Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i did the thing
  2. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i don't really have a good reason why erskin didn't just think of giving them to a cafeteria for gumbo or chowder in the first place... maybe he's still trollish enough that when you've got fancy treats, you give them to your quadrantmates first and try to turn a profit second. altruistically offering highblood snacks to lowbloods for free is kind of different than like 'i grow a lot of potatoes so my crew can stay fed', i guess.
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  3. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    murf accepts the offer, but i'm not sure how to put it in there format wise, i think i am too sleepy to make decisions and should probably call it a night.
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  4. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    very important realization: erskin keeps his hair trimmed short at the sides because he doesn't like it brushing against his fins— it would feel like hair tickling his nose and eyelids, or worse. but like it's gotten out of control while he was sick and everything, and is now in 'irritating mop' territory which is also probably like the 'trollywood tousled sex hair' gold standard.

    how charming would bel find it that erskin keeps cursing at his hair and trying to claw it off his twitchy fins while being too tired and distracted to actually set a proper appointment for a haircut?
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  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    if you're going to be up for while it would be fun to play RPs, but don't push yourself if you're not into it. also, when i'm stressed i don't want fluff, i want action/adventure and intricate evildoings: i'd be much happier writing the woofs having a little adventure, or captain aspera having to deal with the stress of a visiting asshole captain, than cuddles.

    i think i like fluff times because you like fluff times and it makes me happy to give you things you like, plus i'm happy whenever i observe my friends are happy. but as for myself i find it too straightforward, low-action, and emotionally stable to be inherently fun to write.
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  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    adventure times could be scads of fun! when i'm feeling beleaguered i like to have my characters petted and validated, so i was offering you what i'd like in your shoes. but as it happens, right now i'm feeling very adventurey and quite fond of villainy. i'm not sure which thread to do it in, nor what 'it' would be, but i'm game to brainstorm!

    recently i spent many hours reading through some panfandom dreamwidth rp's where some people were playing kieran and ash from 'god eaters', and not just because omg they're playing my oc's, but also it was good fun. and kinda halfway wishing i could play in that kind of big rp where someone else provides structure and events and all i have to do is play my character. except most of them exclude oc's (for good reason) and what i would most want to play would be murphy. that is, human space cowboy murphy. because i'm having way too much fun with him.

    anyhow, i woke up at 6 pm, so i'll be up for quite a while yet.
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  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    one plot i've really wanted to get to in the space navy is for a really dangerous indigo (maybe subjugglator) captain to need to be carrier-ed off to some sort of battlefront. the kind erskin mentioned having black flings with because it kept them occupied and fatalities to a minimum because this captain really likes killing lowbloods that get in his way. and so bel has to deal with like, watching is still-clearly-not-well captain and this big new guy tearing into each other like they've always done, and maybe there's jealousy, because erskin and bel entirely skipped the violent part of a black relationship. or he's just horrified and protective, because he's the only dude who should be messing with erskin.

    but like, the captain is an important frontline commanding officer with his own ship and probably the full endorsement of wavebane, so bel's ass is grass to cross him, and it's only by playing his blood for all it's worth that erskin can even barely match him, so anything bel would do to the guy would have to be really sneaky.

    it could also be a good opportunity for jethro to be super worried too?
  8. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    hmm, can we come up with a way my characters can do something besides be helpless and upset? it doesn't sound much fun for me tbh. :P
  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i mean, i love the baddie! and most of the situation. i just don't love that my characters can't do anything but sit on their thumbs and watch or else shit gets worse.
  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yeah, i was thinking bel could come up with some kind of clever plan— like to fuck the guy up or humiliate him or to lure him into a situation bel can kick his ass? it would be cool if bel or jethro could be the hero and rescue erskin again (though HE wouldn't find that much fun haha)
  11. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    we could just write the murfey threesome
  12. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i like both these ideas, but i think i like the "bel has a clever plan" idea better. i don't know what the clever plan could be, but i reckon we can work it out on the way. herm lemme look where we are rn.
  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ok it looks like physical therapy was done and jethro was about to haul some crabs to murfey's restaurant, so that's a good place for a little timeskip!

    do you suppose trolls have a formal duel system, for when someone one or two rungs up the hemospectrum is macking on your rival and you won't fuckin stand for it?
  14. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i honestly think trolls are too quarrelsome to STICK to a formal duel system, if there even is one. their base level of politeness is 'ongoing squabble'... equius seemed to act like bluebloods have some kinds of codes and conventions they thought were noble to stick to, though.

    i like the compounding social factor of the guy outranking him in position and importance, not just blood, though. like— bel is used to working within a military system, he has superiors. but it seems like being pretty much disgraced and irrelevant hasn't quite caught up with him? so like 'kill him and make it look like an accident' is suspicious, especially when bel only just squeaked out of a conviction the last time. and 'punch him in the nose and see how he likes it' invites a really disproportionate response. 'take over from erskin as object of black fixation' is probably no good because bel isn't much of an actor and is an even poorer flirt, though that could be kind of hot.

    HMMMM clever plan, clever plan... i feel like i just thought of something great and promptly forgot it. dang.
  15. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    challenge him to a series of contests of athletic skill to distract him from macking on erskin?
  16. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    haha that could be cute. erskin would be like 'i can do those too >:T' and everyone would be like, 'erskin. no. honey. sit the fuck down.'

    hey what if the casino ends up working as intended? they drag him off there and let him be whitey's problem. and whitey (who has also been observing the erskin mauling with dismay) fucking hangs him out to dry.
  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh my god, whitey could have SO much fun with him. whitey is a mutant sex bomb with nothing to lose, and probably more money than your average nation-state. he's just slumming it here on the slammer for information brokering purposes (and because of his lusus crush on erskin) and would be delighted to get some dirt on an unpleasant officer (and save erskin from him).

    :D :D :D

    how start?
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  18. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    also ok i can just see this scene, erskin is like 'okay this captain is difficult, leave him to me' and bel is like 'hmmmmm' and then the captain comes storming down the gangplank, dragging some hapless mechanic by the neck while bellowing threats. and erskin's like 'excuse me' and headbutts him square in the face.

    and bel is like 'oh'
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  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yes i approve
  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    we could also say that that whitey had fucked off while his casino was being built and erskin was unreachable. i think after lainey bedded him a couple times and was confident it could happen again she'd want him out from underfoot. also, she's not going to share any of erskin's especially vulnerable periods with someone like whitey, who erskin's already kind of fucked up over.

    so maybe whitey's heard second or thirdhand that erskin's back up and has zipped back to CHECK OUT HIS CASINO, REALLY and maybe also see how the captain's fairing.

    i'm sorry whitey's kind of hard to play for you, because i think his developing relationship with erskin, as well as the whole manipulative control/seduction thing lainey's pulling, is super fun to me. lainey's turned into a really interesting lady, it's fun to have a power-hungry self-interested posessive schemer around to try and collect important people....

    you really should read temeraire. the dragons in that book have such a cool intelligence and priority system. lainey isn't exactly like them, but she's not very different.
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