Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Void, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    I'll do my own contributions now! There are too many people for me to be comprehensive, so I'm going to first of all thank everyone who posts to the ITA subforum. Your bravery, kindness, and resilience inspires me.

    @ectoBiologist You are a good friend, and watching you struggle to improve yourself and succeed despite hurtles and your own doubt is inspiring. You are considerate of me, you ask me how I'm doing and if I'm okay, and honestly that means a lot. Being a sort of stable, helpy person means not having my own needs recognized sometimes, and you always remind me to take care of myself and offer your support. You're wonderful.

    @KathyGaele is passionate and sweet, and puts forth MASSIVE amounts of effort on behalf of people she hardly knows. She loves people without reservation and even on her worst, most miserable days goes out of her way to make other people happy.

    @lupadracolis YOur cute, <333 I am extremely pleased to have met and gotten to know you. You are a creative, kind, and talented person.

    @rainbowbarnacle We chat constantly, like everyday, and I'm still consistently in awe of how caring and kind and fun you are. We can and do talk about pretty much all the things, and you selflessly support me through both internet and irl difficulties. I always feel understood when I'm chatting with you, it is incredibly important to me. You are wonderful and I am blessed to know you.

    @pixels How are you so great??? Fuckin' stop, jeez. <333 Thank you for indulgently chatting with me about homestuck like, everyday of my life.

    @aspectDestroyed Your face??? Is sO CUTE??? Wow. I love being your friend, I love how caring and selfless you are, and I cannot wait to meet you irl this summer.

    @rorleuaisen I love talking with you. Your sense of humor is great, you help others without reservation, and you are a fantastic ear when it comes to brainweird stuff. Thank you.

    @seebs Thank you for sending me quality completely awful jokes. You once said one of the nicest things that anyone has ever said to me, and that I know that it was said in complete truth makes it that much more meaningful. Thank you for being my friend, it has been and continues to be a fantastic experience.

    @Vast Derp What do you say at someone you've internet known for like 10-15 years? I'm glad of you, and everything you do. We don't get to chat a lot, but I still consider you a friend of mine, and my life is richer for it.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2016
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  2. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    These two messages actually make me tear up a little! I don't always have the spoons to go on ITA or to respond as I wish I could, so these words really mean a lot.
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  3. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce



    Yes everyone in Weirdmageddon Tango is amazeballs, including @IvyLB, @Morven, @whimsicalobservant, @Kit, @Anomal(eee), @Petra, @swirlingflight, @Lazarae, @Jamoche, @Bel Capricorn, @The Man 227 (who is Nick Valentine) and anyone and everyone else I can think of.

    Without @Acey we would not have Weirdmageddon Tango because:

    1) she introduced me to Kintsugi
    2) she convinced me to watch Gravity Falls

    I also think @emythos for their GFalls posts.

    I've been crazy about @jacktrash and @seebs and @Vast Derp and @roach since the days when General Vantas was trying to Get Hitched.

    @prismaticvoid is one of the coolest fashion people

    and omg I grin every time I see @Loq liking Ford's posts :)

    @spockandawe is a great artist and the only reason I can tell half the giant robots apart...

    @rigorist amuses me deeply on the CDCF

    Man I'm sure I forgot someone but I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS BAR
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  4. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

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  5. Inkblot


    You are an awesome person as well!
    • Like x 3
  6. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid


    @cryptoThelematrix @Jamoche @The Man 227 @Bel Capricorn @Lazarae @Morven @Petra @Kit @Anomal(eee) @swirlingflight @unknownanonymous THANK YOU FOR MANY SLEEPLESS AND AWESOME NIGHTS
    @IvyLB WARRANTS A SEPARATE ENTRY BECAUSE BEST MOIRAIL WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE (seriously if i were to try and list details here i wouldnt be finished until next week) <> <> <> <> TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF DUMBBUTT

    @Wiwaxia @KarrinBlue @kmoss @Arxon @An Actual Bird

    @Vast Derp @jacktrash @seebs @roach @rainbowbarnacle (i kind of want to irl hug you guys, but only if you want to)

    @PRelations @spockandawe from the TF thread, I always love seeing your posts!

    ok i should stop yelling now
    • Like x 13
  7. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    I don't think it's possible for me to list everyone I think is awesome here. That disclaimer upfront, and in no particular order:

