Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    General sad thing, because despite my best efforts, I am plotting out a story instead of sleeping:

    Let's say that Rotorstorm doesn't know that Whirl and Jetstream are the same person. But Whirl doesn't know that Rotorstorm doesn't know that. What if he thought that Rotorstorm joining the Wreckers meant he was willing to give Whirl a second chance? That against all the odds, he was being given a fresh start and a chance to do right by Rotorstorm? And then he dieeeeeeed.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
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  2. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    'relinquishment clinic' that doesnt sound ominous at all
    smells like police state

    quark, government supervision tends to be subtler, even if the propaganda is pretty damn obvious

    what quark says sounds like communist romania, huh. (got family from there)


    of course rodimus repaired the place
    of course he did

    i love how everyone is just like "wtf" and whirl just says "cool"


    "a totally epic story based on real events that definitely happened" AKA made up embellished bullshit that has about half a grain of truth but what we get is so far removed from the truth that they don't even share a common ancestor anymore"

    that looks like one seriously fucked up subway map

    rewind are you saying this whole emss was because of a fucking butterfly effect

    wait a second while i cue the music

    nominus prime has fucked off to gods know where, and the senate is struggling for power. i am mildly reminded of snadhyarunes coup just with the difference that no one noticed that one

    hello prowl



    rodimus if you want to be up to date on the story you could just be present
    or be on voice comm, it's not that hard. humanity has skyping. what do you have after several millions years of civilization? youre not even online. weak, cybertronians. weak

    sonic and boom? don't we know those guys? ::D


    so technically, optimus prime was an upstart as well? nice

    naww op that was when you still openly cared about megatron
    and then shit hit the fan ::)

    the ominous institute again.


    iim 97.56% sure this wasnt cyclonus
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  3. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I can't stop reading Starscream's dialogue in Megamind's voice now. Thank you all so much :P

    seeing prowl get punched in the face, for ANY reason, is still incredibly satisfying. Thank you, tanky red bot I can't identify. Ironhide?
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
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  4. Glassware

    Glassware Well-Known Member

    Pre-war Cybertron is just such a great weird setting. Shades of dystopia, rogue supercop Orion Pax, a growing Decepticon movement which actually still has the moral high ground. There's so much potential.
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  5. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    the initial decepticon movement had such a good point with the antishapism and then it got fucked to hell.
    like, i agree with this point so much as a person with an uterus.
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  6. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    [Goes back to screaming about whirl and tailgate]

    ....names like "dipstick" and "tailpipe" are both sort of... demeaning? Dipstick's two or three lines of dialogue make it pretty clear his name is an insult, and "stick [x] up your tailpipe" is evidently a phrase (however outdated-- I've only seen Kup use it, and he's Hella Old) roughly equivalent to "stick it up your ass". Smol Tailpipe changed his name to Tailgate the first chance he got!

    But Whirl presents himself to the crew as a guy who owns his issues-- no, he doesn't want hands back, his claws are Awesome. No, he doesn't care about having only one eye, why should he? No, he doesn't care if everyone hates him, obviously a bot with that many enemies is Super Badass. Anger issues? Yeah, these anger issues helped him kill so many 'cons, you don't even know.

    So. A guy like that, if his name actually was something insulting, like Nutjob? He'd own the hell out of that, too. "Yeah, my name's stupid, wanna make an issue out of it smart guy?"

    No wonder Tailgate never questioned it, between being a naturally trusting bot and Whirl's personality!
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
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  7. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Given the original foundations of the Decepticon cause, it really does my heart good to see Soundwave trying to return to the roots of Decepticon philosophy, especially the principles of equality, because even if the functionists are gone, the inter-faction drama is still fucking up everyone's attempts to establish a lasting peace. So it's extra hurting me that Galvatron is using Soundwave's genuine good intentions as a jumping-off point for his own purposes, and extra extra hurting me how many Decepticons were kind of on Soundwave's side but are ultimately siding with Galvatron. I just want Soundwave to have his goddam happy commune family is that so much to ask
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  8. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Honestly, all the bits and pieces we get about pre-war Cybertron are really fucking interesting, and I like that we get a little bit more of that as time goes on and we start making contact with the lost colonies. Like, I'd read the shit out of a comic set entirely pre-war, because damn if there isn't Some Shit going on.
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  9. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    it's so weird that so much of the really interesting worldbuilding is new. God bless James Roberts tbh
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  10. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I don't know who did the art for this issue, but what the fuck are these humans?
    What do you mean, winter clothes don't hug every lovingly-rendered muscle group? Also, what is gravity, how do I ponytail?

