The Bar

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by Codeless, Feb 1, 2016.

  1. Frigg

    Frigg Jagermonster

    Frigg ambles in through a back door, arm draped casually over a green person with substantial ram horns jutting out right at eye-gouging height. "Vhat der hell chust heppened und vhy? Hy iz gonna be sick."

    Frigg pats her solititously and also laughs at her. "Vill be fine, look, dere is alcohol und--mina?"
  2. Nat Richards

    Nat Richards Aisling; currently only visible in WT

    Nat looks around in confusion; it seemed for a moment like everything had jumped a little bit. She's fairly certain she wasn't sitting down before. After a couple minutes, she stands up and moves back over towards the wall. No sense getting sat on by someone who didn't realize she was there.
  3. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    "Hoy frigg!" She waves at him and then gets up to rub her jaw again the smaller jägers ram horns. "Hallo keetten." She sounds affectionate almost parental. The she turns to everyone else.
    "Hoy efferyvun, diz iz frigg und der leetle vun iz Ara. Frigg, Keetten, der schpider is Riaa, der knight type iz Berit und pointy ears mit der purpleeesh red eyes is Katter. Hy don´t know hyu name pale ledy.
    Ho und by der door is @Kastor Auberlane der bouncer." She grins. "Mees Riya meks proper Black Heterodynez!"
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
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  4. Nacre

    Nacre the Pearlsmith

    "Oh, you certainly don't need to worry about that, then. I'd never be so unoriginal!" Nacre would be offended, even, but it's not as if these strange organic aliens would have any way of hearing any better of her. "It's just inspirational, as I said. Shapes, lines, color schemes."

    And what's this about wearing? Even a Diamond wouldn't likely be big enough to actually use even a small Gem as personal adornment. "But I think we must be thinking of different things. I don't see how a Pearl could be worn."
  5. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    "Goot, den ve haff no problem. Iz chust pipple do try to re-create us, becawz ve iz der best soldierz in europa." Mina does not sound liek she is bragging, more like she is stating a simple fact."
    Mina looks confused. "No? Dey is chust leetle tings" She holds up two clawed finger a small increment apart. "Like zo. Pippe put dem een der jewelry. Mostly ladeez diz century."
  6. Ara

    Ara Jagermonster

    Ara has tip her head down so far its the crown of her head pushing up under mina's chin to avoid the horns, but tuck her head like a wet kitten she does. "Vat IZ dis place? Hy vas kickink som clenks vhat hed doze pincher tings und den it vent all veird, und now dis."
  7. Frigg

    Frigg Jagermonster

    "Ja, miss daciana hes dem by der hundrets, hy svear. Iz verra cute, Master Ti keeps surprizink her mit more ov dem." Frigg sidles up to nacre with a toothy grin. "Who iz hyur friend, miz mina, und do hyu heff dibs?"
  8. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    There is a moment of confusion Mina looking a bit spikier? did her tail get bigger? No it must be a trick of the light.
    "Yaz, iz safe. Iz chust a nize bar keetten."
    Mina laughs. "Hy haff no hydea ov her name, hy told hyu eediot. Und she iz chust drawink me to mek a pearl like me for sum reezon."
  9. Frigg

    Frigg Jagermonster

    (Sorry reading comp fail there.)
    Frigg leans over, tipping his head like a puppy that wants to play. "Hyu vant to tell me hyu name, preetty? Hy vould neffer vant to poach from a seester, bot, hyu know vhat dey say about der jagerkin. Der vimmins luff us all, kent be helped."
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
  10. Ara

    Ara Jagermonster

    Ara sighs and lets her muscles relax at mina's word, lets go of the battle tension all at once. "She ken mek black Heterodynes, hyu say? Mit der leetle bog tings on der stick?" She looks at the spider hopefully.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
  11. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    "Yaz, und mit reel belladonna. Here hy get os sum." She returns with two tall glasses of black cocktail and indeed salted bugs on skewers.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
  12. Riaa'lzhor

    Riaa'lzhor Member

    "Were you planning on eating me, then?" Riaa asked lightly. "That wouldn't work for a number of reasons."
  13. Ara

    Ara Jagermonster

    Ara looks up, casually measuring Riaa. "Vell, hy VAS chust hopink for der drink, bot hy tink hy could eef eet came to it. Probably ein goot fight first though. Do hyu know how hy got mine hat?" She pets the preserved polar bear head/pelt she's wearing as a sort of hooded cape.
  14. Eliana

    Eliana I'm awake, I'm alive

    Eliana fizzles back into existence, looking startled and irritated. For a second, one might think she has almost a rosy glow around her, and keen eyes might spot the movement of wings behind her, but then she's just a woman in armor, frowning and stretching out her fingers. "I wish he would stop doing that every time he wants a chat," she says. "Anyway. What did I miss?"
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  15. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    "Don´t eet pipple here keetten dey mek goot drinks, vould be a shame to be keecked out."

    "Hoy, dere hyu iz! Tings vent a leettle fonny chust now."
  16. Eliana

    Eliana I'm awake, I'm alive

    "So it wasn't just me. Hmm." She looks a little thoughtful, spinning the stem of her wineglass in her fingers. "I'm going to have to make sure I bring notes of this back to Altar - comparative dimensional theory is a not-well-studied field. Regardless." She finishes off her wineglass. "Everything okay? Nobody hurt in the disturbance?"
  17. Ara

    Ara Jagermonster

    Ara bats at mina. "Hy deedn't say hy VOULD eat her, chust dot hy COULD eef hy had to. Iz verra deeferent!"
  18. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    Mina snorts and hands Ara her bug skewer. "Here, eet dot eensteed of der odder patronz."
  19. Berit Suranavellan

    Berit Suranavellan grin and berit | 18+

    Berit stares at Riaa in alarm for a second, then laughs. "That hadn't occurred to me! Thank you, I'll add it to the list of this place's possible strangenesses."

    She turns and watches the Jägermonsters. "Not an atypically rough day, but we'd been having a calm period. Hardly any disasters at all." She sighs. "And we're short-handed, as people keep dashing off on personal projects."
  20. Riaa'lzhor

    Riaa'lzhor Member

    "Personal projects?" Riaa asked. "And don't tempt the Overpower, as soon as you say something like that then as soon as you get back home and relax something will go wrong. More than normal, I mean."
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