    @seebs for creating this most excellent forum and demolishing Tumblr idiocy
    @jacktrash for the sheer warmth he radiates
    @Vast Derp for telling people to fuck off who richly deserve it. You are a tank, dude, you protect others sheerly by being there.
    @Aondeug for fucking getting me in so many ridiculous ways and being someone I can talk about the most twisted things that cross my mind
    @Petra for being a wonderful friend
    @cryptoThelematrix for running the WT RP which has been such a huge and great part of my life, and being a wonderful sounding-board for ideas
    @Bel Capricorn for being fucking great and strong and liking my favorite series so I can babble about it endlessly without fearing boring him
    @IvyLB for being a fashion goddess and just plain damn awesome
    @whimsicalobservant for being a better impromptu poet in English than anyone has a right to be, and for great RP times
    @Jamoche, @The Man 227, @Lazarae, @Kit, @Anomal(eee), @swirlingflight, @unknownanonymous, all delightful fellow players in the WT RP
    @peripheral for being a damn good egg so to speak and all that stuff
    The artists: @roach, @spockandawe, @WinkWonk, @Acey, @Void and I've probably forgotten even more who turn thoughts and ideas into beautiful, inspiring or just plain kinky images
    @wixbloom for being an awesome, giving, thoughtful dude who I love talking with
    Everyone in ITA, the brave and the fearful and the helpful and the great things we do
    @applechime for pet thread and shuttershades and just being so goddamn bright-shining happymaking FUN
    @littlemissCodeless for being best kitty
    @prismaticvoid for being best supervillain
    Everyone in the kinks and fetishes thread for making me feel at home. Those not mentioned yet who I can think of: @amberbydreams who is the goddamn sweetest pervert, @Ducks the sex toy goddess, @Ruevian best plague doctor, @Starcrossedsky best goddamn octupus EVAR, and so damn many more. Thank you all

    And I'll probably come back here and make more posts when I think of them. Love you all.
    • Like x 18
  8. Petra

    Petra space case

    Aaaaah Okay I'm going to do a post and then just keep making new ones.

    @SpruceZeus For being a WONDERFUL moirail. Rattle rattle forever, bro. <>
    @Morven For being a good friend and a good listener.
    @PRelations For drawing my weird robot OCs and being a great rp partner. Actually
    @IvyLB @cryptoThelematrix @unknownanonymous @Mendacity @mirrors @sirsparklepants @Bel Capricorn @Jamoche @Lazarae @swirlingflight @Anomal(eee) @Kit EVERYONE ELSE I RP WITH for being awesome rp partners and dealing with my bratty characters. All my characters except Iridium are brats. If I forgot anyone I'll probably add them in a later post!
    @wixbloom For being a good friend! I know I can always talk to you about things, and you're so sweet and thoughtful. I'm super glad things are going good for you!
    @Aondeug For always listening to my weird rants. You get it, man!
    @spockandawe For giving me literal emotional pain over giant robots and also sex??
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
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  9. BlackholeKG

    BlackholeKG I saw you making fire

    Where do I even begin

    @chaoticArbiter for being a really cool person who I enjoy interacting with a lot and who I sorta wanna hug for being the best shiney eevee
    @palindromordnilap for being a really nice and good person who I admire for doing their thing and doing it well
    @Wiwaxia for being such a nice person who always seems to be around to listen
    @Ducks for being another really nice kind person who always brings nice things whenever we speak
    @gills for being super fun to talk to omg
    @mcsiggy for having some of the best art and always being a great person to speak to, and for contributing such great stuff to Beforus like wow
    @evilas for introducing me to seebs and thus this website in the first place, also you're a really great person and I enjoy seeing you on my tumblr dash
    @Void for drawing the best gay dogs
    @Keleviel for being a rad meme enabler
    @Acey for always sticking at being rad in a way I really admire
    @jacktrash for being a patient voice of reason and for doing some great things
    @autopsyblue @Morven @Mercury @budgie for all being great people who have given great advice at times
    @roach for remaining steadfast even in the face of all the crap that has been going on recently, go you
    @Bel Capricorn for being another cool person who deserves good things
    @Lissa Lysik'an for always adding good things to a conversation
    @Vast Derp for remaining such a good core part of this community despite of Ray's bullshit
    @rigorist for being sensible
    @Snitchanon for being Snitchanon

