Camp Half-Blood

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by chaoticArbiter, May 1, 2016.

  1. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    Auden grinned at them "Only sometimes," he said.

    "You guys are ridiculous," Auden said. "So I can hang out with y'all more, right?"
  2. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    "Yeah, sure. You can watch me fail at archery after you and Jack steal my borrowed jackets."
    • Like x 1
  3. North Windbag

    North Windbag Jack, child of Boreas

    "Of course! We're totally cool and will not at all embarrass you in public." Jack nodded their head in an overly dramatic way. "Let's go steal some jackets."
  4. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    " You assume I am capable of being embarrasses in public," Auden said. "Can I hold your hand while we go steal the jackets?"
  5. North Windbag

    North Windbag Jack, child of Boreas

    "Please! I'd love that!" Jack ducked their head a little. "I'd be blushing but I don't really do that, you know, cause of the cold thing."
  6. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    Auden grabbed their hand again. "I get it. I'm kind of the opposite because of Dad, but not really? Most I just do the fire thing"
  7. North Windbag

    North Windbag Jack, child of Boreas

    "Together we're the temperature of a normal human being," Jack considered. "I think." They squeezed Auden's hand.
  8. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    "I am trying to simultaneously say I will keep you warm without it being innuendo," Auden said. He squeezed their hand. "I think I'm failing."
  9. North Windbag

    North Windbag Jack, child of Boreas

    "I can make an innuendo out of anything," Jack said, mock-offended. "I just choose not to." They sighed. "You are really warm and it's really really nice. I worry about my being cold, sometimes. I almost gave someone frostbite once and Demeter kids tend to not trust me because I've frosted a bunch of their plants by accident. I guess I don't blame them."
  10. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    " I have managed to mostly not set things on fire. Though I do help with heating things around the forge sometimes
  11. North Windbag

    North Windbag Jack, child of Boreas

    "Then you're doing better than I am, I think. I froze my headphones solid last week and had to get new ones."
  12. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    "Well," Adara said with forced cheerfulness, "at least no one dies if you touch someone while angry!"
  13. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    "Oh," Auden said, "that really, really sucks," he said.
    "I guess that makes a shitty sort of sense," he added. "Do you want me to stop talking about it now? Or something?" he looked more confused than upset or worried. "I'm not sure how to proceed."
  14. North Windbag

    North Windbag Jack, child of Boreas

    "It's probably okay," Jack reassured him. "You didn't know."

    ((assuming Adara has a thanatos death thing in which case a+ good job those are always my favorite characters))
  15. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    Adara shrugged. "I like to make a joke out of my powers. Makes it easier to deal with. If you don't wanna talk about it, though, we can stop." On the bright side, at least she could only kill one person like that--and then she'd be recovering for two days.
    She tried to never be angry at people. Luckily, anger didn't come easily to her.
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  16. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    ((basically she releases their soul by touching them. sans soul, they die. works on humans and animals! only works when angry, has excessive cooldown time.))
    • Like x 2
  17. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    "I don't really care about talking about it or not-talking-about it," Auden said, "it's interesting, but people get upset when I talk about their harmful powers like they're interesting power-ups in a video game, or something. I don't know. I am bad at gauging when people are upset."
  18. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    Adara hesitated, then said, "I don't upset easily." This was not true, but she didn't particularly care to say, 'I prefer to have my meltdowns in private.' "Besides, most of my powers are cool. A little freaky for some, but I like them."
  19. North Windbag

    North Windbag Jack, child of Boreas

    Jack tilted their head to the side. "We should probably go; we're the last ones here." Everyone else had left a few minutes ago. They glanced at Adara, trying to gauge if she was okay.
  20. Auden LeBlanc

    Auden LeBlanc Son of Hephaestus, great-grandson of Clio

    "That's probably a good idea," Auden said. "To thievery?"
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