Camp Half-Blood

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by chaoticArbiter, May 1, 2016.

  1. "I bet the bunnies aren't as cute as you, though."
  2. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    "Psh. Please. If anyone is cuter than the bunnies it's you. I am like, on par with the bunnies, with their adorable wriggly noses and fluffy tails." Adara wiggled her nose, imitating a rabbit. "Like that!"
  3. "That was the cutest thing. Wow," Larkspur said.
  4. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    Adara giggled. "I practiced for years before I learned to do that. Wiggling your nose is not as easy as bunnies make it seem."
  5. Larkspur tried her best, wearing a look of deep concentration.
    "Definitely not."
  6. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    "You gotta start by manually wiggling it." Adara lifted her finger to her nose and wiggled it. "Then you start learning what muscles are involved in wiggling a nose, and then it eventually works on its own!" She removed her finger and wiggled her nose again, grinning. "But I really don't know how bunnies manage it so easily."
  7. "They have magic powers, Adara. Bunny magic."
  8. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    Adara nodded seriously. "Clearly. It's obviously more powerful than even demigod magic, because none of us can naturally wiggle our noses."
  9. "Bunnies truly rule the universe, clearly."
  10. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    "Oh, obviously. And I for one am fully ready to accept our fluffy overlords."
  11. "They wear little bunny capes. With crowns."
  12. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    "The Aphrodite cabin probably designed the capes. They're purple and sparkly."
  13. "Clearly my cabin has been recruited to provide ALL THE CARROTS."
  14. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    "Naturally. Meanwhile, I am tasked with producing a cute bunny ghost army. They can never die, as they are already dead, making them the perfect soldiers for conquering the world."
  15. "Imagine tiny skeleton bunnies."
  16. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    "I have a plush bunny in a skeleton costume at my cabin. The skeleton is not anatomically correct, but it is cute."
  17. "that sounds adorable."
    Larkspur had to grin.
    "I'd love to see it?"
  18. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    "Sure! I, um, I could show you now, if you want? We could go to my cabin. It's not far. Be forewarned I have....a lot of plushies, mostly skeleton and rabbit related."
  19. "plushies are awesome. Sounds like a plan!"
  20. Adara Byrne

    Adara Byrne Member

    "Okay!" Adara paused, then pinpointed the direction they needed to go. "It's that way." She started walking and dug the key to her cabin out of her pocket. It was a silver key, with a skeleton head design on the end of it. Death was kind of the common motif of Thanatos cabin things.
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