Warm is always good. I vote the university has weird underground catacomb type things, because that would be cool.
At my college there are rumors of possibly non existant catacombs, and some of my friends like to go searching for them. At the moment the place is a snowy hellscape, so everyone is wishing they were totally real so we could use them to get around.
What about there being levels and levels under the library and/or archives for paperwork left over from the time when all of it was done one actual paper?
yes. and that's where many of the characters hang out. very hard for jessie's bear to show up but she just sort of does I would think.
May I suggest a Profile Thread first? If no one objects I´ll make one. (I know we´re all basically ourselves but we´ll still need a rough apurrance and what each purrson is doing there thing)