shitposting rave 2, electric boogaloo

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by this is not a subaccount, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Stentato of Devisiun

    Stentato of Devisiun NO INDOOR VOICE (18+)

  2. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *sighs* So many words. But yeah, that sounds bad. Really bad. Sorry. So so sorry.

    Just... I wanted Sev to touch me. And I thought this - thought this - was a way to make it happen. Thought it'd get him to touch me. Thought it would be okay, since it would just be medical for him. Thought it'd be the only way he'd ever wanna touch me.

    And I don't care if I'm not a yellow grub! I wanna be Norm Vaklai, anyway... I wanna be your husband. Be with you, forever... Or not forever, since you're mortal and I'm not. But a long time. A long long time.
  3. Valiska Pines

    Valiska Pines [WT/18+] Witch of Blood Queen Courinna

    Parents. Preferably more than one.

    Troll grubs are much more physically self-sufficient than either kits or human or Cereuti babies. When your little siblings are born, they probably won't even be able to open their eyes.
  4. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    I dunno. We pop out of the ground fully formed.

    Well, it takes us like a week to really get going, but after that, we're good to go!
    • Like x 1
  5. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    It was bullshit, but yes. I don't want to talk about this any more now or I'll break my own rule!
  6. Sunshine

    Sunshine [WT/18+] Kn1ght of Rage

    Norm, 1'll gladly marry you 1f you'll stop mak1ng an ass of yourself but 1 don't want you us1ng a name that even 1 don't use because that's s1lly.

    And what you d1d to Sev was gross. How would you l1ke 1t if you had to touch someone you don't want to fuck and you knew they were gett1ng off on 1t?
    • Like x 2
  7. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

  8. Jenny G

    Jenny G gonna remake the world or die trying

    My dad could protect me from anything.

    Mostly so he was the only one hurting me, but. Eh.
  9. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    ... Yeah, you mentioned your species is one where the ancestors also take the lusus role.
    I'll, uh, try to be a good big sister, Ma'Vali?

    Your species sounds fascinating! Ours hatches from eggs, eats everything in sight for a couple weeks, which is usually other grubs, then we pupate, go through the trial caverns, get adopted by a lusus, which is a beast that shares our blood colour, and spend the next 16-17-ish years in a juvenile state which we use to learn and train and form bonds with local peers - or kill them -, after that it's second pupation and then conscription into the army.
    We're a bit like locusts, in that regard.
    Are all of you naturally long-lived, or are there differences?
    With us it's blood caste. Warmer colours die earlier, colder ones live thousands of years. I'm mid-green, so my natural lifespan is about a thousand, actually!
  10. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *winces* Yeah. Yeah. That would be gross. Sooo grooosss... Ugh...

    *sighs* *looks down* Sorry. So sorry. I'm so terrible, so terrible... Clarissa was right... she was so right...

    I don't deserve you, Luck. Don't deserve you at all.
  11. Lacuna of Devisiun

    Lacuna of Devisiun the quiet one (18+)

    I dunno.

    To clarify, me and Stentato are from a cut-off colony that hasn't interacted with homeworld in like... 10 million years? 11 million? Not sure about the timeline. And, because our ancestors, uh...

    Look, they crashed. They crashed into an entire fucking planet. The metrotitan died. The hot spot got damaged. Lots of people died, we still find the bodies when we explore the dead titan sometimes. So we're all born a little weird! Twins, every last... two of us.
    • Like x 3
  12. Valiska Pines

    Valiska Pines [WT/18+] Witch of Blood Queen Courinna

    I know you will, and I believe you will do excellently! You and Mabel will probably enjoy them too. Tiny kits are helpless, but they're also full of love. Which is another way they survive. They start purring before they can even hear--because they feel the vibrations when someone they love holds them and purrs.
  13. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    I'm sorry to hear it. My father was a lot like that, too.
  14. Sunshine

    Sunshine [WT/18+] Kn1ght of Rage

    Fuck that no1se. Clean yourself up and try to ach1eve fecal consol1dat1on. Nobody deserves anybody. People love who they love for reasons that have noth1ng to do with just1ce. 1 love you, but Summoner's Arse you are be1ng fuck1ng embarrass1ng.
    • Like x 4
  15. Aranea Serket

    Aranea Serket Dorky Teen Marquise

    I feel that it is finally time for me to 8reak out of my self imposed hermitage following the climatic events of........Well, the time frame honestly isn't all that important, given the nature of paradox space. I've lived for a verita8le millennia now, and aside from that all points in time exist simultaneously at once. Why 8other assigning precise measurements of time to something that hasn't mattered to me in ages? Now that would just 8e silly wouldn't it? No, far more important are the actual events themselves. I will admit that they are somewhat shaky, even for myself having spent the time since studying them. My research has provided me with little 8ut a confused mess. It's honestly somewhat infuri8ting, 8ut I must keep striving forth. Someone has to unravel this mess, and I'm quite qualified in that field!

    However, I suppose that this greeting has carried on a 8it too long. It's hardly a greeting at all, in fact. No matter. My name is Aranea Serket. It appears that at least two of my friends have made it here to this hum8le 8oard already. Specifically Maryam and Megido. Unfortunately Meenah appears to 8e a8sent, though honestly I had suspected that. It seems to 8e in her nature to 8e fashiona8ly l8. Perhaps I've simply missed her, 8ut either way time will tell.
  16. Life Support of Iacon

    Life Support of Iacon Co-Captain, Autobot Rep, CMO | 18+

    Apology accepted.

    Oh, this is a question I can answer! We all have the same natural lifespan in that none of us are inclined to age like organics. Almost everything can be replaced. We're not sure how long we could live, really. We lost a lot of knowledge in the war.
    • Like x 1
  17. The Handmaid

    The Handmaid Friendly Neighborhood Murderer

    Well if it isn't the pint sized bitch. Not that the Marquise is any taller.
  18. Jenny G

    Jenny G gonna remake the world or die trying're the one who convinced Sev he could walk away, aren't you?
  19. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *smiles softly* Okay.

    I love you too, Luck. Love you so much.
  20. Call me Sev

    Call me Sev Yes, I am in fact wearing a cape (Knight of Space)

    Please don't-
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