WinkWonk and the Cling Clongs - A TF Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by WinkWonk, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    So to avoid spoilers in the main TF thread, I have been advised to start my own thread where I can document my slow descend into robot hell!

    Disclaimer: I'm a complete noob when it comes to the franchise. I vaguely know about some stuff from pop culture osmosis and toys, but it was never, like, My Childhood, so apologies in advance for probably being painfully clueless about some things :p

    So yeah. Oh, and I'm not gonna get to the comics for a while, but I have spent this weekend watching all of Prime (just finished today, in fact), and plan on binge-watching TFA the coming weekend!

    Anyway, I have a lot of feelings, and post binge-watch depression is slowly setting in and I miss all those silly goobers already ;-; It took me a bit to warm up to the show because "SO MANY NAMES WHO IS WHO OH MY GOD I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO MEMORIZE THEM", the character designs took some getting used to (if I understand correctly they're mostly a mix of G1 and Bayverse?), and I'm not the biggest fan of CGI animation - but by the middle of the first season I was getting really into it!
    The designs really grew on me and the voice acting and soundtrack are SO GOOD, and I was just amazed how the stakes somehow always managed to get higher and higher, keeping me on the edge of my seat even when I thought "okay, they can't top THIS, can they?" And it pretty much never seemed contrived either, so good job @ the writers!
    I also wasn't expecting so much continuity, so I was very positively surprised! Some really nice and believable character development too!

    I gotta admit it took me a while to get used to the human kids, but the later episodes were pretty good at using them sparingly and effectively.

    Argh, I had so much to say, but I guess I'm still overwhelmed by everything ;-; Sorry if this is a bit of a messy opener! I'm gonna add more things as I let everything settle and people are welcome to join and add their squee! Just be careful about spoilers for the other continuities, please!!!

    Phew. This was definitely a weekend well spent :D
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  2. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Yes! New liveblogger! *grabs some popcorn and pulls up a seat*
    I haven't seen much of prime yet, I'm sort of holding out to see if Kintsugi can arrange a group watch.
    Ok, I lie, I saw one or two episodes of Prime. I kind of love this weird moment of no homo right at the beginning when the human kid started lusting after a motorcycle. Lucky for him it turned out to be the only lady autobot and not a dude.

    Which transformers related thing are you going to tackle next?
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  3. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I was in a similar boat when I watched the show! I did have the advantage of having read through the mtmte comics before then, but there wasn't much overlap between the main casts and the designs weren't quite the same, and it's way different seeing everyone in motion. And also same on my feelings about the animation! I used to be super against this style, but green lantern (which I still haven't actually watched) softened my heart, and this series dealt the final blow.

    The backstory of TFA and TFP is that TFA came out in 2007 and was doing its own thing, but when the Michael Bay movies happened, they canceled it to make way for TFP. I hear that TFA fans still mourn the fourth season they never got, though I also hear that since they knew they were getting canceled, the creators were just like WHATEVER, SCREW IT, and didn't bother to play it safe with season 3.

    So the TFP designs definitely draw a lot from the bayverse movies! I actually really love the balance they stroke between the Alien Mechanical Being and Attractive Robot design aesthetics. I think the only big character thing that carried over was Bumblebee's lack of voice. Probably because there wasn't much character carry over from the bayverse movies at all? :V

    And man, I was all set to go off gushing about my favorite characters, but it's really hard when I love them ALL. This is my favorite animated Starscream, by a long shot. (I'm on mobile, but insert that Tyra Banks gif of 'we were all cheering for you!'). Bumblebee was completely precious, oh my god. And I definitely didn't expect to love Bulkhead as much as I did, but by the time he was encouraging Miko to study so she'd have more options in life than he did, I was like *ugly crying over how Bulkhead is too good for this sinful world*. And this Wheeljack has different characterization from standard-issue Wheeljack, but I fricking adore him.

