okay, I need input which necromancy abilities should Adara have? there is: Summon and banish the dead Destroy skeleton warriors Communicate telepathically with ghosts Release souls Turn people into ghosts Sense death Touch ghosts since Thanatos has necromancy powers I think she should have minor necromancy, but like...which ones. which abilities.
oh okay by the by I am changing Adara to a daughter of Thanatos because like there is hella potential there I will post updated list of Things in a bit
weapon is the Stygian Iron dagger mentioned before, it's not charmed and she wears it on her belt at all times she can turn invisible at will, but it takes a lot of energy to do so and it's very hard and she doesn't do it unless it's absolutely necessary; it's difficult to sustain, and she's never managed it for more than fifteen minutes at a time with absolute concentration and no distractions has mild paranoia about monsters getting into the camp, because she considers the camp a safe haven, which is something she's never had before and she's paranoid that it's going to be taken away has never been on a quest and likes it that way has a fear of her mother finding her and dragging her back home tells everyone her mom's dead, has managed to play out a full act with tears and a sob story about a monster (no, she doesn't remember what kind, it was the first monster she'd ever seen and it was really traumatizing, you guys) killing her mom in front of her so no one questions her about it anymore made it to camp mostly by sheer dumb luck; happened to be in New York on her travels and stumbled across the camp originally from Seattle, Washington was thirteen when she grew in a large pair of black and blue feathered wings, ran away shortly after because "fuck my mom is going to send me to government scientists or something", arrived at camp about half a year later after she turned fourteen, doesn't talk about that half year (it was full of monsters and being hungry and cold most of the time and she doesn't like to remember it, although she did learn during that time that the Mist hides her wings) is embarrassed by her wings and generally avoids people so they don't ask questions about them, doesn't like to talk about how she got them because she basically woke up one day with giant painful lumps in her back, out of which came wings, it was a traumatizing experience for her she can fly with said wings, but she doesn't like to do it where people can see she isn't sure what mortals see where her wings are, but judging from the mortals she encountered on her journey to camp, she now knows that they don't see actual wings doesn't talk about what her home life was like, but if pressed she'll make up stories about how great her mom was (this is, of course, a total lie) short, about 4'11", and skinny, gets cold easily and loves summer because she can wear crop tops and warm herself in the sun is a giant nerd and loves reading, even though it's a huge struggle for her to read; she also really likes music and will often be found wandering around with earbuds in or a book in one hand (she reads and walks at the same time a lot, which leads to her bumping into people, things, tripping over stuff...) as a result of the walking into people while reading and similar incidents, she's in the infirmary very often for things like "well I didn't look where I was going and I tripped and now I have a cut on my forehead that needs stitches because there was a rock right where I fell..." despite this, she's actually very graceful and daring in battle, and likes to get in her enemies' personal space to stab them she can be a little reckless in fights, because fear drives her to try and kill the thing as fast as possible, so she'll just attack until it's dead no matter what damage she might sustain outside of that, she's a pretty realistic but cheerful person, although also rather quiet, and very much a loner, although this is more by habit than choice she dresses in bright colors to try and get people to realize she's a nice, friendly person, because "I'm the daughter of the god who reaps souls and takes them to the Underworld!" isn't really great for reputation she has a fidget ring that she wears on her right hand, and she got her piercings done when she was twelve, by another kid in camp she can communicate with ghosts, summon ghosts to fight for her, and sense death, as well as release souls with a touch right now the releasing souls thing only works when she's very angry, but it causes the target to insta-die, and then she's gotta rest for a few days because it really takes it out of her she has a very strained relationship with her dad; he didn't claim her until Percy made it so the gods had to claim all their kids, which for her happened about a year after she arrived at camp, at which point Thanatos was like "oh yeah I have a kid" and she's kind of pissed at him for completely abandoning her to an emotionally abusive and alcoholic mother, and leaving her to deal with the struggles of being a demigod on her own, and not even showing up to tell her how to find camp/safety and basically just paying no attention to her at all she does enjoy having a cabin all to herself has BPD
....she'd have to cut holes in the back of the jacket for the wings though "do you mind" *already ripping into the fabric with her dagger*
excellent ....Adara's cabin is just going to be full of jackets at some point because she always wears the same thin hoodie out and nothing else "the other jacket you gave me? oh, it's in my cabin"
jack: i'd stop giving you jackets but then you'd complain more and that's even more annoying than having to buy forty fucking jackets, adara
realtalk: is it really a big deal if we have kids of the big 3 here? like. retcon canon. bc i dont personally give a fuck if adara's a hades bb even tho it wouldnt go with canon based on the timeline, we can just pretend that AU where big 3 children r normal
tbh I want to stick with canon for the most part? but not really....interact with it at all like that was then it happened it is now like a year or two after canon and this is now our characters' story