WinkWonk and the Cling Clongs - A TF Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by WinkWonk, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Oh, looks like the Starscreams are back!
    ...okay, but seriously, what part of him does the female clone represent? #trans woman starscream is literally canon #sorry i don't make the rules uwu
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  2. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    OH OH, THIS QUESTION! Okay, so this is never said outright in the show. BUT. Pretty much everything Slipstream says to Starscream and his clones is pretty cutting. She only describes him and his clones in negative terms. I've seen people speculating that she's his self-loathing.

    (also in TBSHTC, she's totally Strika's newest mentee, being trained to command under momma bear's protection aaaaaand she also has a background romance with another character and it's the cutest thing)
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2016
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  3. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Shockwave says Bulkhead has no other discernible abilities aside from space bridge building, but he obviously has a knack for the fine arts >:C I support his hobby!

    And Blurr joins the cast! His design is really cute, but also
    Huh, this sounds like a really interesting theory! I will try to keep that one in mind in her scenes.
    And tha's great to hear. I'm very excited about seeing Strika in action :D
  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I love Blurr!! I've only gotten to write him once, but in theory it's going to be part of a three part series where he gradually gets intimate with Starscream using the power of alcohol and misunderstood human sleepover games. In the first fic, Starscream came to his bar (so everyone else left, because Starscream), and they got super drunk and played spin the bottle (and banged). In the second, Starscream is going to order alcohol from his bar and Blurr is going to feel bad Starscream is forever alone, and is going to stick around to keep him company for an evening, whereupon they will get moderately drunk and play truth or dare (and bang). In the third, alcohol is going to be an excuse they both use to try to spend time together because they are emotionally constipated dorks. They'll be too on edge to do more than barely get drunk, and then they're going to play seven minutes in heaven. And bang. There's a bit of a sexy theme here :V

    But Blurr is one of my favorite characters to write! His voice comes so easy and natural. It's a little harder shipping him, because in IDW he doesn't have too many ship-worthy interactions. So, hahaha, probably I should actually get my butt in gear and start trying to write TFA, because there is one DOOZY of a ship there for him that I love to pieces.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2016
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  5. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Wooooo! Finished the second season! Hi, Blurr :D ....bye, Blurr? Hi, big ship robot :D ...bye, big ship robot :(
    And what the fuck re: the ending, I was totally joking with that cyborg!Sari theory! I wanna be like "lol next you're gonna tell me she can transform too, haha!", but I don't think I'm ready for the answer just yet.
    That sounds wonderful! I love emotionally constipated dork shenanigans, especially sexy shenanigans >:D
    And I will be on the lookout for that ship-worthy interaction in TFA.

    For now it's bedtime though! Goodnight, and have a great [whatever time it is at your place], you guys.
    Let's hope I have a less weird robot dream this night.
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  6. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

  7. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    ...Okay, I'm honestly in awe of Bonnini but also terrified, because apparently they posted this comic parodying the opening scene of Shrek 2 the very same night I watched Shrek 2 and the first Bayverse movie at a friend's house

    Like. This is uncanny
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  8. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Oh my gosh, that's so amazing :D It would be so cool if you got a feature in the magazine, but yeah, I can definitely see how there could be issues with copyright stuff. Totally worth a try, though!
    But damn, I'm just completely amazed by your patience. My grandma showed me how to do embroidery once waaaay back, and I made the outlines of a Sailor Jupiter, which already took hella long for me even though it only had about 5 colours. I bet picking colours for projects alone is already difficult as fuck, especially when I look at just how many you used in some of your projects. Bless digital art for the glorious eyedropper tool. I can definitely see how the big Homestuck one took you about a year to complete.
    Ooooh, that Starscream looks so badass! A great pick. Now that I see the picture, I can see what's going on in your WIP, and I hope you post more progress shots.

    And thank you for the warning, I will check your TFA tag out as soon as I finished it and avoid the rest for now.
    It is truly an outrage. How dare the world be deprived of giant space robot synchronous dancing >:C
    Yes, I definitely hoped for fanart examples! I'm more visually predisposed, and the wireplay stuff sounded really interesting but I had some trouble picturing it. Then again, you did mention that it's pretty rare :c Oh well, I'll figure it out with the time! Thank you for the explanations!
    Huh, that definitely sounds interesting! I might not be able to read it because pregnancy related stuff usually doesn't work out for me even if it's really xeno, but in some rare cases it does work, so we will see c: Thank you for the link!
    Woah, yeah, that would make a gorgeous cross-stitch! I'm actually surprised to hear this style works well for it because it looks very painterly, and cross-stitch seems to be a bit like the pixel art equivalent of embroidery. Then again, the other picture of hers you did worked out amazingly well. Seems like cross-stitch is very versatile! I'm kind of starting to get interested in it, but unfortunately my fine motor skills leave much to be desired, and I assume you need a relatively steady hand there. You really oughta leave some craftiness skills to the rest of us >:c
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  9. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Pink works out surprisingly well for him! Don't give up, Meggers. One day you will successfully seduce him!
    JESUS FUCK, I laughed so hard when he took off his helmet thingie. And can I just say that I love how this person draws expressions, they're beautiful :')

    Anyway, let's dive right into the third season, friends!
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  10. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Strika :D And Cliffjumper!