    And Ratchet!! Oh my GOD do I love Ratchet. JRO, the guy who writes mtmte, says that he thinks this version of the character is the definitive version. Soundwave's design is way different than it usually is, but HE'S SO COOL, MY HEART ALMOST EXPLODED FROM HOW COOL HE IS! His one spoken line, 'Soundwave: superior. Autobots: inferior' is a callback to the original eighties cartoon. And I don't recall if it was ever said in the show, but his backstory is that he was a gladiator just like Megatron. And Shockwave........ On that day, mankind received a grim, SEXY reminder.... God, I'm still not over his voice and design. So hot. So excellent.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
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  4. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Yeah, "unknowingly feeling up a robot" was certainly an interesting way to introduce one of our human heroes!
    And next up for me is Transformers Animated, with that Mituna looking Bumblebee! It's gonna be interesting to see traditionally animated robots after the CGI series.
    Also, there's gonna be a whole bunch of spoilers for Prime in the following replies, just in case you want to avoid them!
    Yeah, from what I saw, the comic designs seem to look a lot more "traditional", I guess? And they have noses, mostly! I can definitely see how going from that to Prime would be like :confutoot: because that's a huge change. I know how it can sometimes take a while to warm up to different takes on familiar characters, so I can actually imagine that having read the comics beforehand could have actually made it more jarring than going in with a practically blank slate! Also, how did Green Lantern help, if I may ask?
    Oh no!!! That's actually really sad to hear, and I bet it soured quite a few fans on Prime, understandably ): Curse you, Michael Bay!
    But now you made me very curious about just how out there the third season is gonna be!
    Ah yeah, I remember someone in one of the other threads mentioned that Bayverse Bumblebee (B³?) could only use voice clips. Bleh, should I watch at least the first movie so I can see where some of the designs come from, or is it not worth it?
    I was so happy when Bumblebee got his voice back though. That whole sequence was just unbelievably badass in general, I did not see that coming at all! And Ratchet finally didn't need to feel so guilty anymore ;-; They got me real good with Bumblebee's fake-out death because I was absolutely expecting one member of the main crew to die before the end. Well, I wasn't wrong...
    I KNOW THAT FEEL, BAB! But there's enough room in our hearts for all of the big robot friends, I'm sure. The show somehow managed to make even character types I'm usually meh about fun. Like when Smokescreen appeared, I was pretty much with Bulkhead, all "(≖‸≖) who dis??? Ugh, it's that type of character!" And then he genuinely grew on me! The writers did a really good job at introducing familiar character archetypes and then doing something cool with them and giving them proper character development so they felt fresh and interesting! And yeah, Bulkhead is a huge sweetie, and his friendship with Wheeljack is so precious! I'm so glad Wheeljack decided to stick around some more at the end!

    Ugh, Starscream was such a petty, bitchy, and pathetic piece of scrap - I love him and his shapely stiletto-clad legs SO much ♥ And damn if he wasn't surprisingly brilliant at times, though as much as seeing him fuck shit up with some great ideas was fun, so was watching a lot of them fail, and Starscream reaping the consequences in various humiliating ways :3c I very much enjoyed that episode where Megatron went inside his brain to see his true intentions, and we got a nice secondhand embarrassment inducing clipshow of Starscream's past shenanigans. But wow, a lot of the time, I could not anticipate if a scheme of his would fail or not. He really was unpredictable, even in a meta sense (to me at least!)
    Ratchet is adorable! He went through some really impressive character development and I was so proud of him! And wow, that's awesome! Is the one in MTMTE similar to the Prime version?

    SO COOL! I think Soundwave might be my favourite, design-wise, in the whole series. He's basically like a creepypasta in robot form. There's just something about a silent, faceless, and hyper-efficient character like that, and he was one of the most terrifying antagonists in the whole show to me. I think he actually won pretty much every on-screen fight aside from the one that got him captured (and the teleport trick, I guess), which, DAMN. And wow, I didn't know that was a callback! Man, I'm sure there were a lot of those throughout the show. I bet spotting them was really fun for the veteran fans :D
    I don't think the gladiator thing was mentioned in the series, but it definitely came up when I googled to find out why Soundwave was so deeply loyal to Megatron. I think it was also mentioned that they were pretty evenly matched in battle, so no wonder Megatron respected him so much! That's definitely a fight I would have loved to see!

