WinkWonk and the Cling Clongs - A TF Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by WinkWonk, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    WinkWonk is racist against decepticons! You heard it here! I heard they literally said decepticons aren't to be trusted, can you believe it? Don't worry, I've got this receipt saved, we can all start spreading the word about WinkWonk's anti-decepticon prejudice!
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  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    -faints onto my victorian chaiselounge-

    btw for people interested in four Decepticon MTOs fucking the hell of to be deserters in space
    [cw for disordered eating, mentions of past medical neglect, canon typical violence, some slightly more violent kinks showing up during the sex scenes that are pretty unnegotiated (everyone is into it though), annnnd codependant dynamics]
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  3. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


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  4. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    THAT'S IT >:(

    I'm just saying what we're all thinking! Also, don't forget the kinkshaming. Oh, and I think their aim is pretty bad. There, I said it! I went there!
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  5. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    (okay no but seriously I have a regrettable crush on IDW Megatron. It's beyond anything that could be explained by reason. But LOOK. AT. HIM.
    I live for beautiful profile shots of Megatron.jpg )
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  6. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Oh no, those phases are the worst :c On the other hand, they often mean that you're about to reach another skill improvement milestone! I hope you get out of the art slump soon.
    And cross-stitch sounds wonderful! I peeked at your blog real quick, but I'm playing it safe for now re: spoilers, even though I know you're careful about tagging stuff. I remember that other cross-stitch you did that turned out looking super badass, so I'm sure this one will also turn out amazing (even though right now I have no idea what's going on there)! And I would love to see TFA art from you as well! The designs might be more simplified, but they still look far from easy to me.
    No matter if art or fic, though, the most important thing is that you're having fun!
    I hope I can read your fics I missed out on once I'm finally all caught up and have my reading mojo back.
    Huh, that really does sound a bit like fusion! I can totally see Sugar getting some inspiration from there, though the dancing before the fusion is probably more of a DBZ thing - unless robots also dance before they get all combine-y with each other.
    Thank you and @applechime for the information! So they are actually bitty, I thought they were just drawn in chibi form!
    And they sounds really cute! It's really interesting how differently all the various canon universes utilize them.
    Also, for some reason that seems like a very fitting personality for a cat-like creature.
    Man, seems like peeps have been getting really creative with it! They all sound interesting in their own ways :0
    I admit I have a bit of trouble picturing how some of these things would look in practive. The valveplug thing is straightforward enough, but some illustrative materials would be very much appreciated for the others. For science, of course.
    I guess the spark touching thing would be a bit like soul touching in Undertale porn?
    Thats sound hilarious! I'm really looking forward to it :D I was wondering already why Kintsugi's main TF thread was named after a Weird Al Yankovic song, but I figured it was probably some kind of clever pun.
    @applechime Already mentioned what it was, but yeah, it was called Kiss Players.
    Behold the horror:
    Thank you for the links! Yeah, I was really confused about the abbreviations and it took me a bit to get that those were the names of the fic you guys were talking about! For some reason it just didn't occur to me to just, you know, ask, so I guess we were all a bit out of the loop :p
    And hey, might as well ask you to link the Starscream/Optimus fic now, just in case!
    Oh, that's actually pretty cool idea!
    Ah, I remember you posting that picture of that city robot thing. It was so pretty!
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2016
  7. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    I have OCs that do that, but sadly no, the robots do not dance with each other in canon to combine 8(

