Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Arxon

    Arxon Well-Known Member

    Ahhhhh ok @whimsicalobservant I also...drew a robot oc...
    I am not v good at drawing robots so I just did torso
    This is Obscura! Her alt mode is some kinda camera. She's technically from Caminus, but she was kinda kidnapped by a rogue scientist a little bit after she first came online, and they traveled together until separated. Obscura is obsessed with all kinds of myths and legends, especially stories about unknown species and rare monsters. She's interested in organics in general, actually. She has a very, very curious personality, but she's usually a bit too socially awkward to ask the questions she wants. She does really poorly in combat situations. She comes across as a loner, mostly because she's super shy and hates asking others for help.
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  2. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Despite ongoing oops-I-reinjured-my-hand issues, spitefic is a go

    But I'm actually really pleased with myself, because I finally managed to land on a like... semi-chill, semi-established dynamic for Brainstorm and Perceptor. Not Brainstorm being a ball of nerves and somehow managing to flail his way to a first time with the guy. It isn't exactly an established thing here, and Brainstorm isn't exactly chill, but it's over that first bump in the road, and now I can feel how to write them as more of a steady pair.

    and of course the way to get Perceptor all hot and bothered is to invent something he can't fully understand even after examining it all on his own
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  3. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    It's so cute... I love how nerdy these two are.
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  4. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    The universal swag pile
    image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg
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  5. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Omg that glittery Decepticon - is that a bag or a shirt? Either way I want it.
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  6. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

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  7. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    hey I just had a TGWP thought
    it's pretty likely that the author's read some of the IDW stuff... and i wonder if that includes chirolinguistics? and jazz is still allowed to hold hands with the other autobots..............
    > :3c
    > :3c
    just, this bit, upon rererereading, seemed suspect:
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  8. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ohhhh, I like that a LOT. I think at the beginning of the fic, the author said it was like 70% cartoon, 20% IDW, 10% other, so it's definitely a possibility!
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  9. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    OK this is really dumb but cygate -

    Imagine a music video with tailgate singing this song in a fifties service station uniform while washing cyclonus's car (I'm daring to be stupid here).

    Or he just has a name tag and a hat... The little service bot dreams big.

    The music video doesn't really work because Billy Joel looks like he wants to murder someone the whole time. The song is so happy, optimistic and kind of delusional, so it fits tailgates attitude perfectly.
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  10. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

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  11. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Did you see the extra bits on livejournal? There's like an extra third of a chapter over there :D Plus the author says some really cool stuff in their replies to comments sometimes. And OH MY GOD, YELL AT ME IN SPOILERS, WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE BITS? :DDDDDD
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  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Also! I posted in the CDCF file, but I have another shirt that I bought that I thought I might as well photograph before I got tired of putting on clothing (it took me two whole shirts to hit my patience limit, whoops), but here we go. I'm really pleased with myself for getting this second shirt, it's my absolute favorite

    0516161724b.jpg 0516161719.jpg 0516161806a.jpg

    Tarn down for what?!
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  13. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement


    hungrily devours this fic
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  14. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Well I saw the Christmas special if that's what you mean :p I will binge the lj from not-mobile, thank you!

    Favorite bits... hmmmmhmhm. Alien worldbuilding, for one thing! And also Jazz's music taste! (Let's be real, jazz's everything.) The author's ability to build a mood even with a supposedly "emotionless" (hAHAHA) narrator, the way they make me care about characters I only vaguely remember from the comic... it's a really stellar piece of writing, I'm a little jealous :P

    Specific scenes... lemme go see what I liveblogged at my sister, heh.

    -the cassettes. Ooooooh sweet Primus the cassettes, they are all wonderful and watching them acclimatize is GREAT.
    --the fact that within three chapters I'd started referring to jazz and sw as "party dad" and "strict dad," respectively, and the cassettes as "the kids"
    -every single line that comes out of jazz's mouth
    -Soundwave kicking ass when he decides to actually deal with politics
    -Shockwave awkwardly propositioning Soundwave oh my god
    -All of high command being megatron's abuse victims and dealing with it in their own broken ways
    -RODDY. Sweet darling Roddy who may or may not have been mnemosurgery'd out of everyone else's heads. I want to see where that plot's going, and also if Domey is still out there. ...without rewind, ow, my heart. That last bit could be interesting drama if CD finds out what happened to rewind.
    -Laserbeak shipping her dads from like day 3
    --jazz just adopting Bird Daughter without much questioning
    -the skeeviness of the whole slavery thing never really going away, no matter how nice things seem
    -the Musical Episode, and soundwave's continuing confusion about music
    -soundwave progressing to "jealous of intangible concepts, like music"
    -alien biology! Honestly the medical bits were as interesting as the porn bits, gimme that sweet sweet otherness
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  15. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

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  16. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    he is the hot stepdad who doesn't realize that his stepkids have huge crushes on him
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh my god, Soundwave is so jealous of everything and it's my favorite!