    Shockwave was a babe. Just the sounds of his steps alone had me like [fear_boner.jpg], So creepy and intimidating! I think you posted his interrogation of Starscream in CDCF once, and it really left an impression on me, so I was already excited about seeing that scene with context. Damn all those hot bots and their hot deep voices!
    The lack of face really helps with the eeriness as well. I think It's funny that both "S[...]wave" named characters are basically faceless in this continuity, but the names being so similar confused me a lot at first @_@ Though I think the one-eyed thing has been a trademark of Shockwave, right? Man, I'm so sad he only joined so late in this series, but I guess sometimes you gotta ration the awesome a bit.

    And of course, then there's Knock Out, who somehow manages to be even more sassy than Starscream, on top of being absolutely hilarious! Definitely a super hot design. It really captured that sleek expensive european car aesthetic, and then that silky smooth voice, oof. I rewinded so many of his scenes because his body language, expressions and line delivery were just so much fun to watch! You can tell the people working on that show had a lot of fun with him!
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  5. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    The truest words...

    Also semi off topic, but I saw Spock's bonnini MegOp links in the Rayve thread, and wanted to contribute...these: x and the incredible escalation, both in art and concept, at x
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  6. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Yes, the comic definitely plays it safer! The robots tend to look more humanoid, especially in the face bits. You don't see too much machinery except in the joints, most of the time. I think that works really well on the page, because you still get pretty complicated designs where it can still be a little hard to tell people apart. But then the Bayverse movies went to the opposite extreme, and designed the robots so that when they transformed, all the parts TRANSFORMED. Everything on the robots corresponds to part of the vehicle. Which is a really awesome feat of animation, and really got me excited at the time, but... it doesn't make for hugely attractive robots.

    The evolution of Bumblebee! Skipping some continuities because oh god so many. Eighties cartoon -> TFA -> Bayverse -> TFP -> IDW comics

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    And the Green Lantern series was the first time I really warmed up to the idea of CGI cartoon shows being maybe, maybe not the worst thing ever created! I was in the Legend of Korra fandom at the time, and some of the people I followed were REALLY into Green Lantern and kept posting about the show and characters. I originally dismissed it out of hand, because I thought the CGI was ugly and dumb and 2-D animation is so much better guys, come onnnnnnn. I only watched the first two episodes before my lack of attention span kicked me in the brain, and while I... did not care for how they animated things on earth, once they were out in space and 90% of the cast was cool-looking aliens, I was like 'okay. MAYBE this is kind of cool.' I own the dvds for Green Lantern, though I still haven't actually watched them :P But I remember making fun of the look of TFP when it was airing originally, and then like four years,it was like 'what? it totally looks good! when did I ever say anything differently?????' (my parents made fun of me ;_; )

    There's definitely some interesting stuff!! I don't want to go into too much detail, but there's a lot of quietly dark worldbuilding going on in the background. I have to sort out what I know that's fanon and what's actually from the extra materials/talks by the creators at conventions, but when you starting hitting that part of the series, I have so many cool things to talk about! :DDDD

    Oh man, I didn't see that coming either, I thought he was super dead, and it was SO AWESOME SEEING HIM TALK!! I was so happy for him and Ratchet. The part of the series where he was missing his t-cog and felt extra worthless was so sad, it was great to see him get a victory like this.