    @seebs for creating this website, where I have met some truly wonderful people, and for ceaselessly and tirelessly fighting back against crap on tumblr and helping me feel better about it in the process

    And, gosh @ just everyone


    I can't @ everyone and I know that I must be forgetting some people but you are all great, everyone here is, thank you all for making Kintsugi such a great place.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
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  10. Choco

    Choco Duke of the Weepy Marshmallow Brigade

    i would @ literally everyone in the forum but most especially @applechime i really love the way you are a One-Woman Pet Positivity Squad, in addition to being a general sweet and kind person
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  11. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    it's embarrassing but i'm literally in tears, i'm so so so so amazed and overjoyed that my yelling makes even a few people even a little bit happier

    i love this forum a lot, and i love the people on it
    • Like x 14
  12. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    kintsugijin @tinyhydra is amazing and has really good taste in fiction. i love hearing their ideas about stuff. they are a good noodle.

    kintsugijin @unknownanonymous is really neat and i love hearing their opinions on things.
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  13. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    thanks! :D
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  14. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

    @Mercury is a cool dude who doesn't afraid of anything
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  15. Ducks

    Ducks 79 Plural Fowl Illuminates The Legendary

    @BlackholeKG aww thanks! I really love how thoughtful you are and enjoy your ideas.

    I love everyone in this bar!

    In particular @Morven for being a great team mum

    @MagicalBoy for being compassionate and working hells of hard

    @KathyGaele for being sensible and kind

    @Hobo for being a fuckin sick cunt

    @Void for being an a+ furry wrangler

    @amberbydreams for telling gr8 stories

    @Acey for being super pretty and funny omfg I love your content.

    @Aondeug reading your posts makes me feel like I'm reading a junji Ito manga and I love that

    @liminal for being my pearlbro and one of the first people I interacted with on this forum

    @seebs because I was swoon!anon all along

    Edit: fixed an autocorrect typo
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2016
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  16. Ducks

    Ducks 79 Plural Fowl Illuminates The Legendary

    *squeals* I missed this I'm glad I read through this thread.

    There are so many more of you I need to tag. I'll space it out.
    • Like x 3
  17. Thank you!

    @spockandawe for writing the best fanfiction
    @TwoBrokenMirrors for being a great RPer and an even better person
    @Acey for being just generally wonderful

    I'll need to think of more later!
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  18. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

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  19. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    okay okay okay okay i have a lot of love to give and i hope yall are ready for it. first, a couple big @s and then i will have to collect every person i want to @ WHICH WILL... TAKE A WHILE.....

    @jacktrash we have not exchanged words, but you are, genuinely, the person on the internet whose work i have followed the longest. not even, like, on purpose! as a youngling i read metanoia, and enjoyed it. some time later -- possibly years later -- i read The God Eaters, and fell in total ridiculous love with it. i still re-read it occasionally, and i'm always taken aback by how much i love it!!! i devoured everything on your fictionpress, at which point i realized oh HEY this is that guy who wrote metanoia! and i thought that was a funny coincidence and thought nothing more of it.
    AND THEN, a long while later, i fell into homestuck, which changed my life entirely. i found luka and roach first, and then through luka i found you! and your glorious fanfic. i, again, devoured everything you'd ever written. eventually, someone mentioned your self-published book, and i thought, ooh, better read that too. TA-DA! the circle is complete. for years i wanted to tell you that but could find no way to condense the silly story into few enough words to fit an ask, and so i never did. also, i was and am a socially awkward anxious puddle, so.
    ANYWAYS! your relationship, your writing, your no-nonsense practicality, and your warmth have always been Important to me. rock on bear dad.

    @Vast Derp hey what up you nearly single-handedly inspired me to not be such a goddamn doormat all the time. i am a consummate yes-man and for my entire childhood and all through my teens, i found it impossible to say no to anything, or to stand up for myself, or to argue without my voice and hands shaking like leaves. seeing internet bullies throw themselves at you and being startled to find that you are in fact a brick motherfucking wall was just. such a revelation for me. fast forward to now, and i have friends who tell me that one of the things that they admire about me is that i'm not afraid to stand up for myself or for other people, and. thank you. it's genuinely changed my life a lot.

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  20. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ahhh you sweetheart, thank you! what a great thing to wake up to. <3
    • Like x 7
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