The Bar

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by Codeless, Feb 1, 2016.

  1. Almera Phaeton

    Almera Phaeton Agent on the Apsara

    Almera looked up and blinked very slowly. "Olivie's sanctified tits, I didn't think I'd missed that much sleep."
  2. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    Mina looks amused. "Vot, haf hyu neffer seen jägerkin before?"
  3. Berit Suranavellan

    Berit Suranavellan grin and berit | 18+

    Berit waves.
  4. Katters

    Katters Has never made a candle

    The “weirdly familiar” feeling is settling down into just plain “familiar”. All’s well that ends well, Katters figures — and if there’s no lasting damage, she won’t hold anything against the Bar.
    Katters flinches at the sudden fire, but her ears perk with interest. She doesn’t really want to interrupt the conversation, but she does muse to herself: “How does that work, I wonder?”
    “Have you tried bringing a neon sign around with you? Maybe a mannequin to serve as a dummy-you.”
  5. Nat Richards

    Nat Richards Aisling; currently only visible in WT

    "I - no. That doesn't seem like a good idea. I don't want to get hurt."
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  6. Leah Liddell

    Leah Liddell New Member

    "Do, er, people walk into you a lot?"
    Wait, trying to figure it out?
    "Were you not always, you know, invisible? Ugh, that sounds fucking awful. Sorry."
    She looks away from where she presumes the other girl is, and immediately regrets it. That's...that's a spider centaur person thing. Those are, okay, she's not sure what the uncomfortably pointy people with hats are. Well, now she knows what happened.
    "I'm fucking asleep, aren't I. I fucking passed out, and now my head's being screwed with. Which asshole nightmare monster is it this time?"
    • Like x 1
  7. Nat Richards

    Nat Richards Aisling; currently only visible in WT

    "No, but I always worry that they will. And this is...this is new. I've been invisible for, I think three months now? It just feels lonely, mostly."
  8. Leah Liddell

    Leah Liddell New Member

    Well, if the local nightmare fuckers were messing with her, might as well play along for now. Whatever.
    "That sucks, I'm sorry."
    Besides, invisible girl seemed nice enough.
    "I'm Leah. Who're you?"
  9. Nat Richards

    Nat Richards Aisling; currently only visible in WT

    "I'm Nat. Hey, have you seen a tall guy with long hair, really pale? Or, um..." She trails off as she tries to put the scattered images she has into words. "I'm looking for my friends," she finishes lamely when she isn't able to.
  10. Leah Liddell

    Leah Liddell New Member

    "Haven't seen any, sorry."
    This is super awkward.
    "Were they supposed to meet you here or something?"
  11. Nat Richards

    Nat Richards Aisling; currently only visible in WT

    "No, I just....they can't seem to hear me. I can hear them, and I've been looking for them, but I guess I'm too quiet." She sighs. "I haven't seen them since..."
  12. Leah Liddell

    Leah Liddell New Member

    "I...hope you find them."
    Leah didn't want to think about what it would be like if her friends disappeared. That would be the worst thing, in the entire universe.
  13. Almera Phaeton

    Almera Phaeton Agent on the Apsara

    "Uh. No. No, I have not." Almera put her hand to the jewel on her necklace, which made a very soft ping! sound.

    [Connection to Bureau databases offline,] said a vaguely-feminine mechanical voice, somehow sounding irate.

    "...Well then." She looked over at the - why did that woman have pointed ears? And she was dressed like some Warring Ages reenactor - of course, there wasn't any law against people with odd fashion choices, but still.
    • Like x 1
  14. Nat Richards

    Nat Richards Aisling; currently only visible in WT

    "Yeah. I think I'm getting closer! And I know where a couple of them are, it's just that I can't get to them yet because they're - " no, not everyone knows about the villains - "They're too far away. But I'm worried about Riven - he's the tall one - because he keeps getting worse and no one's around to help him."
  15. Katters

    Katters Has never made a candle

    “You look like you could use a drink. Relax! Come sit down!”
  16. Cosmina Kastellan

    Cosmina Kastellan Sergeant In Denial, Knight of Rage 18+

    "Vell, hy iz perfectly reel, hy promeese."
  17. Riaa'lzhor

    Riaa'lzhor Member

    "Darkspawn? Never heard of those," Riaa said. "And what's Dalish, by the way? Surface elves?"
  18. Leah Liddell

    Leah Liddell New Member

    "Yikes, that sounds fucking awful."
    The more the other girl talked, the weirder her life sounded. But not in a fake way.
    Seriously, what was up with this bar. And the people (?)
  19. Almera Phaeton

    Almera Phaeton Agent on the Apsara

    "Yeah, my ship just got to the station. Finally wrapped up this nightmare of a smuggling case, these asses were routing through two different unadministrated worlds, actually getting permission to follow them was such a mess," Almera said. "And - huh, jaegerkin... You're not something from old Belka, are you?"
  20. Nat Richards

    Nat Richards Aisling; currently only visible in WT

    Nat says, "I'm worried. I don't know if I'm going to find him. I don't know if I'm going to find any of them. But I don't really have anywhere else to go, and they're my friends."

    ((ooc: in canon, nat doesn't find them for another couple months, and finds Riven even later))
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