    In the Bayverse movies I watched, Bumblebee tunes into the radio to semi-talk! I think the first Transformers movie is a decently fun thing. I enjoyed it a lot at the time, and I think I'd still enjoy it. There's a balance between 'boooo, where's this character's personality?' and 'oh my GODDDDD, LOOK AT SCORPONOK GO!!!!' So if you're so inclined, this is probably a decent time to watch the first movie, before you get too invested in many of the characters as fully-fleshed-out characters. The second movie was underwhelming, and had some racist caricature robots and also literal robot balls. Swinging back and forth. Clanging against each other in the breeze. In some ways it's a fun wtf-did-I-just-watch movie and there are definitely some epic effects. I did not watch the third movie, and I did not watch the fourth, though I have heard such things--

    MICHAEL BAY FUCKING KILLS RATCHET??? You don't do that. What the fuck is wrong with you?? Why would you kill Ratchet?????

    Oh my god, Starscream is the bestworst thing, and I love him so much. Watching him, it's like... what an asshole. What a fucking asshole, you absolute douchecanoe, what the fuck are you doing??? Why can't I stop loving you??????? I wish I knew how to quit you!

    And then he does something like that fancy flying when the cave was collapsing around him, and I'm all *swoon*. God, he's the worst, and I want to give him a comforting hug and also slap him upside his head.

    He is sooooo adorable! Oh my gosh, when Raph got hit by the dark energon, and Ratchet was trying to save him, my heart just broke for him. MTMTE Ratchet is similar in a lot of ways to TFP! He's got the same attitude, where he's like, super gruff and fussy to hide how much he cares, because he cares so much. But even while he's caring so much, he is also so done with this bullshit. I don't know how to describe it right, but he's just... fantastic. He's one of my all-time favorite characters. And in the comics at one point, he even got his frame redesigned, and he even looks closer to his TFP look!

    Oh! Also! You remember the thing with the synth-en, where Ratchet got all pumped up and went out to beat up Megatron? Well, I saw a post on tumblr suggesting that maybe it wasn't just the synth-en giving him that mood boost. The autobots in TFP are almost always running low on supplies, and they're on short rations. And Ratchet is generally a noncombatant, and also has that whole thing with taking care of people, so it's reasonable to think that he might be keeping himself on even shorter rations than everyone else. So maybe that burst of excitement after he fueled up on synth-en was partly from him not being starving for the first time in months.

    Ahhhhhhhh, Soundwave's coolness levels were off the charts!!! Practically every time he was on screen, I was falling deeper in creepy love with him. His fight with Airachnid, that was SO GOOD. When he stepped on her head, it was just... TAKE ME NOW. And his last showdown with her, during the zombie thing, when he showed up in the corridor, space bridged her away, and just calmly walked away, I got so flappy and excited over how fucking cool he is.

    Shockwave is one of the most consistent designs across continuities (fake edit: I tell a lie, he looks super different in TFA), but I was thinking about this, and I think this ins the only version I've seen who has so much WEIGHT. That's what really sends me into swoon town. He feels like impact when you see him move or hear him talk. The scene with that interrogation was the thing that finally tipped me into watching the series in the first place, so I'm gad you enjoyed it too :DDDD The one-eyed thing is indeed a trademark of his character, but I don't think it gets much explanation in any continuity until you get to the IDW comics. In there, he gets to be a major player and gets a backstory and story arc all of his very own! But even though the TFP version doesn't get much screen time, he's still my favorite Shockwave for sure. I could watch his scenes all day, he's just got so much OOMPH.

    Oh man, Knock Out's design is one of my favorite favorite things! He's so gorgeous! And I have a lot of affection for Breakdown and the way he and Knock Out play off each other too. So good. Even with the way it ended. That was a twist that shocked me with how dark it got, and then they REALLY upped the ante with the zombie business. But virtually any scene with Knock Out is solid gold. My favorite favorite is the subway fight, where I was just laughing my ass off at oh nooooo, my poor, vain baby, your poor everything. I love how much they scraped him up in the animation. I was just wincing and cackling the whole time. And then Megatron was like 'oh, you want to get fixed up, do you? Well take care of Soundwave first, because fuck you.' And his phone call to Megatron, where he was like 'come on, big M, tell me you love me more than Starscream!', that was one of my favorite moments too.s

