Vampires, and lykens its time to play! (Open Rp) guide

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by Victoria Rose, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    Do it!
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  2. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    honestly i am really tempted to jump in and play fucking straight as shit with like vampiressa contessa ebon starfang the bloodbane darkstalking nightwalking beauty who puts one beautiful finger up at the preps

    like... that would be fun. i can't imagine it not being fun. i think i just talked myself into it.
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  3. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    okay so let's get this nailed down.

    setting: a fairytale uberwaldian europe. dark forests, small towns, superstitious peasantry, monster-ruled fiefdoms. werewolves and vampires as main baddies, with dark and light witches thrown in and maybe some other european mythic critters running around too.
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  4. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    name: vampiressa contessa ebony starfang the bloodbane darkstalking nightwalking beauty
    species: vampire
    age: 100 (young adult by vampire standards) (vampire maturity probably doesn't start until after a human's natural lifespan)
    trade: has just killed her patron, the vampiressa contessa dawnspire gallowsdance and inherited the fief, hence she is the contessa now. due to her age and inexperience she's really anxious to make political alliances with the rulers of the neighboring feifdoms.
    looks: ebony starfang is slender and white and glows and her eyes are bright ruby and her hair is glossy black and very long and curly and she wears diamonds strung through it so it looks like thee night sky and she always wears black silk dresses with ruby jewelry. she wears really heavy eyeshadow and mascara, and blood red lipstick.
    accessories: two black bats in little ruby and diamond collars perch in her hair. they give her advice, but they're bats, so it's usually stupid advice, like 'eat a bug' or 'hide in that chimney'.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2016
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  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    well if you're playing i GOTTA play.
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  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

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  7. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    Ok well I am back now after hours sitting in the heat yeah fun so who is ready.
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  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    me! ebony starfang is going to pay a social visit to your vampire, okay?
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  9. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    name: jack saturday. it used to be something else, probably. he doesn't remember or care.
    age: he's been 24 for about 30 years, give or take. being dead means you never have to act like a grownup.
    trade: causing trouble, chasing tail, drinking everything, getting into fights, generally being Your Problem. his sire is actually a very sensible and civilized vampire but HAHA ABE'S NOT HERE, I DO WHAT I WANT.
    looks: kind of cute for a trash skeleton.
    melukilan - Never Grow Up.png
    accessories: you can never have too many knives. he is kind of a one man knife relocation service. he steals just about every knife he sees, but then he has too many and he just... leaves them... everywhere. in the latrine. in your knitting basket. throws them for your dog to fetch. assume he has at least 5 on him at any time.
    skills: absurdly, ridiculously lethal in a knife fight. incapable of fear. slightly magic-resistant. otherwise, kind of a waste of pants.
    background: he was sold to an assassin cult at the age of eight, and raised to be a human weapon. on his first assassination job he went BORED NOW and bailed. not because he has any objection to killing people, because he completely doesn't. he's just a contrary git.
    roleplaying notes: JACK IS AN ASSHOLE. please don't take it personally when he's a little shit to your characters. also, if anyone but a combat master or a fully armored knight picks a fight with him, he's gonna wipe the floor, but you can easily distract him with shiny things. if you want him to Stop Doing The Thing, wave a party or a cute boy or a prank at him and he'll run off after the bait.
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  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i would not mind ideas on what the hell someone like jack would be doing in the vicinity of civilized ladies like y'all. he could be stealing the silver or hitting on the scullery boy or idek. :D
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  12. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

    name Aerian Zypher
    species Vampire
    age Im thinking 80-150 is pretty good range here for him. Usually I play him older but... :D Still not sure on his exact age yet
    trade Never really had one as he was turned very young. Was part of a... collection of sorts, and is still looking to Find His Place. Might make a good potion mage/apothecary... some day
    looks + Stuff Appears to be about 18 - 20. 5'4. Short curly-wavey black hair, slanted amber-orangey brown eyes, pale skin. . Has a feminine figure, which he hates. Trans. Wears male corsets and layers and tight shirts to hide his breasts. Which isn't hard, they're not very big anyways. LOVES fashion and fancy prints and flowers.
    He was originally turned to be a part of a collection of pretty harem ladies by his original sire. Who was killed and he was 'Set Free'. Of course this freedom means he needs to now figure out what the hell he's going to do with his (un)life.

    Edit: I just went looking for some Art for Aerian and realized I dont think I HAVE any D:!! I must fix this.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2016
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  13. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    Jump over and get ready.
  14. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    victoria rose i have no idea when my character should enter because you're just writing your own adventure with like a million posts to yourself? you need to consolidate what you're doing to one or two posts, and wait for us to come in, so this can be turn based, and your character can then respond to our characters.
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  15. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    maybe he ate a peasant that was on some serious drugs and has fetched up at this castle? and is like 'haha idk what's going on but why not say hi'
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  16. Jack Saturday

    Jack Saturday your problem now

    works for me. i can't imagine him seeing a castle and not trying to get in. because. it's THERE.

    yeah @Victoria Rose i'm not real clear on how we're to jump in.
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  17. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    Ok so I am ready for who ever gets there first. You will introduce yourselves to the door keeper.
  18. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

    Can't really jump in you have a messenger who's a Mayor of a Specific Town, this isn't really a place for anyone's character.

    Maybe catch up to where people can wander in and interact? Or delete a few posts back and rewrite so that the messenger is unknown?
  19. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    also victoria, i'd like it if you could be more polite, and work with us here, rather than just try and order everyone around. we all want to have fun playing with you.
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  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    also, please only make one post at a time in the main thread when interacting with other people, like strict turns where one person goes, then you, then the other, then you, etc, otherwise it's very hard to respond to what's happening correctly.
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