fantroll arr pee planning/ooc (open!)

Discussion in 'Desertverse Fantrolls' started by taxonomicAtrocity, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i sent myself a report on this post so i can remember to do it when i'm not so crosseyed from insomnia. y'all don't want me attempting admin-fu today. :D
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  2. thank you so much!
  3. cantankerousAquarius

    cantankerousAquarius Acrasial Macrology

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  4. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ganked ur cute reaction image :3
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  5. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    you are correct! Oops.

    horns: one loops once, the other loops twice; they are the same length tho (also they just point up)
    hair: cropped very short (like a buzzcut essentially)

    also @Lady Kianna: I gotta go out for a couple hours but I think I'll start a new thread for Failed Helming Angst when I get back. I have Ideas >:)
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2016
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  6. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

    I have an Interest in your Ideas.
  7. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

  8. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    you're welcome! :)
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  9. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    @Nazuma Exzeus yo! :D If you wanna maneuver in and dock/snag the ship somehow, I've got a lovely scene when you enter (and then I can bring @Cyzsos Sessat in properly). Feel free to do w/e about docking it, I'm not fussed, it's a hunk of junk :P
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  10. gahh i am suddenly in an rping mood but i've replied 2 everything. rip
  11. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    I know this feel T_T
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  12. u wanna do something. (omg i never uploaded that last troll of urs did i. i should do that)
  13. the horns are...probably wrong, oops. tell me where i screwed up and i'll correct them!

    Attached Files:

  14. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    horns are perf actually! And she looks wonderfully androgynous, I love it.

    I ended up going out w a friend, else I totally would have done a thing. If we end up wanting to do a thing in future, what thing could we do? *ponders* who've you not got playing yet? I've only got Cyz, any of my others could have a go.
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  15. @Kaylotta
    dhazzy and ellehi could be interesting, because dhazzy snatches grubs too, just for a less...wholesome purpose. idk how they'd run into each other- dhazzy lives near some sufferists tho, maybe ellehi's going to them for some reason and crosses paths with dhazzy while she's got a sackful of grubs that she has no good explanation for having?

    or...idk, would tsulan be liable to try and get kids to understand the reality of what it means to be a strong-enough-to-fly-a-ship psionic in the empire? because kamira's pretty excited to be a spaceship and it'd be cool to take a bit of the wind out of his sails/watch him frantically try to come up w/ justifications for imperial practices and reasons for why it'd be different for him, honest.
  16. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash



    Ellehi works in a birthing cavern; maybe Dhazzy could try to steal grubs from there? Only thing is that if Ellehi catches them (and figures out why they're stealing grubs), she'll kick their ass five ways from Twelfth Perigee's (or at least attempt to). Which could be interesting! Not sure what would happen next though - neither Dhazzy nor Ellehi is likely to convert to the other's way of thinking, and Ellehi's black quad is full (plus I don't think that would be a healthy kismessitude lol). Thoughts?

    Tsulan would definitely try to disillusion li'l wrigglers. She is a Seer of Doom. She sees all the doom. (she could probably be convinced to actually train someone in psi, though, which could be fun ... )
  17. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    yo @Lady Kianna - if that's too god-mode please let me know and I'll edit!
  18. @Kaylotta i am shit at writing fight scenes and dhazzy's liable to drop the kid and run if she has to, so idk how well that'd work out. we could totally do something w/ tsulan and kamira, tho! where does tsulan live/is she liable to be near the same desert town where kamira lives? if not we can figure something else out!
  19. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    @taxonomicAtrocity yeah that sounds like a short plot, we'd need to add some forced-interaction to get anywhere :/ tsu and kam. hm. tsulan lives in a hidden signless commune, and i'm pretty sure it's not super close to the desert - but they could definitely chat on trollian! could even get into some possible travel plots. ellehi and tsulan have been flirting but haven't met yet, so ...
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  20. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

    Looks pretty okay, except that I doubt he'd be able to smell anything in the suit he'd be wearing. It wouldn't be just a spacesuit/troll armour it'd be a bio suit. Guy is a mad scientist helm engineer after all. He'd come prepared. VERY prepared.

    And then Delphi wouldn't touch cancerous looking bioware with any sort of power cord without Nazuma okaying it or at least clearing off the port.

    Also: side note: You can't rust in space. You need oxygen to rust.
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