All Aboard the Floating Dumpster: Trash Ships Ahoy

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by jacktrash, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    None of my OCs are in a relationship, except maybe my evil asshole son Stealthlock (not to be confused with my normal asshole son, which is @Dom Irossi), but it's ambiguous and it's been years since I've used him anyway.
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  2. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    My one oc is in a relationship. Basically she was officially working for the one branch of Chinese Heaven as a guard. Her real job for them though was off the books and that was assassination and sabotage. Got caught one day while on the job and her ass was taken to court and then thrown into prison. On parole now and dating her case worker.

    Said oc is a rather grumpy fox with BPD. She verges near a sort of nihilistic hopelessness, but will call you a fucking moron if you claim she is a nihilist because only dumb babies are nihilists. I mean really now. She is violent, heavily work focused, and working to bring about revolution in Heaven. Not because she really cares about her lack of rights as a fox in a god's world, but more because she just wants to break the system out of spite. Case worker? TORIEL. But if Toriel were a sublimely beautiful goddess made of marble with exceptionally tall hats. I guess one could argue that this is at least more stable and healthy than her former just sleeping about and generally having no real affectionate relationships. It has resulted in her being very attached to the case worker in a fashion that just is not good. Also she's kind of a huge bitch to said case worker at times. Woman has the patience of a saint to be able to put up with her bullshit.
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  3. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    My OC and my moirail's just discovered that they are Incredibly Tragic Star-Crossed Exes last week. It's going to be SO deliciously awkward and painful when they meet up for the first time in +30yrs and my elf has stayed the same, and her human has only gotten more angry and sad and grizzled *rubs hands together while cackling*
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2016
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  4. LurkNoMoar

    LurkNoMoar Well-Known Member

    Back before I was disillusioned from the Sherlock fandom, there was a lovely trash ship called Mormor: Moriarty and his loyal henchman Colonel Moran. Holy shit I loved that ship. And it was made even better that Moran never actually showed up in the show, he was 100% percent fan speculation. Ugh, evil person/more evil person always makes for interesting ships.
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  5. LurkNoMoar

    LurkNoMoar Well-Known Member

    Also, if anyone here watched HTGAWM, Annalise/Bonnie would be so so terrible in the best of ways. I mean it's canonically a terrible mess with Bonnie's one-sided blind loyalty and Annalise's rapid switches between motherly comfort and cold spite. (The only thing that could make it worse is Sam/Bonnie, but abusive therapists aren't fun-bad for me, they are bad-bad, so nope.)
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  6. shame cube

    shame cube Active Member

    Bonnie was the only thing that kept me watching HTGAWM for so long (I'm not caught up now).. I love her!! she's such a disaster! and I absolutely read her as having an intense (one-sided? maybe) crush on Annalise.
  7. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Welp, I've certainly found my forever home!

    In a sorta-kinda example, I've been shipping Steve/Bucky for something like seven six what is math five ish years now and while I like it all ways, when you can find it trashy it is the best. The gourmet garbage. The leftovers from that expensive place downtown with the Michelin star. You can turn their codependency on each other and Steve's stubborn optimism and bullheadedness and Bucky's overprotective nature and training and Hydra-ing into the worst kind of train wreck so, so easily. I will find links in a bit.

    My real trash ship is in a tiny fandom and I appear to be literally the only person that ships it. (If you do not mind comic book levels of violence and a few squicky moments and like visual storytelling, ass kicking, crime enterprises, realistic PTSD, and lots of complicated relationships, PLEASE watch Banshee and scream about it with me. It's a Cinemax show so no one seems to watch it.) Kai Proctor is a gang lord of a small Pennsylvania town who was shunned from his Pennsylvania Dutch family and he has a very complex and deliciously trashy relationship with his niece Rebecca.

    Rebecca is rebellious and sneaks out into the World to drink, wear makeup, fuck, and see her Uncle Kai. Eventually she is discovered and also shunned, so she comes to live with him. He trains her to be his successor in his criminal enterprise and she loves it. There is a ton of sexual tension between them for the first two seasons and then in the beginning of the third she sleeps naked in bed with him. Kai kind of has a crisis of faith in mid-season three, but Rebecca gets him back in the finale. I haven't seen season four yet but I hope they have a lot of great moments as the king and queen of Banshee.

    Other trash ships that I love and will elaborate on if wanted:
    -Megatron/any prominent Decepticon really (I would have no problem believing he kept some order by bestowing sexual favors to his followers so they saw each other as competition rather than allying against him)
    -Boyd/Raylan and Boyd/Raylan/Ava from Justified
    -Will/Hannibal (I don't even watch the show but a really gr8 Sentinel AU dragged me into it)
    -Kylux, the trashier and more villainous the better

    (tablet posting screwed me up, here is my full post)
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
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  8. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Was it this one? It's the one I remember reading most recently with a severed head involved.
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  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox


    so delicious >:]a
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  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    holy moley do i love me some trash stucky

    dgmw i love the wholesome stucky too, but it's even better when they're both a mess and have no clue how to deal
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  11. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    i'm so excited for CA:CW to come out, mostly because i loved the hero registration thing in the comics (although i mostly followed the xmen part of it) but the rest is all pure happy at how much stucky shit is gonna come out of this movie. and hateshipping steve/tony. I CAN'T WAIT.
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  12. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    ... oh.

    *blinks a few times, awkwardly adds Steve<3<Tony to her shipping list*

    *uncomfortably clears her throat*
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  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ooh ooh speaking of trash stucky who loves hydra steve ME I DO
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    the guns of love disastrous

    homg this is the good molasses, this is dark as fuck but also kind of sweet in a horrible way, this is my jam
  15. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    :enthusiastic nodding:
  16. Medved

    Medved Not the vice-president

    Ooh, anybody got recs? I'm keen on the concept, but I have a hard time making it work for me in terms of 'understandable Steve behavior'. I get that the usual Hydra!Steve is a mirrorverse character, and that makes things different, but it still makes me want to go 'show your work!' instead of 'yesss delicious garbage'.
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  17. Medved

    Medved Not the vice-president

    DANG, that was incredible, thank you for sharing!
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  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i am too adhd to go through my bookmarks and find it rn, but i know i have bookmarked at least one fic with the premise that steve jumped off the train and was captured with bucky, and they both became hydra assets.
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  19. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    oh hey I just remembered another garbage ship from steven universe that I love: the diamonds and their pearls
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  20. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

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