    And! Knock Out was created for TFP, so he didn't have a version of himself established in the comics. But the comics run is currently pulling in LOADS of transformers characters from all kinds of different continuities, and Knock Out and Breakdown made it into the mix! Neither of them has done too much lately, but they're in the mix!
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
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  7. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Also! Reasons my kintsugijin is crying! Not right at this moment, but the first time I read it, this (nsfw) Soundwave comic made me tear up
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  8. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Spoilers don't bother me much, but thanks for the warning! I can't remember, have you read mtmte? If you have, then the main transformers thread is probably safe. Most of the talk is about the comics.
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  9. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    EDIT: sorry if there's lotsa typos, it's really late so I gotta zzzzzzzzzz

    Friend, I'm really starting to think you didn't even read my post opener :p
    Also, I just finished the Bayverse movie. So that and Prime are so far the only iterations I'm familiar with.
    Oh my god, these are beautiful, thank you so much! Soundwave, more like cockblock! Cogblock? Hmm, I definitely gotta work on my robot puns.
    And I'm loving the delicate lingerie and daring makeup!
    Yeah, that makes sense! I think especially in static picture form it's important that the designs are kept dynamic. You gotta keep some degree of stylisation, or they end up looking too stiff and not expressive enough. And having seen the movie now, I see what you mean! The transformation scenes were definitely very visually impressive 0: !! But I really had a hard time parsing their faces. There was just so much going on there!
    And thank you for the visuals! The comic version definitely seems like going back to the G1 roots compared to the more roundish designs!
    Woah, this is actually the first time I heard about a CGI series for Green Lantern °o° And oof, I feel you on the 'Grumpy About CGI' thing.
    The alien designs do look pretty cute! (And Korra was great! Kuvira is still my beautiful wife and Bolin my sunshine boo...)
    You should totally get your parents to watch TFP so they will understand your predicament >:c You just gotta see the designs in action to get to appreciate them!
    That sounds wonderful! I love when canons give you some hints of Fucked Up and let you work with it. I will definitely be on the lookout!
    Your description left me curious so I spent this evening watching the first movie, and I pretty much agree with everything you said about it! It got a lot of nice, if very bayesque, action sequences, and it was really interesting to see how the whole premise would look in a life action setting. Really gave me a sense of scale!
    I don't really have much interest in watching the rest of the movieverse, even though robot balls sound intriguing strike that, I just looked up that scene on youtube. God, they even had sound effects :I I really had trouble telling a lot of the robots apart. None of them had much of a personality, so I wasn't particularly invested in any of them. I think one of them got torn in two, but I actually liked Megatron's one liner too much to care. I felt like there was way too little robot action in general, though at least Megan Fox was pretty competent, even though humans weren't really what I was interested in.
    And I'm almost too afraid to ask, but how the fuck can giant mechanical aliens be racist caricatures?
    He was SO much fun! I was already somewhat familiar with that version from IPGD (sadly she remade so it's not possible to read her past Starscream fangirling posts) and then Nostalgia Chick's Starscream feature (which I just re-watched, and really recommend as an overview for the animated versions!)
    Seriously, if he just stopped being such a self-absorbed douche he could have been a terrifying force to be reckoned with. Then again, I did very much enjoy seeing him getting punched around, so I'm not complaining.
    Ratchet is like, textbook tsundere, honestly. I'm excite about seeing that callback! I also adored his deep loyalty to Optimus and want them to hug.
    OH NO!! That actually makes a lot of sense, especially when considering how he was the first to volunteer to donate his T-cog to BB ;n;
    Hnngh, yesss. That was so beautiful! Watch out for the quiet ones, indeed. He never seems to waste a single movement either.
    And the comic you linked was amazing! What a great use of his tentacle thingies - and also incredibly depressing.
    Hell, whatever happened to Airachnid anyway? Was she in spades with Arcee or what?
    Oh, definitely! Usually, the science-y types tend to be on the scrawny side, like Ratchet, Starscream, and Knockout, but Shockwave is a fucking tank, literally.
    I'm really excited for the IDW comic version then :D
    Breakdown and him were such obvious boyfriends, and it's so great to hear they were even made canon ;-; From what I googled, the comics even kept KO's Prime design!
    Knock Out getting his finish messed up was always a highlight, because the aftermath was either gonna end up badass or hilarious. I agree the subways scene was amazing! Vain characters getting their looks messed up is always so satisfying.

