shitposting rave 2, electric boogaloo

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by this is not a subaccount, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. The Shitposting Orb

    The Shitposting Orb ALL HAIL THE SHITPOSTING ORB|18+

    image.jpeg image.jpeg
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  2. Half Life

    Half Life Small Medic, Big Universe | 18+

    That is very interesting. But I would still prefer not to be thrown out of a window, because I can't actually fly?
  3. This Was A Triumph

    This Was A Triumph huge success

    Do you mean the point is that it's unpredictable? That's horrible. That's the worst. How can you do science if there's no predictions to be made?
    • Like x 1
  4. Half Life

    Half Life Small Medic, Big Universe | 18+

    um by looking at the data? you aren't supposed to go in with preconceived notions normally, or you can run into a confirmation bias problem and that is actually pretty unhelpful.
    • Like x 3
  5. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    Would you prefer I catch you? I'm not built to carry passengers but a controlled glide is better than a drop.
  6. The Shitposting Orb

    The Shitposting Orb ALL HAIL THE SHITPOSTING ORB|18+

    science is irrelevant

    i'm (post-)modern art
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  7. Throttle

    Throttle No.

    Skydrop would catch him.
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  8. Half Life

    Half Life Small Medic, Big Universe | 18+

    yeah, um sorry... Silverburst? But I'm a little nervous around other mechs and I would prefer Skydrop catching me if possible.
    also um
    @This Was A Triumph
    is this you?
    because um. then I just want to ask you. are you okay? that. looks incredibly painful. I didn't even know they did Empurata that extreme.
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  9. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    Fair. I don't know your crew's makeup and didn't want to assume.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2016
  10. Throttle

    Throttle No.

    I can't say I'm surprised they've started. Any of them. Either faction. Or the NAILS. Or the colonists.

    Flier, two speedsters and the medic. Plenty enough not to need help.
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  11. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    ...Raem and Mala both, I am going soft. Apologies for overstepping, I didn't mean to imply you couldn't take care of each other. Do Cybertronian medics have the take-care-of-everyone protocols too?
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  12. This Was A Triumph

    This Was A Triumph huge success

    Ha Ha Ha I'm FINE.

    Thanks for asking.

    There's no data to be gained if there's no pattern s. No hypotheses to be developed without at least some predictability.
    And this shitposting orb.... Who even made that thing? Wait, I know. It's probably where all the not-science went.
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  13. Throttle

    Throttle No.

    -quick little there-and-gone grin-
    Plenty of it.
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  14. Half Life

    Half Life Small Medic, Big Universe | 18+

    Regrettably so in my case. It is very painful.
    okay that is good but I um. still offer to build you a new frame that looks a little less... mangled and like it came straight out of the smelting pits? because you do look very scary and I'm not even just scared of you but for you as well.
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  15. Iridium

    Iridium The Survivor (18+)

    I like you.
  16. Half Life

    Half Life Small Medic, Big Universe | 18+

    oh um I-
    thank you?
    oh my.
  17. Throttle

    Throttle No.

    -eyes Iridium with a touch of suspicion-
  18. Iridium

    Iridium The Survivor (18+)

    I am Iridium of Prion.
  19. Throttle

    Throttle No.

    I thought everyone from Prion was dead.
    • Like x 1
  20. This Was A Triumph

    This Was A Triumph huge success


    Are you offering to... build me a body like yours? Bipedal? Capable of moving around?

    I've been like this... almost as long as I remember.

    ((today I learned what empurata is and gosh darn it I want to be immune to giantrobotitis! and then you guys go and introduce me to more great worldbuilding and characters!!! argh.))
    • Like x 4
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