Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    It is part of Comixology unlimited.
  2. Nochi

    Nochi small waterfall of pure void


    cyclonus is the most anime
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  3. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    It's how I'm going to read a lot of the RID IDW run without going broke (I know theres view comic but I feel guilt plus I like being able to read off line).
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  4. Nochi

    Nochi small waterfall of pure void

    I started re-reading tonight and did this instead of twitter (my usual live-read venue)

    • Rodimus looks like he's in an 80s music video
    • Ratchet! Grumpy, self-loathing Ratchet!
    • Robotisms are my favorite thing. I mean, rigor morphis. Come on.
    • Cyclonus looks like an upset kitty on the page where he finds Whirl
    • Out of arm's way
    • (not sorry)
    • Tailgate's attempts to get to his energon cubes look a lot like me trying to get out of bed in the morning
    • I freaking love this shot of Whirl, too.
    • Swerve. Swerve no.
    • (that's it that's the comic)
    • Mnemosurgery is so creepy.
    • Cyclonus you don't just DROP PEOPLE with NO LEGS, that is INCREDIBLY RUDE
    • "My nickname at the academy was 'shut the hell up'" hard same
    • Rodimus: "I'm going to lure it here with my ego."
    • also same
    • Given that my first real exposure to Transformers was via the Prime cartoon, the POV of bots from before the Autobot/Decepticon divide is really interesting to me, especially with one of them having lived through it and just not taken a side, and the other being essentially a time capsule of that before-time. "Autobots good, Decepticons bad" is kinda the perception that kept me out of it for so long and I was glad to see it explored a little more here. THAT WAS A LONG BULLET POINT GOOD THING IT'S THE LAST ONE
    • Like x 7
  5. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Ok, so cassettes are mostly a tv show thing? It seemed too goofy for the IDW comics. They could probably come up with a reason to still have robots be soundwave's cassettes, but it would be really convoluted. About the fanfic, I do have a soft spot for master/slave fanfic, especially one that plays around with the power dynamics of that kind of relationship. Longfic is hard for me to get through though, I'm still trying to catch up with 'Midnight on the Demon Patrol" (homestuck)

    No I haven't! Thanks so much, the links work fine. I've only read MTMTE and LsofW, there's just so much of everything..

    I headcanon that his chest compartment is extradimensional like Snoopy's doghouse. There's a lap pool, a billards table, big screen tv, light-up disco dance floor and a fully stocked bar in there.

    - Somehow ratbat's brain survived being plucked out of his body. That's not something I've seen before.
    - Soundwave, you can't call mass murder 'civil disobedience'. Who exactly are you trying to kid?
    - The cassettes, they remind me of the kittens in ed's armor from FMA--If the kittens were giant, murderous robots.
    - Wow, and suddenly Soundwave and his 'cassettes' make sense! They saved him, they helped him return to sanity, I don't know if he still thinks of them that way though.

    Next up is Dark Cybertron! I've already read the MTMTE half of it, I'm looking forward to the story actually making sense this time around.
    Last edited: May 29, 2016
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  6. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Sister hit Scavengers last night.

    Her reaction to the DJD:
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  7. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    holy shit it did NOT take long for someone to step up to the trash plate for the new trash ship
    • Like x 4
  8. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Trufax, I've got to go to the gym, then fuel my mortal husk, but after that, when I get home I'm starting on fic for the trash ship. I'm SO excited, I couldn't fall asleep last night and figured out some delicious emotional points to hit. It's going to be tricky to pace, since cybertronians live for-fucking-ever, and I need to maintain a steady psychological slide over that whole stupid-long period, but this is too good, I've GOT to get it written out.
    • Like x 7
  9. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    *quietly but with feeling* poor Starscream

