Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Tailgate getting the Manual Lecture! The snark is real. it a bad thing that I kind of want to sit down and have UM explain all ten thousand pages of the Autobot Code, down to syntactical details? Because that sounds like a really interesting way to get a look at both the linguistic evolution of Neocybex from Old Cybertronian and the moral contrast between Autobot ideals and their actions throughout the war.
    (Then again, I am also the person who got salty when Kankri's lecture became too small to read.)

    "I wondered why I could taste my eyes in the back of my mouth."
    How do you know what eyes taste like, Ratchet?
    • Like x 6
  2. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement


    Also your Rodimus voice is so fucking good and accurate, I love this horrible gay boy and his inability to deal with things taking slightly longer than expected. THE FORBIDDEN SPIKE. But oh no he's so sweet to Mags mine heart, it aches.

    (Also other bits, they also ache.)
    • Like x 5
  3. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    "Excuse me-- is this a good place to sit down and die?"
    Generations of finals-afflicted students feel your pain, Tailgate.

    "There's someone else in there. A third person."
    "Let's hope he's the calm and sensible type, a peacemaker."
    So of course it's Whirl <3

    "To see the pattern, sometimes you need to take a step back..."
    Bro, the only pattern I see is that they're all blue. But so is Brainstorm, who is apparently unharmed.

    "Confidential information? Autobot secrets? Confidential Autobot secrets?" A+ theories, Swerve.

    Aaaaaah! It's Scavengers time!

    "Smile for the bullet, weird miracle zombie..."

    "Its success kind of depends on me catching the universe unawares."
    Braaaaaaainstoooooooooorrrrrm you sneaky bastard.

    "This is the last time I ever team up with Spinister. He just attacked our torch because it was glowing at him funny."
    How do you geniuses get anything done ever?

    aaaaaaa grimmy! ...his state seems so much more awful now that I actually know who he is D:

    "Why'd you pull out?"
    [immature snickering]

    Huh. It appears we have a timeframe for the DJD catching up with alt!LL, if Censere's little datapad is any indication!
    necro 7.png
    This is at the very end of the chapter-- entering Flywheels's name after Censere confirms him dead. Hound, Chromedome, Drift, and Ultra Magnus are definitely on the LL, and I think Dipstick was too. (I don't quite remember, I think his three lines of dialogue are up in Dark Cybertron somewhere?) If Censere's data tablet is a list of the names of the dead as he finds them, he has all four deaths recorded just before he recovers Flywheels, which puts the alt!LL crew's torture somewhere... around the time Chromedome was looking through Skids' memory on the "alpha timeline" LL, or shortly before.
    And alt!Rewind has to wait... how long before the alpha!LL crew finds him? D:
    ...I was gonna ask how quickly the DJD can travel, but then I remembered warp hyperspace jumping.
    And with that revelation, I'm gonna go get some lunch. More liveblogging after work, probably.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
    • Like x 7
  4. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    • Like x 4
  5. Petra

    Petra space case

    Wait, you mean medical school eyeball dares aren't normal?
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  6. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Aaand there goes my brain, thinking "romantic eyeball feeding date"???
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  7. Petra

    Petra space case

    Pharma was the dare bookie.
    • Like x 4
  8. Petra

    Petra space case

    I'm listening to a Whirl playlist and this song is just so perfect.

    In the middle of a gun fight...
    In the center of a restaurant...
    They say, "Come with your arms raised high!"
    Well, they're never gonna get me,
    Like a bullet through a flock of doves...
    To wage this war against your faith in me,
    Your life...will never be the same.
    On your mother's eyes, say a prayer...say a prayer!

    Now, but I can't
    And I don't know
    How we're just two men as God had made us,
    Well, I can't...well, I can!
    Too much, too late, or just not enough of this
    Pain in my heart for your dying wish,
    I'll kiss your lips again.

    They all cheat at cards and the checkers are lost,
    My cellmate's a killer, they make me do push-ups (in drag)
    But nobody cares if you're losing I losing myself?!
    Well, I miss my mom,
    Will they give me the chair,
    Or lethal injection, or swing from a rope if you dare;
    Ah, nobody knows...all the trouble I've seen!


    To your room...
    What they ask of you
    Will make you want to say, "So long..."
    Well, I don't remember,
    Why remember...YOU?!

    Do you have the keys to the hotel?!
    'Cause I'm gonna string this motherfucker on fire! (FIRE!!)

    Life is but a dream for the dead,
    And well I, I won't go down by myself,
    But I'll go down with my friends.
    Now now now now... (I can't explain)
    Now now now... (I can't complain)
    Now now, yeah!
    • Like x 3
  9. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    My first thought was "Wreckers" but my second was "DJD", so take from this what you will.

    This is your time to pay,
    This is your figment day,
    We made a sacrifice,
    And now we get to take your life.

    We shoot without a gun,
    We'll take on anyone,
    It's really nothing new,
    It's just a thing we like to do.

    You better get ready to die,
    You better get ready to kill,
    You better get ready to run,
    Cause here we come,
    You better get ready to die!

    Your life is over now,
    Your life is running out,
    When your time is at an end,
    Then it's time to kill again,
    We cut without a knife,
    We live in black and white,
    You're just a parasite,
    Now close your eyes and say good-night.

    You better get ready to die,
    You better get ready to kill,
    You better get ready to run,
    Cause here we come,
    You better get ready to die!
    Get ready to die!
    Get ready to die!

    Been a long time coming,
    Now you better get running,
    And you better get ready to die!
    • Like x 2
  10. albedo

    albedo metasperg

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  11. Petra

    Petra space case

    Okay but imagine how huge the Necrobot's tiny flowers are to us.

