I can probably start up again after I catch up. Eventually. The next few weeks are gonna be interesting.
what's going on over the next few weeks, if you don't mind my asking? if people don't mind, I think we should wait until peripheral is able to start up again.
School is ending, meaning a bunch of stuff is being thrown at me at once. I might actually have more spoons starting this weekend I just have some papers and a presentation and just... Bluh I'm sorry :(
oh gosh, no, don't be sorry!! I totally understand that. school just ended for me and thankfully I only had one class but even that threw a lot in my direction :P it's totally cool if you can't do the RP for a bit, I'm willing to wait, and I think no one else would mind terribly as long as we get it going again in a few weeks when you can handle it again!
I'm entirely willing to wait, I just didn't want to leave this abandoned for however many weeks without at least making sure that it's being temporarily left alone on purpose and not just dropped
yeah I've just been trying to get my life on track and stuff :P so. pretty much available anytime, here.
I mean it is also true I have exercise induced asthma but psh that can't be part of this in any way, shape, or form, right
yeah that's a bad sign I'd think for me it's just like my chest tightens and hurts my throat feels like it's closing up I start coughing up a storm I taste blood in my mouth I can't breathe it's a fun time also I can't find my inhaler I think I threw it out fuck help
maybe you have asthma like me! asthma buddy :D passes out from lack of oxygen brb I'm gonna call my doctor and see if I can get in tomorrow and get a prescription for a new inhaler or something
That's weird, because I'm pretty sure I don't? Like, I can breathe just fine most of the time and don't get the other asthma symptoms. Maybe I'm just terrible at exercise.
welllLLL first off don't go whole-hog all at once; moderation and building up from simple stuff is key; there was a time i couldnt run a half mile without having to stop but now i can do ~2 miles straight, for example! know ur limits p much, and dont push them too far all at once :OO
In my case, I think the problem is specifically running. As in, the speed at which I'll actually start running instead of walking is very close to the one that will make me cough out my lungs in five minutes.