    I just want Knock Out and Starscream to fight for Megatron's love approval, all covered in energon jelly or something. Maybe kiss a lil, too ;3c
    By the way, I re-read your Ray fic remix for the the wing waxing thing again, so this time I could see and hear everyone in my mind. It worked creepily well and I've grown to appreciate it even more!

    Also, I accidentally found a really nice blog for TF references, I hope it might be useful to any peeps who didn't already know about it!
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
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  10. Hobo


    @WinkWonk Re: Robots being racist caricatures: Watch 1:12 onwards of this video. It's only a short scene but I think it sums up the characters pretty well. They talk and act like this whenever they're on screen and they're completely insufferable.

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  11. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    I will never forgive Bayverse for what they did to Wheelie.
  12. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Bonnini's facial expressions are just...a work of art, in and of themselves. So beautiful...

    /steeples hands Genji Ikari style/ Oh man, my friend, are we gonna have one heck of a fic rec for you once you've watched TFA (if you're so inclined)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    You. You don't want to know. Trust me

    ...Okay, hands up who else has seen that feature - I know Spock has, too, at least
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  13. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    What the fuck, I must have been really tired yesterday because I barely have any recollection of writing my last post. Sorry if my replies were hard to parse!
    Oh wow, that made me physically cringe D: How did anyone think that was a good idea? What is the point?
    I'm afraid to ask but... what he do?
    They're hilarious! I really need to make a new account for a Transformers side blog so I can follow all those cool artists you guys linked c:
    Ahh, you guys are making me so excited!
    You know what? That's it, I'm gonna start watching it today and liveblog the experience here >:0
    It was somehow even more stupid and pointlessly offensive than I anticipated.
    For some reason I expected, like, totem looking transformers who act like stereotypical native Americans or something, because while that would be dumb, I could still see it as an attempt at creativity. Instead they apparently just gave giant space robots the personalities of "thug" caricatures because... I don't know? Who are those characters even supposed to appeal to >:?
    It was pretty informative! I just watched NC's Transformers cartoon review too, and the original show is so cheesy! Which is admittedly expected for an 80s cartoon. And I knew that Soundwave would turn into a cassette recorder, but for some reason I imaged it would be as big as a truck, and not an everyday human one D: Where did he come from, where did he go? Does that form still weigh as much as the giant robot form?
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  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh man, I don't know why, but transformers in lingerie is a thing. It makes me so happy that it exists, even if it makes less than zero sense, and it's so pretty and fun!! I'm DYING to draw some, but robots are hard :CCC It always looks so gorgeous, especially when you get delicate, lacy things all over these giant mechanical aliens, and it's one of my favorite kinds of transformers fanart.

    The first movie is a lot of fun, in its own way! I would have liked more giant robots in my giant robot movie, instead of so, so many silly, squishy humans. But like... it's hard NOT to get excited when you're watching those action scenes. Megan Fox was actually probably one of my favorite humans in the movie, but in real life she talked shit about Michael Bay, and she got written out of the universe :P

    The character with the robot balls is Devastator. In the original show, a big recurring plot thing was about combiners, or teams of five or six robots that could join together to make a BIGGER robot. The original cartoon is... a strange, strange thing, I can only consume it in small doses, so I'm not sure exactly how they explain it. But in a lot of the other continuities, having a combiner is a BIG advantage in battle. And I want to say that Devastator is the most iconic combiner in the franchise. He's got a really striking look too, all purple and green. Definitely without giant, swinging testicles. Like, when I saw the movie it was a pretty epic scene, but after I got to know the franchise a little better, it got really frustrating how thoroughly Michael Bay missed the mark.