    Someone draw Velocity carrying a few with DETERMINATION.
    • Like x 9
  12. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    You know, the idea that sparks might be able to power something that big makes a lot more sense when you realize that most of them are probably the size of your head. (Or bigger!)
    • Like x 4
  13. Petra

    Petra space case

    This Drift mix is also really good.

    The drugs you do were made by people who think in dollar signs,
    and that's not very punk of you,
    maybe you should change your mind, reconsider the whole deal.
    And maybe we like to criticize more than we construct,
    and maybe that's not healthy,
    maybe that's just plain fucked up,
    but at least we're saying something,
    and I hope that no one is listening,
    because this is kind of embarrassing,
    and everyone who hears it thinks that we're joking.
    And maybe we weren't put on this earth to rape and pillage and ravage,
    because god created puppy dogs and god created kittens,
    and our love creates a power plant that generates this world,
    and if we stop now then we'll just disappear into oblivion.
    • Like x 1
  14. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Do you mind if I put this in the OOC Quotes thread? Because it would be even more hilarious over there.
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  15. Petra

    Petra space case

    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
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  16. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    have a new avatar courtesy of @whimsicalobservant 's shade 'shopping ability and a whole lot of comic to catch up on sooooo
    -cracks knuckles- let's do dis

    we're starting with shittalking prowl. I do have to wonder how representative the amount of talking behind his back is of the general opinion on prowl.
    "Evidence suggests suicide." Prowl you are lying through your fucking teeth.
    Starscream literally not a single of the words that just came out of your mouth sounds believable.
    "Starscream I don't want your help." "But you need it and so does your little yellow boss." okay starscream? The "little" thing? No. Stop that.
    also goddamn this issue is preeeeetty un-cute with the art :I like especially in contrast with mtmte 52 or the holiday special which i looked at last.
    awww Barrel Roll trying to strike up a friendship with Dirge is kind of cute
    "The planet's falling apart" NOT GOOD
    Background bickering over currencies while one guy has a pretentious monologue, no way this can go wrong
    "King Bee" okaaaaaay
    what in the hell did you just scatter trash all over the room, Wheeljack?
    "Skywarp was teleporting a few hours ago, maybe a decepticon can do this?" "Why assume it was a decepticon" I am so grateful for Metalhawk. Just. Thank you for existing in proximity to prowl and going "No, you collossal ass" constantly.
    "You said the war was over." "For some of us." "For you, Prowl?" yes please make a 'grrrrr' face harder until your teeth break, Prowl.
    "Enough! Prowl - shut up. Metalhawk has a point." thank u Bee.
    "What have you done to our world?" "I said enough, Metalhawk." Bee is so done with ur bickering and constant complaining, he has a planet to run u ungrateful little shits
    .... well I mean at least no one can claim Starscream is incapable of twisting anything into a reason to better the situation for decepticons and HONESTLY? safe housing SHOULD be a concern. Wtf kind of refugee camp crisis bullshit has been brewing under your noses, Bee, I sure hope this isn't the first time you've considered building proper housing units for the Returnees.
    "Crony. He called me a crony. Getting called a crony by starscream is like... it's like a simile i'd use to describe a less obviously ironic thing." omg Wheeljack <3
    oh poor Dirge D: tho that is one hell of a grudge
    "There's enough blame to go around." I'd fund your personal revenge spree, given that it involves everyone who wronged you walking over a parcour of legos and stepping on all of them and not, you know, murder.
    Sheesh, everyone is so fucking mad at everyone just fucking take a chill pill, like seriously all of you.
    "I do a lot of things, but I don't kid about lives." Wheeljack is very dramatic but I'm warming up to his film noir narrative boxes and his ridiculously cool lines.
    Starscream is either trying to start a fight with Wheeljack or he is about to make out with him and I can't even say which one I'd prefer. Goddammit Starry-hon. Please at least try to keep flirting and intimidation two seperate activities.
    Wheeljack and Starscream sassing eachother while working together is my new fav thing pls make this A Thing
    "We'll all be dead in ninety seconds." "Relax. I'm on it." Wheeljack <3
    NEAT also I love the whole energy thing in general and that they'll need a sattelite up there to redirect energy from the planet's core, just. COOOOOOOOL SHIT
    "Well I had a little help. " "Yeah - I see that. Good work Ironhide!" "That's not who I meant." yessssssssss pls defend Starscreams accomplishments Wheeljack
    okay silverbolt I can agree with throwing Prowl around bc I bet it's REALLY fun, but please calm thy tits like right this instant. I know you are very shaken by Barrel Roll's death, but really you absolutely have to chill now.
    Bee holding Prowl back is pretty great tho especially witht he way he says "Down, Prowl" Kinda wanna makes me consider Petplay Prowl/Bee but I am hopeless at ever finishing something liek that
    Okay the aerialbots just had a pretty fucking badass "Fuck This Shit We're Out" moment, but I still super do not agree with Silverbolt :U but okay, at least they're gonna leave now and not keep trying to start fites.
    "We Fliers need to stick together!" "You really don't want them to leave, do you?" "I don't want to lose anyone." OUCH :') thanks starscream now I'm having an emotion
    "I just wish I wasn't right all the time." aww it's okay Wheeljack. I bet the aerialbots will be fine.
    • Like x 6
  17. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Feel free!

    Also that comic is my favorite both because of Rodimus belting Journey and Ultra Magnus quietly singing beside him. These boys.
    • Like x 5
  18. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    It's a well known fact that Prowl hates Journey.
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  19. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Man, rereading RID just makes me sad about Starscream all over again. Mental health care in Cybertron is balls, and they really need more therapists helping everyone.
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  20. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    "Trauma, what trauma? This is war, you'll probably be dead in a year or five anyway, who cares."
    [eternal screaming]
    • Like x 9
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