It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by rigorist, May 26, 2016.

  1. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    I feel like I should delete every post in the thread, replacing them all with a single post that says "It's a nice day to... start again."
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  2. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    groundhog day loop, or...?
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  3. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    Song quote.
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  4. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    //crashes party
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  5. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

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  6. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    • Like x 5
  7. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    *swoons dramatically into all of your arms, stealing cody's hat on the way down*
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  8. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

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  9. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    I want to get Kintsugi married! I look cute in a white dress and come with two bonus large fluffy dogs. Marry me for Interesting Science Facts and someone who wants to hear all about that thing you're super into! Just as soon as I can figure out how to put a ring on the Crab Nebula...
    • Like x 6
  10. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    @WithAnH I have just realized that not only should you marry me, but, if you both :consent:, the two of us should also marry @Wiwaxia and jointly take on each other's username so we're finally the ultimate cluster of Wihxez
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  11. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    you all should probably marry @witchknights as well because w names are difficult
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  12. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    • Like x 5
  13. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    YES yes we should do this
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  14. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    tonight's setlist so far

    for @palindromordnilap & @chaoticArbiter:

    for jesse & luka

    for @mizushimo & @liminal, and also for the Jäger party (@albedo, @TwoBrokenMirrors, @kmoss, @littlemissCodeless):

    ...except at least partially in German, and way rowdier

    for @whimsicalobservant & @IvyLB

    for @Acey & @Neurogabu

    still thinking about songs for ...

    @BlackholeKG & @pixels
    @unknownanonymous & @swirlingflight
    @Kit & @Anomal(eee)
    @IndigoRiffRaff & ?? (@prismaticvoid? @Lissa Lysik'an? @Void?)
    @Wiwaxia, @wixbloom, @witchknights, and @WithAnH (...*wonders if Sesame Street has any youtube clips of W songs*) EDIT: the answer to this question is YES would you like to have Larry King perform at the wedding

    have I missed anyone?
    Last edited: May 27, 2016
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  15. Queer Disaster

    Queer Disaster existing has anyone given you guys toasters yet? the quintessential wedding gift and all that.

    anyone wanna marry a nerd who has a cat and an obsession with don't starve and deus ex? cause this nerd is free. and looks damn good in a suit.
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  16. Inkblot


    I would love to Kintsugi marry somebody (or everybody) but, alas, I am taken. By my cat.
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  17. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    swoons also, crashes onto floor
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  18. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    -catches evan, steals @kmoss hat in revenge-
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  19. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    -licks everyone, drags @albedo upright and props him on shoulders, cackles about hat-
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  20. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    I could flip the w to make things easier, but idk, theres just something wrong with the sound of mitchknights, starting with the fact i don't know-and-respect any mitch well enough to make an oath of fealty, nor one with enough land to make such an arrangement advantageous
    Last edited: May 27, 2016
    • Like x 11
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