    Also I don't have illustrative materials for all the various different Porn Stuff, but one interesting spinoff of plug-n-play that always sticks in my head is Herz's crocodile kiss plugs, which combines spark play stuff and looks really neat!
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  8. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Also, I actually ended up dreaming of Transformers this night - in the loosest sense, and in the worst possible way. My subconsciousness was apparently really curious what would happen if my vacuum cleaner suddenly gained sentience.
    Anyway, lesson learned. If you ever have to fight a living vacuum, TRY TO NOT LET IT GET THE HOSE NEAR YOUR FACE.
    Turns out those motherfuckers go straight for the eyes, and vacuum hoses are just the right size for eye balls :|
    Thanks, brain. Why couldn't I at least dream of giant robot bondage instead?
    *gentle gasp* What a beautiful robot nose *o* Please do not feel bad for your Megathirst! From what I understand IDW Megatron is basically going all Vegeta, right?
    Now I'm sad >:0 They should totally dance! I'm glad you're being the hero we need and have dance happy OCs to make up for it, though.
    Also, what if robots had a dance called "the human"? Or what if they thought our robot dance is really culturally insensitive and find it insulting because "that's not even how we move >:C"

    Ohh, I think I might have seen the first one linked before! That's a really cute concept! I really like how intimate it looks, especially in the second one with their tiddy all entwined c: Thank you for the links!

    Okay, back to live blogging!
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2016
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  9. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    New autobots! So I assume Ultra Magnus tends to generally be the serious no-nonsense type?
    And I like Jazz already :D I remember it was mentioned that this version is pretty different personality-wise, though.

    Also, for some reason I like how a lot of the physical weapons work in this show. You know, how they "fan out" and have the gaps fill with some kind of energy?
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  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I'll reply to the longer post when I'm not in my phone, but I definitely agree about the weapons! You occasionally get cool stuff like that in the comics, but not nearly often enough. Chromia has an awesome energy axe, though!


    And Jazz is a LITTLE different here, but like... not too significantly? I'm trying to articulate what's different and having a hard time, which probably means he's not that different after all :P I guess maybe he's more chill in TFA than in other continuities? But he's pretty chill in most continuities, haha. The cyberninja thing is definitely different, though.
  11. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Okay, something is definitely up with that girl. I chalked her mom not being mentioned up to, well, kids in shows sometimes only having one parent without explanation because it's not relevant, you know? And I figured her dad was too protective to let her go to school with the other kids.
    But unless that one dude lied about her not having any birth records, I feel like there might be more behind it. Oh man, is she some kind of cyborg made with cybertronian parts, and that's why the allspark chose her?

    YES! Pretty axe,very good!

    I see! I hoped to see him hang out with Prowl a little more because they seem to get along well, but he's already going :c I hope he comes back soon. And yeah, I figured the ninja thing is more of a TFA deal. Not complaining though, because seriously: ALIEN ROBOT NINJAS!
    It's completely ridiculous, and it's great :D
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  12. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    And Weird-Al-Gar is here :D
    And if Wreck-Gar isn't already the mascot for the Transformers side of the sin bin trash rave for garbage ships, he should totally be!
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  13. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Lugnut please, contain your enthusiasm!
    Even Megatron is starting to get a lil :ampora:
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  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    "I am Wreck-Gar! I am only good for one thing: GARBAGE! I must deliver garbage to all!"
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  15. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    If you're curious about the cross-stitch, I actually made a separate craft blog! One of my followers apparently works for/knows the editor of an embroidery magazine and wanted to show them some of my fandom stuff? But they weren't sure about linking them to a heavily pornographic blog, hahaha, so I made a safe little sideblog where I could have just my crafty things. I'm like... a month late replying to that person, oops :P But I have to figure out what to say, because it's my work, but someone else's art, which is a bit of a mess if that editor person is interested. I don't have a transformers tag, but it's a pretty lightly-populated blog if you're curious about it!

    (this is the image I'm cross-stitching right now, minus the words)


    And my blog is definitely pretty dangerous on the spoiler front! If you're in either my 'transformers animated' or 'crafts' tags, you should be fairly safe, but my mtmte and general transformers tag are going to be a bit hazardous.

    [/quote]Huh, that really does sound a bit like fusion! I can totally see Sugar getting some inspiration from there, though the dancing before the fusion is probably more of a DBZ thing - unless robots also dance before they get all combine-y with each other.[/quote]

    Tragically, the robots don't dance to combine, but now I REALLY, REALLY WISH THEY WOULD. I'm really sad this isn't a thing now :C It would do so much to get me extra excited about all these combiner plots.

