she looked so excited! and she's going to help me figure out names and stuff
I feel that so hard I am never sure if I am invited to things or not.... but you are very welcome in the RP :D and Auden is definitely coming on this QUEST
well, what kind of god are you leaning towards? I mean, first off, are you thinking minor or major? you can always have the name be influenced by the character's personality or heritage.
minor, definitely. if it were going to be a major one i'd have decided already. you know what, please throw me some gods and i'll see if any of them sound good. i'm just stuck, i think.
well...there's a LOT of minor gods. Nike, Asclepius, Dione, Erebus, Eris, Eros, Hecate, Iris, Alexiares and Anicetus, Morpheus, Nemesis, Hebe, The Muses (who are sometimes considered minor gods), Phobos and Deimos (sometimes minor gods, sometimes spirits), Harmonia, Macaria, Melinoe, Angelos, Amphitrite, Aegaeon, Proteus, Brizo, Ceto, Achelois, Stilbon, Eosphorus, Hesperus, Pyroeis, Phaethon, Phaenon, Chione, Hemera, Achelois, Alcyone, Electra, Maia, Merope, Taygete, Sterope, Calaeno....and that's not all of them, and not even counting, like, river gods, wind gods...