Weird quirks about you?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by theambernerd, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    My younger brother and I both do the sarcastically gasp thing - he probably picked it up from me, and for a few years he overused it to the point of annoyance, but we both still do it sometimes.
  2. Insomniac

    Insomniac tired

    this will make me leave a room or space or stuff earphones in. I think it's partly because I worked so hard for my very bland born-and-raised-here-in-the-good-o'-US English, to hear it any different causes immediate adrenaline fight or flight response. As if, I have to relearn it over and I'm just going to throw myself off the nearest bridge rather than go through that again.
  3. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    I can't cross my legs comfortably for long. I think it's because I'm notably knock-kneed and that makes it hurt.

    If I eat something very sour like chewing on a lemon, my eyes reflexively blink. I don't know if that's common or not.

    I can easily close my right eye and leave the left open, but not the other way round.

    I have an extra tooth embedded below the gum line on the right inside of my lower jaw; I used to have an extra tooth growing on the outside of my others on my left upper jaw, and I have molars with too many cusps. I was apparently a dental centerfold once.
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  4. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    Ooh, if we're talking about teeth, my adult teeth had an annoying habit of growing in beside or behind their corresponding baby teeth, instead of doing what they're supposed to do and growing up from underneath the baby teeth. Most notable is that my left canine tooth grew in annoyingly far behind my baby left canine (as in, far enough that there's a noticeable gap - noticeable to me, that is, because the baby tooth is still there (barely loose) so most people wouldn't notice). Half the time if I bite my tongue, it's because of that tooth.

    My right canine grew in to the side of my baby right canine, and it's twisted a little sideways, so from most angles that tooth looks weirdly pointy. My smile's pretty crooked by this point.
  5. Insomniac

    Insomniac tired

    My right canine is a snaggle tooth, and I've never had wisdom teeth? Not even sure what that is.

    Looked it up, still unsure but I've never had to remove teeth after entering my teens.

    Oooh, okay:

    Hey, I also am lactose intolerant. It's only become really bad in the past year. Severe diarrhea always leads to severe dehydration.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
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  6. Elph

    Elph capuchin hacker fucker

    When I was a kid I would covertly lick things like the driveway or the road. I still remember how my childhood driveway tasted.
  7. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    I hear The Hum

    I can pick out the ripest, juiciest watermelons by smell
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  8. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    I'M NOT ALONE!!/
    seriously why does this happen? what is wrong with our tongues that other people's nice fizzy drink is DEATH PAIN?
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  9. BlackholeKG

    BlackholeKG I saw you making fire

    I like the taste of iron and the feel of other metals in my mouth... Such that I will often chew or suck on metal things, absent-mindedly. The collection of assorted coins that I have strewn across my desk are my most common victims.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
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  10. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    hi are you me ::D
    i like chewing on tinfoil. had a coughing fit or two when the tinfoil thingie went to deep. .._.."
    (its an extension of liking to chew on things. i also like cellulose, and cotton)
  11. Elph

    Elph capuchin hacker fucker

    One time I went to the college nurse to ask for advice about back pain, and she gave me a diagram of good desk posture, which explained a lot: it is literally physically impossible for me to follow the guidelines in 98% of chairs. Instead, I find weird ways of sitting, with my legs propped up or crossed over in some way, often with my body curling around to make it work. No wonder my back hurts!
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  12. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    I don't have a very visual imagination. This is so surprising to people who know how much I draw that sometimes they don't believe me when I tell them. I'm not actually sure how I turn concepts into pictures but I do know that it's fairly rare for me to have an image in my head which I then transfer onto paper/pixels.