    Unfortunately, I think they're fairly underused in a lot of settings :P A lot of the time, they don't have much personality, or the animal-looking ones don't really talk, and a lot of canons cut out a bunch of the cassettes entirely, like TFP did. Which is understandable, because they seem like a complicated part of the plot to juggle, but you do get the occasional fanfic like TGWP that really does them justice. I didn't care about their characters before that fic, and now I care too much, why did applechime hurt us all this way. That being said, the IDW comics do have some interesting stuff with the cassettes! Four of them are on earth in exRiD, getting up to no good (also there is a panel where you see them playing cards, and laserbeak and buzzsaw are holding their cards in their beaks), and Ravage is a major player in MTMTE. He's excellent. I love him a lot.

    I occasionally see plug and play art go by, but most of it is mess visually exciting than the one that got linked up above. I'm not... actually sure I've ever read a fic with it? I don't think I have. Which is partly on me, because I've had such an awful time getting myself to sit and read lately, but I don't think I've even noted one to add to my marked-for-later pile. I did write the one, but it's really spoiler heavy for mtmte 47 or so. Hm. And the only time I've seen or read wireplay was in TGWP, though again, I'm not the best person for having an accurate picture of the state of the transformers fic scene :P

    @applechime Already mentioned what it was, but yeah, it was called Kiss Players.
    Behold the horror:

    Ohhhhh my god, that's even more horrifying than I expected D: I wasn't sure how something was going to be a penis tongue, but... that sure is a penis tongue DDDDDDD:

    And here's Delicacy! I prefer Starscream<3<Optimus, and this is definitely super-fluffy redrom, but again, I'll take what I can get for this rarepair. Lots of warnings apply to this fic, include slavery, forced breeding, nonconsensual drug use, people being bred over and over until they die, people literally eating babies. I think that's the worst of it? Oh, and giving birth is a thing that happens frequently in the story, though it's not too similar to how humans do it, and also the babies come out as eggs. One of my favorite things is that the violations aren't just sexual, but also nonconsensual violation of the breeders' sparks. Good times :3

    This is one of the images I'm considering for a future cross-stitch project! Metroplex looks so cool here, and I don't know who the city-sized t-rex is (it isn't Grimlock), but this picture is so AWESOME. Sarah Stone's art style lends itself really well to cross-stitch. I've done one of her pictures already and I'm in the middle of another and have the materials for a third :V This would be tricky, because I'd have to photoshop out the title, and the project would probably have to be pretty huge so I didn't lose Metroplex's face, but it would be so epic

    Last edited: Jul 1, 2016
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  16. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    The hero we deserve :')

    Damn, Lockdown and Prowl made an amazing team! Alas, it was too good to last. Prowl could have let down Lockdown a bit more easily, though. Bro got enemy-zoned hard :c
    And what the fuck is up with all those Starscreams? Are Starscream clones a Thing in the franchise, or just these two shows? Though these clones seem to have different personalities and colours from the original. Oh well, let's see what's up with that.
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  17. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Okay, but this kid definitely has a cutesy pastel anti-shipping blog and regularly sends people death threats with kawaii emojis on Tumblr.
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  18. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    HOLY SHIT! I was like "ha, I know who the REAL spy is ", BUT THEN HE TURNED INTO SHOCKWAVE AND I WAS LIKE :underchair: WHAT THE FUCK?! And he even managed to become a Prime?
    Also, poor Wasp really got fucked over :c
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  19. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    WASP IS MY FAVORITE! My precious poor asshole son who got disproportionately fucked over!! I love him so much ;_;

    Also this Shockwave is a lot of fun!! I enjoy him a lot.
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  20. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    I'm really curious what happened to him there :c Poor dude.

    And I'm looking forward to seeing this Shockwave in action! Good thinking on telling me to watch Prime first, because it made sure I knew Shockwave means business. If I watched TFA first I would have probably just been like "who's this douchebag >:?" at the reveal instead of like "GASP!!!!!!!!!!"
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