Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. asynch

    asynch allegedly legendary

    what are the odds that the 'irreducible me' Minimus Ambus also has a beastform alt-mode?

    (i'm assuming that each armor layer has it's own alt-mode, because no way every mech who's been Ultra Magnus happened to have the same alt-mode. makes more sense if it's built in.)
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  2. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    I just dreamed I was Whirl, like regular giant robot Whirl, looking at rental houses on earth, and it was so frustrating trying to find a house that would fit me I cried. This thread has done something to my brain.
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  3. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    @spockandawe i've been. thinkin about impactor/springer kinkmeme stuff.......

    what if pre-pova..... when their relationship is still affectionate and mentorly, with impactor being a cool, tough big brother figure and springer being impactor's "little green circuit booster"

    what if penance/punishment impact play that neither of them really know they're engaging in, unnegotiated, no safe word

    what if...... springer doing his level best to get impactor to smack him around in a post-fight adrenaline-fueled tryst that starts out rough but affectionate and turns violent and filthy and still pretty affectionate in a twisted fucked up wreckers kind of way

    maybe it starts out accidentally, like springer gets shoved up against a wall a bit too hard and it hurts, and some of the guilt he tries not to think about goes quiet for a second, and maybe he starts trying to provoke impactor into violence and roughness and

    springer trying really really hard not to examine the reasons why he feels like he needs to be punished, and impactor's too hyped up from the adrenaline to give much of a shit about the reasons beyond maybe 'haha that kid's kinkier than i thought, what a little shit'

    and he gets really into it and soon springer doesn't need to provoke impactor to get him to hurt him

    but it never gets negotiated, there are no rules or safe words discussed. they probably don't talk about it at all beyond some really filthy dirty talk on impactor's part. maybe it's a one-time thing because it's making springer have to confront His Feelings and he does not want to do that, or maybe it becomes a regular thing because springer is awesome at denial and impactor is awesome at Doing A Violence

    what if.......
    anyway. i'll see myself out and go find a nice trash pile to sit on
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  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ooooooooooooh, now this is my kind of garbage!!! :DDDDDDD I'm letting this percolate while I cross stitch, but I'm THIS close to having a story locked down that I can write out! This one is going to be a lot of fun :3c
    Last edited: May 30, 2016
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  5. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

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  6. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yeah. I am not very satisfied with the bit that seems to imply MTOs were an autobot-only thing and those autobots are just fighting against everything the decepticons stood for when MTMTE is very clear that the war crimes and stunning hypocrisy went both ways, but otherwise, good.

    Also consider.

    The Autobots primarily fight to protect other species, to protect life. The Decepticons fight to protect transformers and Cybertron.

    The war caused xenocide on a horribly wide scale and very nearly lead to the extinction of the Cybertronian race, at least non-colony. And it's implied with Prion the actions taken by the warring factions are spilling over in how others treat the colonies!

    So. Neither side won at all.
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  7. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Yeah, I think we can say pretty well that nobody won that one. Just. The whole war thing was not a good time!

    On side note, I just sped through a reread of TBSHTC and again found myself weirdly dissatisfied that Alpha Trion didn't turn out to be the 'man behind the curtain' villain dude. He acted so damn shady toward the end, but then the author randomly choose Tyrest to be the secret hidden king rat behind all the bullshit when he wasn't even hinted at before? It may just be because I know nothing about TFA or something, but bleh :T
    Last edited: May 30, 2016
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  8. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    So wandering the TFWiki indicates that Brainstorm at the very least was around during the days of Zeta Prime, as he is mentioned as being at the New Institute with Chromedome at the time when Soundwave was captured. So he's honestly pretty old. But it's also a good bet that, as an MTO mad scientist, he's never actually had to handle currency on this own. He's the kind of guy to whom logistics is a thing that happens to other people.
    In contrast, Getaway for instance probably got a very good idea of how money worked very quickly, given his standard MO.
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  9. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    God, creating anything polished has been like pulling teeth lately, and I wish I knew why, but this was a lot of fun to write. Maybe this will help unblock the positive whirl and/or cyclonus fics, the negative whirl fic, or the dominus fic because fuck meeeee I just want to write these things out why has my own brain turned against me
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  10. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: :noms:

    im liveblogging this at uni with @IvyLB sitting next to me. jsyk.

    damn drift your thighs

    ratchet: drift, say something inspirational, i fight better when im annoyed

    also drift i see youve got ratchets eyebrows painted on your helm, you two are in partner look, and im pretty damn sure you two are at least dating

    not relying on help from above
    -ship turns up-
    ivy had to point me to the visual pun because i missed it

    ravage ilu
    also the image of a kitty piloting a spaceship is just

    megs has come to care so much about that crew
    this convo is so utterly chilling its gr8
    tarn: look around you. every flower represents a life you ended - a death for which you bear full responsibility. you think theyre all autobots?
    motherfuck what a line
    (ivy: it gets worse)
    megs: i know its impossible to preserve some moments and not others
    tarn... i kind of understand your reaction. i wouldve done the same. yes, with my 5 human feet 4 inch high and meat and bone hands, i wouldve punched megs in the face. someone might need to lift me, but I WOULD DO IT
    (and someone would need to patch up my hand afterwards)
    tarn... are you on a psychotic break? sit down. breathe. count to ten.
    scream a bit more bc screaming is appropriate in this situation
    honestly, right now megatrons and optimus prime relationship is fucked up
    sheesh tarn, chill. sit down. breathe. count to ten.
    is that
    is that who i think it is
    doesnt ANYONE stay dead anymore??

