tumblr hates my videos and does not understand that kittens are not for sexual but here's one they didn't nuke and a bunch of photos plus some stuff I hadn't posted here yet
Why is tumblr nuking the stupidest fucking shit who let the perviest asshole in the universe decide what to nuke on the basis of porn since when did Tumblr even disallow sexually explicit stuff, Yahoo said when they took over that they weren't getting rid of the porn ITALICS!!!!!!!
don't worry, swirl. all the stuff i've seen tumblr nuking so far for sexual explicitness has been videos, which i recall tumblr never allowed to be sexually explicit. like: pictures? allowed! text? allowed! audio? allowed! videos? nope! so i think anything that's not a video will be fine. and here are the most relevant parts of the community guidelines:
they'll be back up in a couple days, I sent in a "this is idiotic" appeal it seems to specifically be the ones with purring that they hate? I don't even fucking know. put my babies back they're cute
Kittens purring is the new kink clearly. In less dumb news omg they are so precious. I want to pet and love them all and play with them and nap with them. What precious little meowers.