Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Petra

    Petra space case

    Also, to be fair, sometimes stuff does get described in TGWP, it's just such an alien mode of sexual pleasure that it doesn't count as erotic enough to up the rating.
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  2. Petra

    Petra space case

    Also I just realized

    That Megatron's second, unbroken slave is Sunstreaker, and one of the two uncaptured Autobots that are driving Megatron nuts is Sideswipe, Sunstreaker's twin. There's no way that's not going to be plot-important later. I just didn't realize in my first read-through because Sunstreaker only shows up for like, three seconds while Bluestreak opens a door and closes it again.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2016
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  3. asynch

    asynch allegedly legendary

    kit and i are confused: where does the 2012 annual fit in between the numbered issues of mtmte?
  4. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    not where viewcomic has it, that's for sure :T "2012 annual" appears to be their compilation header for all the annual issues. Which was confusing as fuck.
  5. asynch

    asynch allegedly legendary

    yeeaah. as far as i can guess, it's between mtmte #7 and #8? but there's a Scavengers cliffhanger from 7 to 8 so idek?
  6. Petra

    Petra space case

    That horrified realization that no matter what Megatron is doing to Sunstreaker in TGWP, it literally can't be worse than what the Machination did to him in IDW G1 continuity.

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  7. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ahh, isn't Sunstreaker's past AWFUL? I love it (and him) so, so much. Plus, it's extra gr8 that he has an emotional support bug now.
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  8. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yeah, it's fantastic, it's just fantastically horrifying that TGWP might end with less total trauma for him.
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  9. Petra

    Petra space case

    I still haven't read through the early IDW stuff, but I looked up what happened to Sunstreaker and Hunter bc it's contextually important to why Verity is such a wreck in the current stuff.
  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Phase one is erratic, but I really enjoyed some parts of it! It also helps establish what's going on with grimlock and the dinobots, and had the context for exactly what prowl's damage is wrt spike witwicky
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  11. Petra

    Petra space case

    Spike Witwicky is to Prowl what Prowl is to us, tbh.
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  12. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    Yeah, the stuff with Sunstreaker and Hunter is so, so awful, and it explains both Verity and Jimmy Pink to some extent. Although why Jimmy Pink ended up with Spike isn't so clear.
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  13. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    The annual comes right before issue #9 in the trade.

    Not necessarily, I have seen POV changes in stories before that don't give away the characters motives or true intentions. It can be done. IDK, I love when stories switch POV, but that's just a preference.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2016
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  14. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I don't even really ship MegaOP but I was trawling Ao3 and I need to scream

    TGWP set the bar really high for robot fic but goddammit I'm on chapter 10 already I'm having so many feelings
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  15. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Coming back after hours to read thread properly

    I have read one slave coding fic, i think i prefer the slavery to be an external force instead of a form of brainwashing/compulsions. I dont know though, ive only read one slave coding fic (a hurt/comfort thing with rung) and it was so extreme that i couldnt take the situation seriously. I'd be happy for fic recs on shorter slave coding fics though

    I have no idea how to use livejournal, where do i start? I found tgwp on

    Hey, thats something to look forward to! Thanks for letting me know.

    All the tension in the fic was building up to that enormous revelation in...was it chapter 10? Ive hit a period where jazz transitions from captive into partner in crime. Not much happens for 4 chapters. It's clear that he's sticking around for a reason. He's got a goal and he needs Soundwave's support/resources/good favor in order to achieve it.

    The fic has definitely hit a lull. There's politics going on and fun times with the cassettes, but most of 12 thru 14 is drawn out setup for things to come later.

    I need something from First Aids pov, that poor guy. Give me some autobot slaves supporting each other in small ways through the hell that is their new lives, that is my jam.

    Jazz is trying to find a way to save them all. He's gonna do it.

    Spent an hour and a half looking for noncon fics with megatron on ao3, found nothing that even remotely resembled the megs/bluestreak situation. Pouted hard.

    Chpt 11 moments:
    Angry Jazz twisting the knife around in soundwave's spark.
    "Did you rape them?". I know you are upset dude, but omfg....>>;
    Rewind is either dead or in pain way too much. I know it was in the past but :(((
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2016
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  16. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    I love that fic so much. It's so good, oh my god. Please tell me all your favorite parts.
  17. Petra

    Petra space case


    Yeah, there's some lulls. I get what you meant about liking it to be external circumstances, too. There's really interesting things you could explore with, say, mnemosurgery and the like, but for a wider-view fic I'd like it to be mostly external circumstances. Just a personal taste, I guess.

    ...probably also has to do with how it's executed and presented, because I really like some (original) fiction that deals with mental alterations and what identity means, like Namesake.
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  18. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    On a similar note. I just learned that Ratchet throwing wrenches at people when he's upset is/was a big fanon trope that never happened in the comic. I'm at least 75% sure that also happened somewhere in MTMTE (except.. was it one of the other doctors? Was it sins of the wreckers instead? Augh, I dunno)

    Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
  19. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    I'm pretty sure that Prowl got SO mad at Optimus for dissing him that he gave himself a nosebleed, then took his anger out on another innocent table.

    Prowl, just, what are you doing? Are you a morally gray mastermind genius strategist or an enraged tween?
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  20. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    "Cassettibots, preferred pain and suffering over me. Jazz, prefers pain and suffering over me. Conclusion: unpleasant to acknowledge."

    ARRRRRGH no stop it soundwave, stop wrecking me with your goddamned self loathing! starscream is an asshat and now your little bots are terrified. And JAZZ of all people is trying to tell you that it wasnt your fault that they died, but i bet 5000 shanix that you're not going to believe him because you are a stubborn pile of wobbly pudding incased in a titanium shell.


    i can't for the life of me remember who Groove and Fireflight (?)'s masters were, im guessing one belings to thundercracker?

    This is hard for me too, you know. It's been a confusing slavery." - jazz tells it like it is

    The drama dialed back up to a solid 9, i'm so happy with this fic. I keep waiting for the pace to slow to a crawl, like most longfics I've read, but this one keeps the plot moving forward.
    • Like x 3
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