    In addition to The Full Animu looking really out of place, that mouth looks kind of painful.

    At least the backgrounds are pretty?

    Attached Files:

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  11. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    dont look at me.PNG

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  12. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    they are totally doing eachother furiously behind the scenes and you can't tell me otherwise.
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  13. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    okay guys I'm gonna do another chapter of exrid now!
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  14. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Ratbat that's fucking cold but I can still understand why y'all are scheming.
    Starscream being a demanding whiner doesn't exactly make you more likeable, you know (tho i have to say the holiday special did a great deal for warming me up to him, his story was ADORABLE (tho the "Silent Light" part was my favorite HOLY SHIT SUCH A PRETTY COMIC) so yeah not quite as annoyed with starscream right now as I was during DC)
    Are people staring because they know Starscream and know to back away from him or just because Starscream is throwing a tantrum?
    I like Metalhawk a lot. He's sensible. Also he takes non of Bumblebee's or Prowl's bullshit.
    "They are not my people, Bumblebee. They're People. As are the Decepticons." bless ur spark Metalhawk.
    oh come on, Sideswipe, I know Starscream's annoying as hell, but how can ANY of you still claim moral high ground if your immediate answer to 'I don't like that guy or his friends' is 'I'll shot him. Lemme shot him?'?
    "Yikes, Bee." is about right, holy shit bruh. Calm your tiny horns.
    "No I get the reasoning. I just didn't know your walking stick did that." okay I laughed. maybe sometimes Prowl has some funny lines.
    Also I want to own Bumblebee's cool as hell taser-cane. Even if just tasering Starscream without provocation is still not ok.
    "You're awake, Starscream." "And you're ugly, Prowl." holy shit Star ahahaha <3
    (oh god no starscream is actually likeable when not in the Dark Cybertron arc or shit talking Megatron. Ahhh what do I do with this revelation?)
    oh my god starscream do you always just blurt intel to the first guy that comes along with a threatening glare or is Prowl just special?
    fghjkjh Starscream you selfish little prick, holy shit. That's still betrayal, you know.
    holy shit Needlenose is not okay is he?
    "What are you plannin'?" "That depends, are you here to join me, or kill me?" "I'm still decidin'." omg <3
    I can't take Bee's speech seriously, like I know it's sad and all but not only is the crew of the Lost Light alive, they are actually alive twice right now and I can't stop laughing.
    ... okay Prowl is not even half as cool as Orion Pax, Supercop was :P
    (I kinda like how Bee's speech is overlayed on the fight scene tho, it has some neat dissonance :D)
    No Prowl you can't correct your one-liner's punchline after the fact, especially not to make it somethign as terrible as "Depti-toast".
    That is a real dickmove, Starscream. I kinda like the way you think.
    Soundwave's vocal processors are shot? D:
    "Don't worry, Ratbat, I'm not going to kill you. ... No, I'm kidding." holy shiiiiit <3
    "Is he...?" "Very." You can almost hear the sigh coming from Prowl after this most likely.
    You two have unlawfully "Self-defended" against mechs a lot, haven't you?
    Starscream, you nerd omg do you practice your leader poses in the mirror? <3
    (oh no i am starting to really like starscream :') send help)
    • Like x 7
  15. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    WELCOME TO HELL WELCOME TO HELL (join us in the Starscream shame pit. He gets even better in the Windblade series after DC.)
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I love Needlenose so much he is one of my favorites! I mean, in that way I latch onto characters where there's not enough canon to satisfy my emotional needs, though, uh, now that I think of it, my emotional needs are still not satisfied even for main characters, but! I love him a lot, I really enjoy the things that they do with his character.
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  17. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Starscream needs therapy. s
    ghost bee you do not count
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  18. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I just kind of want like. a really dumb office sitcom featuring the snarkiest of the robots. And starscream would definitly be part of my ideal cast version. As would like a lot of the Lost Light Crew lbr.
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  19. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Why is only issue 12 of AHM mossing, what the fuck, you can't just chop out part of the climax like that viewcomic

  20. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Hahaha, want me to go grab shitty photos of that one right now? I know the quality is dreadful, but I can do that if you'd like, no problem.
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