    Though one thing I will give Michael Bay a little credit for is his design on Soundwave. I can't tell the decepticons apart when they're in their root modes, but instead of being a cassette player, Soundwave's alt mode is a creepy alien satellite thing, so he's always up there, always listening. I like it a lot


    Jazz is the character who got torn in two! At the time, I didn't care at all, though now I've gotten emotionally attached to his character :P He's awfully bland in the movie, and that was a nice one-liner from Megatron, so I was totally fine with it then. In most continuities, though, Jazz has loads of personality. He's a character in TFA, so you'll get to know him soon, hopefully! :D He's a bit different in that version than in the comics or eighties show, but he's still lots of fun. In the main TF thread, applechime dragged a bunch of people down into jazz/soundwave hell with this one amazing fic based on the eighties cartoon (basically, the decepticons won the war and the autobots are their slaves, with lots of emotions and complicated interpersonal dynamics, also the fic where I discovered the joys of wireplay porn), so now I'm REALLY invested in his character. Alex Milne, who's drawn a lot of MTMTE, was commissioned at one point to draw Jazz and Soundwave like they are in that story (Jazz is the one in the blue visor playing robochess). Even though it's just a still image and not getting to see him in action, his personality really shines through. He's also the character who plays accompaniment for a beat poet shark robot in the IDW comics (I love Jazz a lot)



    I have a massive weakness for characters who could accomplish great things if they would just stop shooting themselves in the foot for two goddamn seconds. Starscream... yeah. My precious, horrible son. It was really interesting going into the animated transformers series, because I had watched the Nostalgia Chick's video, but since I didn't care about transformers at the time and it was a while ago, I didn't really remember anything that she actually said. And TFP hit me in the face with how much I loved Starscream, so then I went back and rewatched her video, and was like yeah! Starscream! And... completely failed to remember anything about the other animated versions besides TFP. So again, the TFA version of him was a complete surprise to me :P I love her breakdown of the character, though! I wish she'd read the comics, so we could have seen some of her thoughts there too, but. Oh well.

    (also, in the comics, you do get to see Starscream actually accomplishing some impressive things, which is just! the best!!!! I love him so much and I want him to grow and succeed ;_; )

    Oh, and I don't know if you've seen it before, but her video on the eighties animated movie is a really interesting watch (edit: ninja'd while I was writing the rest of my reply, whoops!). It's really old, so it didn't show up on her official channel the last time I looked, but there are versions of it out there. I'd known that review for years, but then I read all the IDW comics and went back and rewatched it, and oh my GOD, even in a review, it was upsetting seeing so many beloved characters die so unceremoniously! I'd been meaning to put it on as background while I cross-stitched, but I ended up watching the whole thing like 'NO, NOT HIM! Oh god, him too??? Stop killing everyone I love' (ironically, Jazz was one of the very few original autobots to survive that first movie)

    Oh man, Airachnid was in such spades with Arcee!! I'm disappointed the show didn't give me any more sexual tension between them, but hey, I will absolutely take what I was given and run with it :DDD The ladies in this franchise tend to be outnumbered so badly that I'm not surprised they played the only two lady robots against each other, but I am very, very pleased that we got such a sexy pitch dynamic for them.

    Also, I think the... Japanese dub of the show? Had Airachnid, like REALLY flirting with Jack. She didn't want him just to add to her collection because he was an alien and it would hurt Arcee, she wanted to add him to her collection because he was hot. I don't even know, man.

    They did keep his design! And he looks so nice. Breakdown has his original design too, even though he's only shown up in like three panels so far. And they even went on a romantic Cybertronian honeymoon together.

