What's on tap tonight?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by rigorist, May 30, 2015.

  1. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    Arrogant Bastard, or the Double Bastard when it's in. Their IPA isn't too bad. I'm not a huge beer drinker: anything by Stone is an exception. I've got sensory issues, ironically, with strong alcohol smells/tastes. Stone has enough to balance it out. I like cider too (I can't smell the alcohol unless I sniff the bottle), though the only stuff around here I can get is Angry Orchard (which isn't bad! I just can't try anything else is all) and the only of theirs I can get in single-flavor packs is the Crisp Apple. Which is a fucking TRAGEDY because their Ginger Apple is heaven-sent.

    When my grandpa is mixing Sunrises I'll have one or two, since he knows how to mask the alcohol-and-piss flavor enough that I can drink it.

    I actually don't drink all that much. My liver was shit before I started (bad genetics+being on medication for most of my life+bad life choices involving too many otc meds at a time over an extended period) so I'm not supposed to drink that much. The thing is that because of that I'm a goddamn lightweight, and also my sociability skyrockets when drunk and of course I can't just walk away from the computer when I actually for once feel like talking to people. Of my own volition! Plus addictive personalities in my family so I have a set of Rules (like anything that might be a potential Problem) to prevent me from doing anything too stupid, and keep me from drinking more than I should.

    In no particular order: I must have been awake before noon. I must have slept more than two hours that night. I must start soon enough that I'm done drinking two hours before I have to take my meds. I cannot drink if I'm angry or sad without first going through a complicated mental checklist, to make sure I don't start using it to dodge Unpleasant Feels. If I'm still angry/sad after my first drink I have to stop. If I have a pleasant buzz and concern about my ability to get up (dad says I get the dizzies a bit sooner than most people, I have a fucked equilibrium) then I'm done for the night. I must have eaten dinner. There must be someone else in the main part of the house, even if they don't know my Rules: knowing they're there to see me fuck up is enough to help me follow them.

    I am, however, open to suggestions and will see if it's available in my shithole area.

    ETA: I can't believe I fucking forgot until dad came in with the thing. My grandpa's been making his own mead. It's decent :D
    Last edited: May 30, 2015
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  2. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    @Lazarae I have a friend who makes his own mead! And gives me some, I have most of a bottle in the fridge right now. (Good brewer, best friend.)

    Unfortunately, I don't know anything about drinky things. I like it if it's sweet and I don't like it if it tastes like bread dough smells. My friend's first batch fit my taste perfectly. The one I have right now isn't as sweet, but I still like it pretty well. And I used to drink fruit-flavoured wine coolers but they stopped selling them anywhere I shop, woe.
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  3. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    But... but... that's the point. It's so yummy because it's liquid bread.

    Had a friend when I lived abroad who, when he had a particularly tough term paper due, would walk down the local pub, order two pints of Guinness for dinner, and shit out a coherent paper by midnight. My hero. Also, don't tell anyone this, but I totally had Wells Banana Bread Beer for lunch once. It did taste exactly like banana bread, so. Liquid breakfast/lunch.
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  4. Lissa Lysik'an

    Lissa Lysik'an Dragon-loving Faerie

    Guinness Extra Stout, because anything less isn't enough and the local stores don't have anything better. Definitely need to find better stores.
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  5. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    sitting in my fridge, waiting for my next writing day, is a lovely bottle of Unibroue's Blonde de Chambly, a light and tasty saison from Quebec. it's a 750mL bottle so it's gotta be nursed over several hours. if i had a fridge big enough i'd keep a bottle of all of Unibroue's stuff in there (except maybe Trois Pistoles, it's a bit dark for my tastes), along with some Trappistes Rochefort and some cider.

    my taste for alcohol has slowly developed over the years, surprise surprise. i went from hating anything that tasted like alcohol, to enjoying really sweet stuff (like rum drinks, and other sweet cocktails), to enjoying sweet/fruity white wines (though i've found some drier ones i've liked lately - still haven't found almost any reds i like, they taste...um......fuck i dunno, fleshy? god that sounds weird), to enjoying lighter-shaded beers. i expect my taste will keep changing as time goes by, though i'm good with it now 'cause nothing i like is too terribly expensive. XD

    i like gin and tonics but they tend to fuck too much with my brain chemistry.

    i have enough of my mom's Czech blood that I get pretty sick before I get really drunk. so i've been hella tipsy, but never actually drunk.
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  6. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    But there isn't any point to bread-tasting things if they don't have butter on them, and I can't put butter in beer! I mean ... wait ... hmmmmmm. Can I?

    EDIT: According to Google, I can.
    Last edited: May 30, 2015
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  7. littlepinkbeast

    littlepinkbeast Imperator Fluttershy

    beerwise, I really like Arrogant Bastard and Chimay Bleue, they're nice and malt-flavorful without much hops at all. Lately though I've been really enjoying Singapore Slings.
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  8. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    @Elaienar How butterbeer was invented.

    I like pear cider, and some sweeter wines. Can´t stand beer, it´s Not A Food.
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  9. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    @Elaienar: I have to: Butterbeer.

    ... ahem. I know you can butter rum, but I have no idea if you can do anything similar with beer... XD
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  10. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    I don't really like beer. I had a honey beer once, and it was pretty okay, but beer makes me... sick? it's hard to explain, the texture/taste thing makes me icky.

    i have a pretty childish taste in alcohol. Various 5,5% vodka drinks (like, green apple and peach smirnoff ice), fruity rum stuff, things like that. I do love wine though, including red, and cider.

    I think the strongest thing I drink is caipirinha, because Brazil.
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  11. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Seconding @witchknights on caipirinha, though my fave is strawberry + vodka caipirinha, The Gayest Caipirinha On Earth.

    And let me just tell you guys that I'm drinking my 3rd bottle of beer since Saturday night, and that, to me, is Alarming Amounts of Beer. But I'm happy :3
  12. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    Strawberry caipiroska (vodka caipirinha for those uneducated) REALLY is the best thing.
    i got a bottle of vodka today just for that. mams' going back from her vacation sunday and i will need a Drink.
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  13. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    I just looked up what a "caipirinha" is and now I want one SO MUCH.
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  14. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Even I am craving a caipirinha right now, dangit.
  15. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    Oh my shit why has no one ever told me that gin and tonic is delicious? Its like alchoholic sprite.<3
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  16. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i prefer vodka tonic, ideally made with absolut mandrin. gin and tonic is p good tho.
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  17. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    Guys. Guys. You've just reminded me that it's almost strawberry season, and that means strawberry vodka. I am so excited.

    (Strawberry vodka is SUPER FANCY. Take super ripe strawberries. Stick in blender. Pour result in vodka. Eventually strain it if you're fancy. But it's so good oh my god.)

    Beer and wine taste like wood varnish to me, though. Which sucks, beer fandom is interesting, but I just can't drink it.
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  18. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    Beer is gorgeous and fun to make but drinking it makes me bleh. I dont like the taste of alcohol at all.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
  19. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    If you like gin, you should try St George "Terroir". Never before have I had a gin so evocative of a place, like a good Scotch.
  20. Fish butt

    Fish butt Everything is coming together, slowly but surely.

    Cocktails (honey, gin, grapefruit) and prosecco. Yes, I'm a lightweight, but it worked pretty damn well for the intended goal, and that was to get pleasantly tipsy and have a lovely evening listening to jazz for my birthday! :D
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