shitposting rave 2, electric boogaloo

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by this is not a subaccount, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    Whichever you are more comfortable speaking about. I'm curious and bored, not trying to pry actual strategically-valuable information out of you.
  2. Father Hart

    Father Hart Seer of Heart

    Very well then. I don't think prying me for information would end well in any case. *amused expression*

    I am currently living in a household that has dedicated itself to taking in refugees from a multidimensional... anamoly? There was a demiurge involved, and an awful lot of reality warping, from what I understand. I missed the bulk of it, but one of our friends found himself not only stranded in a different dimension, but a safer one than the world of our origin, and he found a way to bring the most of the rest of us to safety. Since then, we've been trying to adjust, and help others adjust and heal. It's good work.

    My home world went through some terrible wars in my childhood, and was struggling with both political and environmental fallout throughout my adulthood. A large part of the political fallout included several classes of humanity being persecuted which was, understandably, not ideal. To put it very simply, my team tried to help fix issues caused by the social inequality.
  3. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    And your team was involved in the eventual anomaly, I assume? Are you aware of any of its repercussions on the worlds other than that you've settled on?

    It is... good to hear there are still groups who focus on rebuilding and healing. [Their smile doesn't quite reach their eyes.] I admit I had started to lose hope in the sapient races' capacity for large-scale kindness.
  4. Juno Eclipse

    Juno Eclipse Ex-Empire pilot

    Really? innuendo jokes? Is that the best you can come up with? *chuckles* You should work on your pick-up lines.
    Whatever you do, don't give Galen any to drink.
    That a girl. Look on the bright side.
  5. Father Hart

    Father Hart Seer of Heart

    My original team managed to avoid the worst of the anomaly, although we've been dealing with some after-effects - mostly other people randomly stranded. It does seem to have affected a number of dimensions, mostly by dimensionally displacing people, although I do know one area where several dimensions permanently collapsed into one another to form a fused timeline. You would have to ask the experts for more details on that, as I understand very little of interdimensional physics.

    *small but very genuine smile* There is always hope. I am perhaps a bit biased in that regard, but... even on my world, we made and found hope in equal measure.
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  6. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    The concept is intriguing, but I admit I also have very little knowledge of interdimensional physics. Anomalies tend to be dangerous, but if you are sure the one you encountered is concluded and no longer a threat, I shall have to trust your own experts have done their jobs properly.

    Hope may always exist, but it is not always... in the line of sight, so to say. It is nice to be reminded, sometimes, that there is in fact a light on the horizon. If our current mission ends well, I shall have to see if your home is reachable from mine. It would be nice to lend my skills to rebuilding rather than mere survival. (Which is not to say survival is a bad goal! Just... setting the bar rather low.)
  7. Caboose

    Caboose Everybody's friend

    Compact buddies
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  9. Rom of Byrgenwerth

    Rom of Byrgenwerth Proud Scholar of Stars

    Something most intriguing has occurred. Something which is only rivaled in its sheer intrigue as it is by its frustration. Frustration because I'm not at all certain as to what has led to my current state of affairs. Oh, I can remember the bulk of my life as well as ever. I can even recall a mundane meal from earlier, though how much earlier I do not know. The series of events leading to my present situation are unknown to me, however.

    The present situation itself isn't any more transparent, honestly. It is easy enough to say "the streets are lined with man eating beasts" but that doesn't quite explain where they have come from or why. Especially not when I'm not even certain as to where these streets are. Not Byrgenwerth is for certain.

    I do at least have this most curious notebook, however. It appears that through some arcane artifice it is capable of leaving the messages I write within it imprinted on the dreamscape itself. Others seem to possess similar notebooks, given the plethora of notes I am finding etched on the ground. I'm not certain if it is the notebook itself that is performing this, or if the notebook is a medium that acts in tandem with eldritch beings. Something to look into as time goes on.

    For the moment at least I can leave this message. My name is Rom, a scholar at the academy of Byrgenwerth and assistant to the Provost Willem. I have awoken in a city inhabited by beasts. The streets are lined with blood. My memory is faulty. Perhaps I might find help through leaving this message.
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  10. Rom of Byrgenwerth

    Rom of Byrgenwerth Proud Scholar of Stars

    As an update I have found a safe place. Or what I presume is safe for the moment anyway. It was safe enough for me to manage to sleep, at any rate. The townsfolk roam the roads in bands, so I will be moving from this spot soon.

    Curiously I did not have any of my now typical dreams. The vast oceanic murmurs of Ebrietas were not heard at all. Indeed, my head has been far clearer than it has been in months. Save for the splitting headache, likely due to an addiction to caffeine. Aside from the lack of my dear friend's singing, it's also quite curious to see the sky. I seem to have woken up at the exact same hour that I fell asleep, if the moon's position is any indication. To add to the curiosity this is the same spot that the moon had been upon my initial awakening. As well as its position during my notebookless adventures. It's uncanny, honestly, this lack of change in time. I will be keeping a close watch on the sky.
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  11. Rom of Byrgenwerth

    Rom of Byrgenwerth Proud Scholar of Stars

    The notes are now accumulating what appears to be a score. My most recent message has 1 "fine" ranking and 0 "foul". The one before that has 2 "fine" and 0 "foul". I should investigate the other notes for similar counts. I've a bad tendency to glance over numbers at the bottoms of pages.
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  12. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    You know, Rom, there actually isn't a "foul" button, right?

    Or, at least, I sure don't see one. *laughs*

    And I don't think Seebs would wanna give us one.
  13. aurumIlluminatrix

    aurumIlluminatrix Achromat Nichrome/Ophira Reesch, ThiefOfDoom | 18+

    I Will Petition For A Foul Button.
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  14. Rom of Byrgenwerth

    Rom of Byrgenwerth Proud Scholar of Stars

    I don't know what these buttons you speak of are? I am simply writing in a notebook. There are, strewn across the floors and walls, similar messages to my own. They appear as pages of a notebook, rising out of the aether.
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  15. Rom of Byrgenwerth

    Rom of Byrgenwerth Proud Scholar of Stars

    Also this proves that I am not screaming into the abyss. Lovely.
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  16. Mint Knorth

    Mint Knorth Heart-breaker, Vixen of Victory

    Hello there, Rom — are you a scholar? You sound like one. Scholars have my respect, they charge headlong into dangers that soldiers like me avoid, so long as there's knowledge to be obtained!
  17. Rom of Byrgenwerth

    Rom of Byrgenwerth Proud Scholar of Stars

    I am a scholar yes, at the academy Byrgenwerth. I study under the Provost Willem himself, assisting him in his study of the limitations of human intelligence. A scholar with more than a little familiarity with danger, thankfully. The labyrinths we explore are hardly safe, filled as they are with the strangest creatures.
  18. Mint Knorth

    Mint Knorth Heart-breaker, Vixen of Victory

    Are these strange creatures part human, then? Or is the intelligence you test your own?

    Strange isn't a bad thing. I've found evil to generally be quite boring.
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  19. Rom of Byrgenwerth

    Rom of Byrgenwerth Proud Scholar of Stars

    Oh, no strange is hardly a negative. It's a positive if anything. The creatures lurk the tombs of the gods, or at least beings who are so great as to be gods to us. They bear the markings of what might be a closeness to the gods. Far closer than what we have managed. They do appear to have a fondness for the blood found in the tombs, however. A dangerous thing. The blood appears to mutate and twist those who frequently make use of it.

    Let me share our old adage: We are born of blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Fear the old blood.
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  20. Iridium

    Iridium The Survivor (18+)

    I don't have blood.
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