Vampires, and lykens its time to play! (Open Rp) guide

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by Victoria Rose, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. Jack Saturday

    Jack Saturday your problem now

    i just threw my first post on in there, but jack can fail at walls or derp around the castle as long as needed before someone notices him.
  2. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    victoria, you didn't wait to let my character respond, you just wrote that she did (was chatting). this is called 'god modding' when you move other characters around, or say they did things, without letting their players decide anything. it makes it very difficult to play with you when you won't take turns with us.
    • Like x 3
  3. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    Sorry got a little excited there.
  4. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    Name: Cyprian

    Species: Werewolf

    Age: just shy of 18

    Trade: After he was cast out of his home because he was bitten by a werewolf (his family tried to kill him so they could make sure he wouldn't attack them, but he escaped) he basically became a petty thief to survive. He wanders from town to town, retreating deep into the forest near the full moon. He's only been a werewolf for a few months, and he still hasn't fully accepted it.

    Do I need to write anything else?
  5. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    name: Princess Magnhilda Esmerelda Diana Rose Tilda Nadzieja Giselle Tiffany Deirdre Philippa Ixpellia Roxanne Elizabeth Bellatrix of Norbharven
    species: Princess
    age: 20
    background: Blessed at birth with health, grace, and the ability to speak with animals in a traditional fairy-tale kingdom, . However, upon finding out that princesshood traditionally involved things like being kidnapped and held hostage, Princess Magnhilda promptly went 'fuck thaaaaat' and headed off to have some adventures.
    Princess Magnhilda.png
    Though note that, due to her blessings, Maggie is extremely healthy and has a pretty supernatural healing factor, which she has abused to get hella swole. She's built like Captain America is what I am saying.
    accessories: 1 magic flaming longsword, some nonmagical but pretty sturdy leather armor, 1 Cwn Annwn puppy named Baron Ingledon Van Hoospworth (aka Bingle.)
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2016
    • Like x 4
  6. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    could you please delete your posts back to the first one after i posted? then we can continue to have proper interaction.
  7. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    Ok so as we continue I will move slower my apology and very good on putting who you are wanting to respond. I like that.
  8. Soul

    Soul Covered in bees

    Okay I think I will join and use my characters Chance and Ambrose. They are vampire brothers, sired by the same vampire, they've stuck together after he was killed.

    Name: Chance
    Species: Vampire
    Age: Early 400's
    Trade: Chance is a nervous wreck who can barely survive on his own so he's always with Ambrose.
    Looks: Chance has short curly black hair and silver eyes.
    Skills Chance can sense any sentient presence within a 5 mile distance, but not know where within that area it is. He's good at knowing when people are approaching or if someone strange is around.

    Name: Ambrose
    Species: Vampire
    Age: Mid 500s
    Trade: He's basically inherited his sire's titles and stuff so he has a big castle and that's where he and Chance live. He heard something about a vampire party and is dragging Chance along because Chance is a hermit who "needs to get out more"
    Looks: He has long platinum blond hair and green eyes.
    Skills: Ambrose can teleport, and bring people along with him when he does.

    Also my vampires are more like live meat/psychic vampires than traditional blood drinkers
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2016
  9. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Ah hell, I'm in. Y'all need more werewoofs in here.
    Name: Eva O'Brien
    Species: Werewolf (Born, shapeshifting is largely voluntary)
    Age: 35 in human years, significantly more in canine but who cares, woof magic is awesome
    Trade: Sheep... herder. Yep. Absolutely herding these sheep, that are definitely hers, not culled from local flocks using tricks she picked up from intensely stupid, overly friendly sheepdogs. Herding them. Not planning to set up her own little living pantry in the woods behind the hills and eating them at leisure, nope. Oh fuck he's got a crossbow, the continent is supposed to be nice this time of year, innit?
    Human: Short, stocky Irish farmgirl. Curly auburn hair, approximately 82 freckles per square inch of skin, blue eyes
    Woof: Illogically large Irish Wolf, one of the last of her kind. Remarkably not freckly. Fairly evenly grey/brown coat with a lighter underbelly. ​
    Accessories: Jaunty red neckerchief she insists on wearing in wolf form.
    • Like x 2
  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yes that is the best way to organize a rp with multiple characters. at the end of your post, please put in parentheses who you mean to respond to you, so everyone else knows whether or not to do so!

    also victoria, you can respond to ebony's post there, that would be the post for you to respond to, but just one post please. i will make sure to refresh frequently so you don't have to wait too long for a reply.
  11. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    Same here as I am on a phone lol
  12. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    Either that or reply with the quote thing that works better for me that way we all know what is being posted on
  13. Jack Saturday

    Jack Saturday your problem now

    yeah, i am liking the quote method. that's what we've been doing over in the 'the bar' rp because there's so many different conversations at once. since you're kind of playing a whole castle's worth of characters, quoting will help keep the conversations straight.
    • Like x 1
  14. Aerian Zypher

    Aerian Zypher Drinker of Blood and Rainbows


    What's the tech level of this fantasy-verse? Steampunk? Trains? Horse-drawn carriage? Lamborghini's?

    Edit: I'm partial to steampunk + trains myself... :3
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2016
  15. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Hey @Victoria Rose Maggie never introduced herself and even if they're magically able to learn her name, princess Maggie is way too informal for this context. Please edit.
  16. Jack Saturday

    Jack Saturday your problem now

    are we an Adventuring Party? i dibs rogue. i dibs quadruple rogue with chocolate syrup and a cherry.
    • Like x 2
  17. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    @Victoria Rose hey once again, in this context, she wouldn't be called Maggie.
    • Like x 2
  18. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

  19. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    Hansel and Gretel period
  20. Aerian Zypher

    Aerian Zypher Drinker of Blood and Rainbows

    I don't understand what you mean by this.
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