    I can hear a sort of buzzing/humming noise our printer makes when it's on, which nobody else seems to notice. It's annoying.
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  13. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    I do a similar blankets thing! I don't absolutely have to do it but it's definitely my most comfortable blanket state, and the order is /essential/. I only have a layering of 4 though, I also overheat very easily so even though I'd like more blankets, the struggle is real

    summer is hell because no one pays attention to my Needs of having the room temperature be below 71 degrees when i sleep
    which is ridiculous and i dont blame them but :c
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  14. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    Until I was in my late teens, it was very difficult for me to actually swear - I think I had internalised my mum's freakouts at my dad due to his potty-mouth slip-ups, and aspie-brain had gone 'DO NOT SWEAR SWEAR IS BAD EVERYONE HATES SWEARING'.

    Instead I growled, roared, or barked when enraged. This earned me LOTS of friends, as you can imagine. (sarcasm) I still have a hard-wired bite reflex in self-defence/ backed-into-a-corner, as well. I think I've caused more tetanus jabs than more humans have had hot meals.

    I used to really hate spicy or fizzy things, as well. I have somewhat more tolerance to both of them nowdays, but I really prefer things mild or still if given the choice.

    Oh, also I have mild auditory hallucinations quite regularly. particularly when I'm tired? And I can always feel sounds quite strongly - even small ones, like the sound of someone's voice or the crunchy tik-tak of the keyboard I'm using rn. It's only occurred to me recently that not everyone accounts for texture when liking a song ^^;;;

    (And yeah, I do the rubbing new or extra smooth textures on my lips as well. I tend to check temperatures of drinks with them, as well.)
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  15. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Yup! My mom has it too, so I never realized that contorting was a weird thing until I folded into a pretzel in middle school gym and everyone started screaming.
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  16. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    I can hear the TV and kitchen light buzzing a lot, messes with my head. also I'm probably going to develop tinnitus/am already getting there, it doesn't happen too often but I get random high-pitched ringing that maybe lasts 10-20 seconds

    also I usually have scabs and raw spots on the tops of my ears because I can't stop scratching there. think it started like two years ago, and it's nigh-impossible to leave it alone, so it never fully heals. and my glasses rub against it, which sucks worse
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    SAME. Anything that has a nice texture, it's going right up against my mouth. Or if it's large enough, like a nice blanket or a shirt or something, I'll bury my whole face in it. Usually these days, I manage to do it just to my things and not other people's things, but it took me a while to get good at that. And also +1 to the ADHD tap-highlighting thing.

    I'm the opposite! I go straight to the floor and get tangled with the furniture. Not even necessarily when I'm drunk, though if I'm drunk, I will DEFINITELY do it. I remember once in college, my dorm's advisor was sitting in the common room and talking with people, and I just oozed over the arm of the couch, straight to the floor, and went under a stray chair. I also used to sleep under our dorm's pool table. It's like a wonderful cave! With airflow! And legs that I can push off against!

    Also I'm double jointed in all my fingers and used to be that when I was bored and trying not to fall asleep in class, I'd stretch them, so they were extra flexible. I'm not quite as flexible as I used to be, but I used to be able to bend my left pointer finger backwards far enough I could touch my nail to the back of my hand.
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  18. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    a thing i thought of that literally no one knows about me: whenever i notice (which isn't often) a grammar or spelling mistake that i can't fix or a number that bugs me, i imagine myself eating it. i don't know why. it keeps me from obsessing over it.

    edit: my favorites are when people overuse or misuse commas.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
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  19. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    ooh also this, I'm 5'2" but in most chairs I end up sitting way towards the front of the seat, usually with my legs apart. that habit was reinforced by ~6 years of playing flute, where I absolutely had to have my feet on the floor so i could sit up straight and take a full breath (which, for me, feels like maybe less than it should be? maybe i'm breathing wrong or have shitty lung capacity or something. that's maybe also a quirk?). or if i'm sitting with my back against the... back? of the chair, then my feet are probably pointed a bit so the ball of the foot is in contact with the floor. because my whole foot is not reaching the floor unless someone donates some leg length or lowers the chair.
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  20. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    I am not ambidextrous
    except when using a mouse
    i can use a mouse with either hand.
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