    Becoming jealous of intangible concepts was a new high low, but it makes me cackle every time he gets like that. Like you said, he's very outwardly emotionless and doesn't even express much inwardly, but he's still trailing around after Jazz like a puppy, going love meeeeeee, looooovvvveee meeeeeeee. And all the slavery is still there and still skeevy, and it's just so great :3c I'm just dying to see Jazz grab Soundwave by the heart and drag him straight into treasonland. The cassettes will be all aboard, no problem (except maybe Ravage), it's just a matter of forcing Soundwave to make a decision between loyalty and love.

    Slash because I am a dirty filthy shipper, I really, REALLY, REALLY want Skyfire to do the same to Starscream. He seems like the mech in high command who's dealt with the most direct abuse from Megatron, and he's already totally up for treason, as soon as he thinks he has a shot at coming out on top. He's still a mega-asshole, but like. Jetfire is a pretty different character in IDW, but in the original cartoon, Skyfire is like a giant, adorable puppy. Starscream is kind of an ass to him still, but Skyfire is like the one mech who remembers who Starscream used to be before the war got to him. I want want want to see him soften Starscream back out into a semi-decent person again.

    Basically I'm a sucker for master-slave relationships where the slave totally turns the power dynamics on their heads, and end up in a position of emotional power over their nominal owners. Jazz is already well on his way to doing that to Soundwave, but I'd kill to see Skyfire doing that to Starscream. And on a similar note, I really love Thundercracker wanting to be nice to Fireflight, and Silverbolt giving him a big FUCK U speech. I hope so bad that it leads to legit character development. And HOOK AND FIRST AID! The constructicons are... kind of rough-and-tumble assholes, and seeing Hook be only semi-rough with First Aid and even comforting him when he removed the Autobrand, it slays me. I've mentioned to coldstars that I'm nerving myself up to ask the author if I can have permission to play with fic on the edges of their story, because I want to poke at some of the other master-slave dynamics that don't get to take center stage.

    Oh! But because I am ALSO a sucker for master-slave relationships where the power dynamics remain unhealthy, I'm dyingggg to see how Soundwave tries to pull Jazz back under control. Because he does it with such sweetness and it's still sketchy as fuck, but it's so sweet! Mostly the only times we see him get rough are when he's worried for the empire (the mind invasion thing), something has scared him (Starscream threatening the cassettes) or he gets jealous (you silly motherfucker, why are you jealous of music). And he's already stopped himself from nonconsensually invading Jazz's mind once! I've got my fingers crossed for him figuring out how to manipulate Jazz's memories by applying music. It would take a lot of learning and I think that getting the understanding of music to do that would really help him connect to Jazz... but also I want to see him fucking around in Jazz's brain.

    And just in general, I am loving the wireplay here. I'm planning to try writing something with this flavor of xeno sometime really soon, I just need the right ship. Yesterday's Brainstorm/Perceptor was tentatively going to be like that, but then it didn't turn out to be pornographic at all, whoops :P But the wireplay is so much fun and I need to rub my hands all over it.
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  18. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i think ravage would be pretty on-board too, if it's family vs megatron. he's SUPER not pleased with megatron:
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  19. meowtini on the rocks

    meowtini on the rocks Active Member

    It's a tank top!
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  20. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh, definitely! I just think that of the family, he's got the best balance of understanding the potential consequences, against not being desperately in love with Jazz. Though given that extra third of a chapter, he's definitely starting to soften, but still, he's WAY less emotionally invested than the others. I think that he'll try to be the voice of reason for Soundwave, because even if he doesn't like Megatron, he's... less carefree than a lot of the other cassettes. Frenzy and Rumble have no impulse control and so, so little fear. Laserbeak is in love with Jazz, and Buzzsaw is totally the submissive twin with her. He's going to go where she leads.

    Especially given Ravage's independent streak and his extended, extended history with Soundwave, I think he'll tend towards protecting Soundwave, even if it comes at the cost of some emotional hurt for his carrier. If it comes down to risking death to pursue love versus holding out for stockholm syndrome and playing things safe, I think he'll skew towards playing things safe. Of course, I don't think that will last, because Megatron is SUCH a vicious ruler, and Jazz and Starscream are already working to topple him out of power. But of all the cassettes, who started with the push-Jazz-away-to-protect-Soundwave attitude, he was the slowest to give it up, and he's been the slowest to soften to Jazz. Maybe he'll even feel a little betrayed if he finds out that Jazz is actively working against the empire, especially now that he's deigned to let Jazz give him ear scratches :3c I am ALL about those Decepticons feeling hurt and betrayed when their slaves express/act on their desire to not be slaves anymore.
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