shitposting rave 2, electric boogaloo

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by this is not a subaccount, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Iridium

    Iridium The Survivor (18+)

    Backdraft. Recall. Honeybee. Jeopardy. Augment. Ember. Stardrive. Hymn. Niobium.

    And the. The kids.

    Oilflow. Virtue. Sidelock. Gallium. Riot. Bismuth. Gloom. Thunderkick. Whistler. Gadget. Stormchaser. Liberty. Lunarbird. Remix. Thorn. Rhizome. Hoyden.

    ...there's more, but. I need to stop now.
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  2. Ulien Helbon

    Ulien Helbon Ain't my fault

    [Cogwheels' voice takes the even tone of memorized repetition.]
    Their sparks have returned to the Well, and they rest.

    They will not be forgotten.

    Backdraft, Recall, Honeybee, Jeopardy, Augment, Ember, Stardrive, Hymn, Niobium, Oilflow, Virtue, Sidelock, Gallium, Riot, Bismuth, Gloom, Thunderkick, Whistler, Gadget, Stormchaser, Liberty, Lunarbird, Remix, Thorn, Rhizome, and Hoyden. Fallen guard their sparks until they flare again in more than the memories of those who survive.

    [He softens a little, voice going back to normal.]
    Take care of yourself now, y'hear?
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  3. Iridium

    Iridium The Survivor (18+)

    Yeah. You too.


    May the Alchemist break your bonds and free your path.
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  4. Ulien Helbon

    Ulien Helbon Ain't my fault

    Ain't got bonds savin' those I willingly bear, but thanks all the same :) Faari guard your steps!
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  5. Genie

    Genie A talkative revolver


    I regret to inform you that while my trigger itches for such skirmishes, for us to attempt one such one now would be an exercise in futility.

    We find ourselves at an impasse.

    My existence is one of symbiosis and parasitism.

    The methods required to slay one such as myself are strange and unconventional, but I am only in the business of taking lives when I am in company of a host, my business partner.

    Alone as I am now, I do not form the requisite mated pair.

    As I have stated previously, my existence is one of symbiosis, and parasitism. Should I suffer a misfire as you attempt to engage in the act of reproduction, my own means of reproduction will activate.

    An egg is contained in any bullet I unload that does not kill its target.

    My offspring.

    One day soon the egg will hatch, and a shiny new magnum will spring forth from your chassis.

    It will feed off the very essence that gives you life to provide sustenance to a life of its very own.
  6. Iridium

    Iridium The Survivor (18+)

    Interesting. Would you classify yourself as a parasite? Is this reproduction sexual or asexual?
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  7. Genie

    Genie A talkative revolver


    Yes, I am a hermaphroditical weapon of parasitic origin.

    Firearms such as I both produce and fertilize the egg at once, before it enters its new host.
  8. Iridium

    Iridium The Survivor (18+)

    Being as a live host is required for reproduction, do you alter your aim? How does the growing young gain enough metal?
  9. Genie

    Genie A talkative revolver

    ...yes...I suppose a revolver borne of your kind would be of considerably more metallic composition.

    I would quite like to test this some day!


    For the sake of science, of course.

    I myself originate from the flesh of human, and my anatomical structure is organic as such:

    To answer your other question, it is much more delicious when the being who receives my bullet perishes, so that I may partake of the sweet nectar of their death.

    It just so happens that every shooting has its survivors, and that these survivors may wish to possess a handy talkative firearm with which they may seek out their vengeance.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
  10. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    I don't think I'm expressing what I'm trying to get at very well, but I absolutely do not want anyone to think that they should not take pride in who they are.

    I recognise that there are many people who were made with the intention that they should be tools in the hands of others--and this is true of organic people as well--the woman I love and one of my dearest friends were both genetically engineered, and I'm certainly glad they exist. And I also believe they have the right to choose whether or not to do what they were intended to do. I believe that all people have the right to self-determination.

    I am not claiming that you didn't set out to become a tool in Megatron's hand.

    I'm saying that you're sentient, you're sapient, you make choices, and are therefore not the same as this knife in my boot, and the fact that you were capable of making that choice means that you are not, in my mind, an object that's incapable of reasoning.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
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  11. Nichrome of Iacon

    Nichrome of Iacon Co-Captain, Decepticon Representative | 18+

    I believe the misunderstanding stems from falsely recognizing the rhetoric of hate and oppression in your words, as it has been used for eons among my people.
    Disposables, not people, but tools to be owned and thrown away once you are done with them.
    Beastformers, not people but mindless animals to be trained into tools.
    Cold Constructed Mechs, not people, but affronts against "Primus", tools for the Forged to use as they please.
    Made To Order Soldiers, not people, but weapons to be pointed at the enemy, tools of war.
    Making a distinction between tools and people, however well-meaning you are, harms those not in control of their own personhood status.
    You can say "My knife is a tool." You can say "a Gunformer is not a tool." You cannot say "People aren't tools because tools are not sentient." Without some of us calling you on this. Because sentience has to be tested for in a standardized manner, or someone will deny your personhood. And while the younger of us may not remember time before the Ambus Test, I do. And it was not fun. And that test is far from perfect considering it, on a technicality, excludes for example those beastformers without a humanoid rootmode or mechanoid life unable to communicate verbally. It might be a somewhat moot point. Oppression might have been drastically reduced during the war, along with functionism as a whole. Or replaced, considering the pressure for people to change their altmodes and frames to be bigger, more martial, more efficient at killing. Add more guns, add more hooks, add more armor plating, until your spark cannot support more.
    Or die the second you make enemy contact for the first time because the enemy doesn't care who is on file as a non-combatant.
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  12. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    ...well, I suppose ethics and biology are nicer topics than funerals, if nothing else.

    What happens if you are used to shoot a corpse or an inanimate object? Does the egg still develop?

    (I am not going to get involved in the personhood debate. I personally agree with Stanford, but then I only experienced the very fringes of Cybertronian-held space during the last few millennia of the war, and certainly heard none of the politics.)
  13. Genie

    Genie A talkative revolver

    I am afraid not.

    The process only has only ever successfully occurred in live hosts.

    The egg would most certainly die, assuming it were able to develop at all.
  14. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    Hm. I suppose that makes sense, if it's drawing on the host's energy as well as basic nutrients. Thank you.
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  15. Genie

    Genie A talkative revolver

    @Silverburst Furthermore, Nothing is gain from taking a life, and an undeveloped handgun such as that is not yet able to withstand the absorbtion of Nothing. The material of futility and death serves for use to fully developed revolvers, such as myself.

    It is a wondrous material that is capable of granting one such as I immeasurable power, if acquired in sufficient quantity, but such an essence is wasted upon the youth.

    However, this all assumes that a talkative firearm such asxmyself has been recently responsible for the existence of the deceased.

    No contract may be formed with an entity that is of the deceased or of the nonliving.
  16. Silverburst

    Silverburst Dawnrider

    Ah, so you feed specifically on life energy! Intriguing! Likely not applicable to my own field, but...

    Hm. What would happen if a partially-developed gun was removed from its host? Could it still feed from a distance?
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
  17. The true name.

    The true name. [Redacted]

    * You're speaking my language.
    • Like x 2
  18. Burt Destroys the World

    Burt Destroys the World DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!|18+

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  19. The true name.

    The true name. [Redacted]

    * I had it first!

    * And you don't even have hands. How are you going to use a knife? You can use bombs and stuff.
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  20. Burt Destroys the World

    Burt Destroys the World DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!|18+

    • Like x 2
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