Camp Half-Blood

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by chaoticArbiter, May 1, 2016.

  1. North Windbag

    North Windbag Jack, child of Boreas

    "Now, you stop panicking because you did everything you can, and maybe we go eat something? When's lunch?" Jack brushes their hair out of their eyes with their fingers. "Do you - hey, is that her?"
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  2. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    "Oh gods, where??" Adara exclaimed, running over to peer out the window. She spotted Larkspur and gasped, taking a few steps away from the window and pressing herself against the cabin wall, apparently hiding. "It is! That's her! Uh, uh, what do I do??" She turned to Jack, very obviously panicking.
  3. Larkspur walked to the cabin, and began to open the door, calling in as she did so.
    "Hey guys, I'm back."
  4. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    Having nervously skittered away at the first sign of potential awkwardness, Auden was determined to have at some sort of conversation with someone. Possibly.
    Instead, he sort of awkwardly watched the thanatos girl, the demeter girl and the... actually he couldn't tell/didn't know who the third person's godly parent was.
    Which was interesting.
    "Who's your parent?" he asked them, again hopefully not doing the suddenly appearing thing.

    (@Bel Capricorn )
  5. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    Adara squeaked as Larkspur came in, then tried to straighten herself and adjust her clothes before Larkspur noticed her.
    Kira smiled. "Hey. There's someone looking for you over in that corner." She pointed to Adara, and then turned and resumed what she'd been doing before Adara and Jack showed up--repotting some plants that had grown too big for their other pots.
  6. "Oh, cool. Thanks Kira." Larkspur was unconcerned until she actually looked where Kira had pointed.
    oh no, she thought. OH NO, CUTE GIRL.
    Outwardly, she tried to look calm.
    "Hey," she said.
  7. North Windbag

    North Windbag Jack, child of Boreas

    Jack looks around to see who's talking. "Um," they said, eyes widening slightly. Nope, not doing this now, Jack told themself, pushing away his thoughts. Not developing a crush at the same time as Adara.

    "Boreas," they told the tall boy, trying not to stare.
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  8. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    "H-hi," Adara said, struggling to remain calm. Deep breaths. Deeeeeeeeeeeep breaths. "Um, I didn't get a chance to tell you my name when I...well...walked into you...earlier..." Oh no. That was not the way to start this conversation. "ANYway, I'm Adara! And, uh, Kira told me your, I'm in the Thanatos cabin! Kinda...the only one over there, heh..." She awkwardly tugged on the bottom of her sweater, shuffling her wings again. She always did that when she was nervous.
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  9. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    Oh shit, unknown (Boreas, he corrected to himself) was actually sort of cute. Auden blinked. And blinked again. "Hiiiiiiiiii," he said, suddenly unsure of how to do this talking thing exactly. "My dad's Hephaestus! But I suck at being a Hephaestus kid, I think. My name is Auden. Your friend's wings are cool. And I will shut up now."
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  10. "Adara. That's a cool name."
    Oh no, her wings were fluttering. that was so cute.
    "You must have plenty of wingroom over there, then."
    shit, what if she didn't like people talking about them. but they were so cool! Lark bet that if you put some flowers on them, it would look awesome. Maybe roses. But roses were so romantic, hmm...
    "So, uh, you like books?"
    that was even stupider.
  11. North Windbag

    North Windbag Jack, child of Boreas

    Auden. Oh no, that's a gorgeous name. "I'm Jack," they replied. "Please, don't shut up. You seem really nice." Idiot. Say something meaningful! they berated themself.
  12. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    Adara blushed at the comment about wingroom. "Uh, well, yes, wingroom is something that is abundant in my...corner," she agreed, wondering if Larkspur thought her wings were weird. A lot of kids did. "I do like books, though. Do you?" Oh no. That was so dumb. Of course she liked books, why else would she have been carrying a book earlier??
  13. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    "You seem cool too," Auden said, "and thank you! I chose it myself!" Shit that sounds incredibly pretentious. "Cause uh- I dunno. I wasn't- born with it I guess?" No, don't go into your entire gender history to a complete random person. Why was humaning so hard. Or semi-humaning- whatever.

    (@Bel Capricorn )
    ((I'm so sorry I keep posting with the wrong account))
  14. North Windbag

    North Windbag Jack, child of Boreas

    "Oh! Neither was I! I mean, my name, not yours -" Shut up, Jack. "I mean, I mean, fuck, I don't know." Jack pressed the heels of their palms to their eyes. "Godsdamnit."
  15. "that's cool, we're... kinda squished. Have you read the Circle of Magic books? They're really good."
    It would be really cool if she had, but...
    But if she hadn't, Lark could lend her them. And then they could talk about them, and hang out, and maybe get snacks or something, and- nope, not thinking about dating the cute bookworm. She was probably straight, and just blushing from awkwardness or something.
  16. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    "Oh, no, I haven't!" Adara said, relaxing a bit as they ventured into book discussion. This was her area of knowledge. "What are they about? I know they're by Tamora Pierce--I'm actually reading one of her other books right now. But, um, what's that series about? Or, well, I guess, what's the first book about?"
  17. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    "I know what you mean," Auden said. They looked really cute flustered. Shit. Shit. "Hello." he said again, unsure of what else to say. "I'm sorry I suck as this talking thing."
  18. North Windbag

    North Windbag Jack, child of Boreas

    "You don't suck any more than I do," Jack told him. "It's okay, I can try and figure out the talking thing first... Uh, I like your hair a lot," they tried.
  19. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    "I like yours too," Auden said. "It's like- flowy. And stuff." He sighed. "I can totally speak. I can, in fact, make sparks, though," he said, and he making a snapping gesture with his hands. The tiny, tiny flame that happened was the same color as his hair. It also lasted for absolutely almost no time. "That failed," he said. "Sorry."
  20. "So, there's a group of children with unusual magic types and tragic backstories, who get sent to a sort of magic school, become friends, and deal with earthquakes and pirates and plagues and forest fires. It's really good, and, um, pretty relatable for us, I think. Also, two of the main characters have plant control powers."
    Lark's face lights up as she talks. She really, really likes these books.
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