    Hhhhhhhholy shit, YES. I never even thought about that angle. Hmmm, I need to think about this :3333333

    Eeee, thank you!! I really enjoyed working on that one. I've been thinking about reworking the premise a little to pull it a little farther away from the original, just far enough that it doesn't count as a remix anymore. I could probably draw out the uncomfortableness even more, put the tension on a slower burn. Because man, do I love exploring that dynamic. And oh oh oh, once you get into the comics, so there are ongoing series, and then there are occasional spotlight issues sprinkled about the place. I get the feeling you'll love Spotlight: Megatron. It's all about Megatron and Starscream and its one of the most upsetting things I've read in the whole series and I love it so, so, so much. Not to spoil anything, but you get to see Starscream make this face


    THIS. FIC. I'm in the middle of re-reading it right now, and it's so good. So basically, you know how TFA got cancelled before its time? The ending we got was still pretty solid, I thought, but there was also a lot of unused potential in the worldbuilding and setting that the canon never got to actually use. So you get some really excellent fics (like this one) that expand on the most interesting parts of the setting. This one is set right after the end of the series, so after you're done, if you're ever in the mood for something to read, I really recommend it!

    YESSSS, EXCELLENT. This is the best possible outcome >:D The first couple episodes have some moments that are a little frustratingly slow with their timing, but I think it really builds momentum fast!

    The handwave of choice for this series is 'mass displacement'! That's how Soundwave can transform into a tiny cassette player, or how Megatron can transform into a tiny gun (in some continuities). Or going the other direction, Devastator is larger than just five transformers slapped together. I don't think there's ever any explanation for how people can shove their mass off into a secret pocket dimension, or generate extra mass from nowhere, but that's how it goes! Though ngl, it would be pretty hilarious if Soundwave weighed as much when he's tiny as he does when he's in his root mode.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
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  15. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Yeah, I figured it's gonna be a bit like that! Gotta establish the setting and characters and all first.

    Also, I'm gonna reply to the rest of your post later, after I finished live blogging for today!

    Speaking of live blogging, let's do this!

    I just finished the third episode, and this really is quite a different take on the premise! I'm curious to see what they will do with it.
    Definitely still need some time to get used to the character designs, plus, as Lindsay Ellis said, CHINS! CHINS FOR DAYS SOLAR CYCLES! And Optimus Prime's distractingly luscious robot lips.
    I do already like the decepticon designs that were shown so far, though :D And the ninja autobot with the Dirk Strider shades (Prowl I think?) is also really pretty!

    All right, on to episode 4!

    (Oh, and this version of the opening song is really catchy!)

    EDIT: Oh, and I like how sometimes the transformations look like magical girl henshin sequences :D
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
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  16. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    • Like x 1
  17. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Aww, I like Prowl already! How could I not like a pretentious ninja robot that likes cats. And his dynamic with Bumblebee seems fun!
    Also, as unusual as the designs are, the cartoony style makes it really easy to tell them apart right from the start, which is neat.

    Next one now!
    • Like x 1
  18. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Fair warning TFA Prowl isn't really like a lot of other Prowl's XD

    Uh, as for Wheelie they kinda turned him into a foul mouthed leg hummping 'con from (canon in g1 at least) kid with an odd speech pattern that had been surviving alone on a trash planet after his parents/creators died.
    • Like x 2
  19. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Oh my god, this is beautiful! Thank you for showing me the alien robot magical girls :D
    Oh, I see! What are Prowls usually like?

    And wow, I definitely understand why you would be upset about that change. Why do they need to turn perfectly fine and interesting characters into edgy jackasses?

    On the live blogging front, Bumblebee needs to find his chill >:0
    • Like x 1
  20. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    The Worst™

    for real: IDW prowl is a manipulative, pragmatic control freak whose morals are..... looser than the average autobot's. he is Always Right, and no one can see how Right he is, and he is willing to do what Must Be Done in the face of Great Adversity.

    he's a big ol' dick

    and i love him
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
    • Like x 3
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