    And aww, Sari's robot form is adorable, with human-to-robot magical girl transformation and everything.
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  11. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Those polish (???) fusion-y twin jet bots have such cute designs! And oh man, poor Wasp just can't catch a break ;_; I was wondering if he's gonna turn into Waspinator at one point (who I only knew was a thing because I once looked up who the heck that guy in Mendacity's icon is and I didn't expect it to ALSO be a giant space robot :p)
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  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I've got two flavors of cross-stitch that I do, one where I throw the picture into a program, select size and color depth, and it spits out a chart with colors already listed (that covers the homestuck project, Megatron, the blood dripping picture, and Starscream), and it's the best choice for painted or heavily color-blocked art (the homestuck one is probably the easiest of those that I've done, since there's relatively little shading. it just took ages because I was at the bottom of the learning curve). There can be issues with using that program, because you tend to lose detail, and when there's linework, the resolution means that the lines get all blurry and uneven. So occasionally, I make a pattern myself in Excel (Whirl, Cyclonus/Tailgate, and the Prowl I posted last night). I blow up the image really big, set it as a background in Excel, and fiddle with the cells to make them square, and I color on top of them myself. It's slow, but it means I have control of the lines at least :P But yeah, the most painful part is definitely picking out colors when I don't have a program to do it for me. I've got a decent eye for color matching, but the DMC floss palette is REALLY limited in some areas (coughcoughdarkgreyscough). It's lots of fun eyeing the several-hundred-floss-colors online and trying to match them to the picture and hoping that these swatches are true to real life color :PPPP

    (the saddest story is when I was doing the cyclonus/tailgate one, which wasn't even for me, it was a present and........ I accidentally deleted my color key halfway through. It was THE. WORST. I had a bag of possible colors I'd sorted out from my leftovers from other projects, but it still meant sifting through like five separate pinks agonizing for the second time over which one looked the most like semi-transparent energon. And there are so few greys and this project needed like four of them aughghghghhhh)

    If you do ever get interested, feel free to send any questions my way! I'd say cross-stitch is low on dexterity requirements compared to my other craft hobbies, and there are definitely easier projects out there than the ones I keep burying myself in. I know @coldstars is having a go at the Whirl pattern, which is super exciting! And over in the fiber arts thread, I'm trying to work out what to do for some cross-stitched jewelry, which would have to be done on a much, much smaller scale than the giant projects I gravitate towards.

    I love rolling around in piles of pretty art, and I hadn't even realized how unrepresented wireplay was until I tried coming up with examples for you :( If I get the time this weekend, I'm planning to go off on an alternative-transf0rmers-porn quest, and I'll definitely let you know if I come across any good visual stuff!
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
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  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I love the jettwins, I love them so much! They are! The cutest!!!!

    And at some point, I have extra backstory for them that the show never goes into directly. It's awesome.

    I want to say that Waspinator was introduced in the Beast Wars animated show? He is the universe's punching bag, hahaha (I love him). Several continuities since have referenced back to him with related characters (like Wasp) or just plain directly putting the character into their own universe (like IDW, which is the version in Mendacity's icon)
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
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  14. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Suddenly canon humanstuck AU!
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  15. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Wreck-Gar is back!!! :beartrash:

    They are super cute, and they speak to my twincest shipping trash heap of a heart. Also, complementary colours!
    Is the backstory on the wiki or your TFA tag? Because I will definitely go on a binge read when I'm done, so I will probably see it there.

    Oh, I see. Life ain't easy for our poor pal Waspinator :c
  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Not on my blog, unfortunately! I haven't had a chance to do anything with them yet :( But it is on the wiki. I want to say that it came up in tie-in comics to the show, but I'm not suuuure, I've had a hard time tracking it all down. I did order 'the complete allspark almanac,' because what is self-control, but I haven't read it all yet. That's where the Strika blurb came from, though! The one time I tried to order what I thought was the right comics, I ended up getting a comic that was just screenshots from the show with word balloons on top :P But the wiki is a good place for information, or tvtropes!

    Also this is one of my favorite favorite ships for the twins (nsfw)
  17. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Jeez, now they're going all Red Scare on cybertron. Or Purple Scare, I guess?
    Aww, Lugnut seems a little jealous :3c To be fair, Shockwave is one magnificent motherfucker.
    AND JAZZ JOINS AT LAST. Now the team has double the conspicuously luscious robot lips powers! Double the space robot ninja powers can't hurt either.

    That sounds really neat! I bet there's a whole lot of neat character references for drawing :D
    But oh no, I hate when you accidentally order the wrong item :c I forgot that screenshot comics were even a thing.

    Ahhhh, that looks like a great OT3 *u* I dig it!
    Thank you for the link!
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  18. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Wow, all right, okay. Now to let it settle for a bit.



    I definitely understand why people needed post-finale fic.

    And I can't believe they would actually kill off one of the main characters. Prowl was one of my faves :C
    Wait, does that mean Blurr was crushed to death for real?? I thought surely that was just a fakeout because haha there's no way they would kill him in such a nasty and unceremonious way, right? It's, like, delayed grieving from me now.

    I need to lie down.
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  19. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ahhhhhhh, I know, right??? I liked the conclusion, but like... I need more closure, please. I haven't looked too closely into what season 4 would have covered, because its nonexistence makes me super sad, but it would have involved things like Sentinel being the one in charge, so I mean. It was going to be a total shitshow.

    And Blurr's death is a matter of some debate! Most fans treat it like it was a fakeout, from what I've seen. There were some official materials that showed his spark still intact in that crushed cube. But... those official materials were never officially released. So it's very ambiguous, but I choose to wholeheartedly believe that he's still alive because I love him so, and that run across galaxies was too-too epic, and he's not allowed to be dead.



    ! Shockwave/Blurr! Shockwave/Blurr!!!
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  20. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    OH, and one more that I totally just spotted. With lingerie!!
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