    i love how velocity is just rattling down epiphets that are probably from pharma

    rodimus: there you are! ive been looking everywhere for you
    drift: that makes a change
    rodimus: ow. direct hit. lose a life.
    asfgshfjgkhfgjhfgdsa omg you two
    also, rodimus, go apologize to drift. and then apologize some more. òò_óó

    overlord: i was expecting a higher calibre of repartee from someone who tries so very hard to look sophisticated
    (ivy: ladies, ladies, youre both pretty. theres enough megatron to go around)
    tarn: at least he hasnt forgotten me
    overlord: call that a tank?
    oh wow thats some... weapons grade conversation here :shades:
    tarns face rn: =_="
    megatron: -ollies outy-

    rewind and aradia would get along very, very well
    also rewind/chromedome warms my heart
    oh nauts.

    overlord: or will he back off the moment megatron offers him a hug?
    nickel bby ;;_;;
    (well someone just crossed a moral event horizon, and ivy just helpfully reminded me of the convo he had with deathsaurus. the one about killing your comrade to prove a point.)
    tarn: i will not be ridiculed by someone who spent half his life running and the other half sulking because no one gave chase
    i mean, shots fired, but said someone just played you like a fiddle. and there i thought you know your strings!

    (ivy has also helpfully pointed out that tarn punched off megatrons autobot badge)
    considering the size of the hole in megatrons chest, damn those things are sturdy. one would think you should make a whole bot out of those and not just... a tiny bit. theyre like the nokia phones of robots
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  11. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: :noms:

    ominous cover is ominous

    ratchet: i could do this with my hands closed and my eyes tied behind my back
    ratchet, either you grew a sense of humour or youre distracted beyond measure, and... please let it be the first
    velocity: recap: stern ratchet: tell me what i missed. helpful velocity: sure! here are my case notes - pause for emphasis - for you to look at when youre finished
    velocity ilu
    drift: ships genius says he cant make weapons out of thin air - well he says he can, but not in the six and a half hours between now and sunset
    dasghf drift i missed your snark

    minimus: i respect you, nightbeat. you know i do. -twirls moustache-
    nightbeat: acually you kept that very hidden.
    nightbeat you ass


    is that a poly-pale marriage im witnessing here
    (also a wonderful solution to multishipping. just marry them all.)

    drift is worried ;;_;;
    minimus youre tiny
    fffff ahahahahhahahahahhahahahhasdfghfj


    (ivy: stop screaming for a second and read in, it gets worse)
    (with the narrative juxtaposition this was obvious tho)
    agent 113
    what :psyduck:
    rewind did you just choose chromey over dominus ;;_;;
    (also ivy tipped me off about the visual callback to when rewind 1 died)
    (also, no swordsman who has any pride and honour is just going to let someone else draw their sword just like that. drift left him.)

    whirl: ... theyve turned up early!
    cyclonus: theyll just have to be patient.
    whirl: i really want to shoot them.
    cyclonus: youll have to be patient, too.
    this is so pale.
    whirl: wait, what am i talking about? tailgate would keep it secret for all of 0.3 seconds
    also, cyclonus, i hope you and tailgate sit down and talk about your feelings because im pretty damn sure theyre mutual.
    this is so utterly pale, i cant
    cyclonus is just plugging his ears and going "lalalala im not listening" and whirls just "yeah buddy not gonna let up. not if i can get gossip out of it" (secret: whirl cares)
    cyclonus. no. not talking is what made this thing escalate that far in the first place. GO AND TALK TO HIM. SCRIPT IT IF NECESSARY. BUT TALK TO HIM.
    whirl, thats a lie, and you know it.
    cy. cy, shoosh. youre all knight-syndroming it up and being all dramatic, but right here and now, tailgate is not the damsel in distress. you are. let him protect you.

    did you
    did you make megatron a fusion cannon
    is that what you did
    megatron: think about what youre doing
    rodimus: rude
    rodimus. rodimus pls.
    Screenshot (16).png
    first of all i need to mention how ridiculously attractive rodimus looks
    like, whoa. very pretty.
    secondly, i know its probably part of his helmet, but he looks like hes got eyebrows and they really complement his expression and
    i cant unsee it
    welp, that is one hell of an uprade, cobbled together from a box of scraps. necessity is the mother of ingenuity ::D
    group hug

    how can you guys STAND this??
    also when does the next issue hit. this is an important question.
    • Like x 11
  12. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    @whimsicalobservant : "Megatron's swirly things aren't consistent"
    me, helpfully: "Well of course they aren't I assume people just doodle swirly things there when they draw him. If it helps just imagine he draws them on every morning."

    My new headcanon is that Megatron sometimes walks around with huge black bars on his boobs, because he fucked up and suddenly his eyeliner wing swirls were too thick and he couldn't be bothered to fix it
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  13. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."


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  14. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

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  15. Petra

    Petra space case


    The Lost Lighters are the new Knights of Cybertron, a la 'maybe the real treasure all along was the friends you made along the way'. They keep finding random legendary shit and saving the universe and doing everything but finding the Knights because it's the necessary prereq.
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Aw man, that almost seems like it would have to be Nightbeat, though. It would be really fitting, but it would be super sad to see him go
    and right after he successfully did a romance too :(
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  17. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    i mean narratively... Nightbeat would make most sense. He talked to censere the most. And he is gone right now doing a mystery thing.
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  18. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Random whine - I do not like Megatron's new head crest. I like the one from Megatron: Origins.
  19. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Well, I mean, given the quantum door thing, there's nothing to say he couldn't come and visit from time to time if that happened.
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  20. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ahahaha, oh nooooo, he'd be coming to visit whenever another crewmember died. So... pretty regularly.
    • Like x 6
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