    Look I don't wanna say Prowl deserves to get blown up but it's oddly satisfying to see him lie there all fucked up and broken :3
    Aww Wheeljack
    'scream honey
    He's got... fucking heads... strapped to his waist... Megs... wtf... (also he is... so skinny? with all these bits missing? And it looks really cool tbh I love this robot gore)
    Megs: "I come in peace" Bee: ":<"
    bee is so not having this. he's fucking done. Just. Fuck this. Not on his lawn.
    how in the name of fuck does he STILL survive this is Megs fucking MADE of plot armor?
    Needlenose bless your spark
    But I can also understand Starscream really not being into the idea of Megatron being back.
    And also that was HARSH Metalhawk don't be mean to 'scream.
    Wow. I'm. Wow I'm actually really on board with Bee here today. Good job pulling yourself out of that pit, man, i'm proud of you.
    beeeeeeeeee megs needs a doctor. Like i get it but.
    oh my god he says bumblebee's name
    yessss good bumblebee.
    oh my god he looks so helpless in that panel. my poor honey.
    ... i liked that speech and now y'all are bein mean to my boy :c fuckin dicks.
    why does metalhawk have to reaffirm his attachment problems by shittalking him after calling him a friend.
    "I trust you" "Really?" -weeps softly- -ships Wheeljack/Starscream-
    why is this comic making me feel things over these gay desasters
    omfg if this will lead to a situation that looks damning to starscream and make wheeljack take his statement back i will cry
    bless Blurr
    bless his bar.
    bless Jazz
    ARCEE stop hanging from the ceiling you fuckin spider
    okay wheeljack's monologue just called 'scream courageous and I'm JUST FEELING MORE AND MORE JUSTIFIED IN SHIPPING IT
    honey no. I mean it would be cathartic but...
    "Back off, man -- I'm a scientist." ilu wheeljack
    omg he just fucking smashed his headlight thingy D:
    don't hurt wheeljack you fuckin....
    hello there prowl you can fuck right off again. that is WAY too many guns.
    "I invite you to resist" sadistic motherfucker.
    • Like x 6
  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    You know what, Overlord's face isn't the only thing designed to look like classic greek statues.



    check out that sexy nipple action
    Last edited: May 27, 2016
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  11. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    ...I could have lived my whole life not noticing that
    • Like x 4
  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    And you just know that each of those nipples is the size of a human head
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  13. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    My god. You're right. This is game-changing
    • Like x 7
  14. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member

    I didn't think he could get any more disturbing, but I was wrong. Very very wrong
    • Like x 5
  15. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: :noms:

    the autopedia.
    which the scavengers vandalized.


    one summary execution later

    "about four million years ago we stopped reaching for the stars because we needed both hands to beat the crap out of each other" is a wonderful phrase

    man, i love the scavengers. they know they cant fight, so they stage a distraction and bail
    know then to fold em ::3

    oh no
    dont tell me theres decepticon sparks in the robot pets
    holy motherfucking shit demus you sick bastard

    robots. riding on robot horses.
    i love this comic.

    red alert, please apply this also to yourself, and especially the autopedia. the autopedia is lying to you.
    you and fort max need better intel.

    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3

    prepare, confront, repel
    wrecker motto? naww

    fort max covered in smiling robot animals: things i didnt know i wanted
    also spinister ilu

    that symbol was above "prepare confront repel".
    • Like x 8
  16. Petra

    Petra space case

    He's also got a robo-six-pack.
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  17. Petra

    Petra space case

    Okay but, does that sound like a play on the DJD motto to anyone else? Pretty sure it's not Space SCP.
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  18. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    So I'm working on that dumpster ship fic, and I needed a decent name for a pre-DJD decepticon, so I'm poking around looking at vehicle parts, right?

    I'm leaning towards not doing it, but I tell you, I am SO SORELY TEMPTED to name this asshole 'Spoiler'

    Probably i am going with Wingtip because i do want something bland. But ffffffffffffffffffffffff I WANT TO NAME HIM SPOILER. But people will jump to the other meaning first, and it might be a big enough derail I'm not sure they'll properly reach the meaning the guy's name is supposed to have in-universe. Help, help, I'm too caught up in the play on words, I can't parse whether or not this will yank readers out of the story. Do you think it would be a bad idea to name this guy Spoiler?
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  19. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    those were my thoughts exactly! but i was too lazy to pull up the actual motto

    (well, with all the stuff theyve got lying around there, they might as well be space scp)
  20. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I heard Overlord has an eight-pack. That Overlord is shredded.
    • Like x 8
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