Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Again, only like 10 chapters in out of 41, but--

    literally everything about rumble and frenzy, including that (are they cassettes in canon?) they seem to have adopted Megs as their placeholder-carrier

    The worldbuilding, dear fucking lord the worldbuilding, whether it's little stuff like-- above-- R&F acting as cassettes without their carrier, or big stuff like the whole societal structure and the cultural differences between classes

    Orion getting all his assumptions shoved right back up his ass, and also the two of them having calm discussions about those assumptions.

    megatron agreeing to monogamy because he knows casual sex makes his boyfriend uncomfortable

    OP: "....all in all, a very dangerous bot. Please don't get involved with [Stockpile]."
    Megs: [internal screaming]

    All the sass, so much sass

    Oh! Also a believable reason for robots who don't reproduce sexually to have sex, that's nice too

    edit: SOUNDWAVE
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
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  2. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Yeah I'm pretty sure R+F are cassettes in canon! Also yessss, the cultural clashes that happen in this are the Best, omg. Also, Knock Out, aaaaah. Everything about the gladiator stuff I love too. (I had to refresh my memory about where, exactly, you are, so I don't spoil you.) There are so many more good things to come, things I did not expect in the least. *sits on hands, waiting until you get there*
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  3. Petra

    Petra space case

    Fireflight belongs to Thundercracker! I'm not sure about Groove, maybe Starscream, maybe shared?

    I mean the difference is probably mostly academic given that they apparently share everything, but I get the impression Thundercracker is the only one of the three who actually has any sort of common sense and compassion when it comes to caring for another, totally dependent living being, although he really should just get a dog instead. Skywarp is kind of pretty damn stupid and also sadistic and Starscream is too busy being bitter over Skyfire and Megatron's abuse to actually treat anyone right.

    I do know that the trine mostly leaves Fireflight's care to TC, because FF isn't doing very well and TC is the only one with the patience and baseline decency to try to mitigate that. I'm not really familiar with Fireflight as a character outside the fic so I can't really comment further!
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
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  4. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    "Stop planning murder," I say, to not only an imaginary character who wouldn't listen to me anyway, but also to a mech responsible for several genocides in canon

    Driiiiift [conflicted noises]

    Grumpy sensible ratchet 2k4ever

    I don't think it was intentional but I'm getting major Last Unicorn feels from this decapitation thing
    "I killed a Fearsome Danger for us! 8D"

    I don't know how much of Drift/Deadlock joining the Decepticons is canon but DDDD8

    I know there's like half this story left and it is supposedly a shippy fic so megs probably won't get killed but DDDD8

    Oh shit
    Hot damn, Megs
    OP this is why you don't leave your boyfriend with Soundwave, they make horrible wonderful plans and pull them off flawlessly

    ooooh booooooy trouble in paradise! I think this is a good place to stop for dinner
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  5. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    groove belongs to the cone trine! poor groove :(
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  6. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    "This is a good place to take a break," I say, and then continue to read anyway

    The whole sparkmerge, the trust, the offer

    Awwww, rumble and frenzy are joining the cassette family!

    "Well, new Prime, maybe we can negotiate--"
    "We will not parlay...."

    Welp. Think I've found a NOTP, soundwave/megatron cannot be red .-. This is awkward

    Oh noooooo
    No, orion, nooo
    As soon as you give the new category a name you invite others to acknowledge the divide, you know you can't afford that right now, noooooo

    D'awwww, happy starscream! Scheming starscream, but. Happy jet :D

    Help I'm shipping OP<>ratchet

    Aaand I gotta do some cleaning so I'll pause now that there's a break in the action!
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  7. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    oh nooooo DJD

    ...I think it says something that I was too wrapped up in the story to stop and write things down heh. But hot daaaaaamn. I mean, we all know OP's Bad At Politics, but. Bruh.

    Oh noooo don't make me cry with parallels, how dare


    Okay next interlude is up, time for more chores and screaming into the Weepy Marshmallow Empite
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  8. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

  9. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Alpha Trion what the fuck I trusted you
    ....wait, which OP even is this

    Megs to the motherfucking rescue thank god
    ....on the other hand, 1) which megs? And 2) if it's our megs and OP, why does OP not have a matrix?

    Oh hey porn, I almost forgot that's what I came here for

    OP you're not spock, you stop that :|
    (Or, more accurately: alpha trion, you stop that :c)

    Aaand I think I don't wanna get back into Zeta drama just before bed, so the liveblog ends here for the night.
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  10. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    @Loq I am I KNOW RIGHT-ing at literally everything you just said
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  11. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

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  12. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    just dropping in to say that THE STREAM WAS REALLY FUN, I LOVE YOU ALL XDDDDD. Honestly, I'm not sure if I could get through transformers prime alone, but with other people, it's a blast!
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  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh nooooo, I just went and looked up the lyrics from TGWP at the end of the club scene, and I'm feeling too many emotions I am in pain

    Just that first verse in the fic had me all *emotional flailing*, but that SECOND verse!!

    aaaaaaaaAAAAAA! Oh my god Jazz ;_; I think it was @applechime who said that Jazz is way less chill about this whole thing than we gave him credit for? Yes. Yes definitely that.

    Also reading way too far into things because that's how I roll, but that breathing in harmony thing is really getting to me. Because music means so much to Jazz, and Soundwave is just COMPLETELY unable to grok it. But for them to be breathing in harmony, Soundwave doesn't need to understand, he just needs to breathe and Jazz can harmonize with him. Combine than reading-things-that-the-artist-didn't-intend with the (actually deliberate) sentiments about 'I'll be your armor,' and my heart is just aching with how much Jazz is admitting he cares about Soundwave.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2016
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  14. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    @spock RIGHT??????!!!!!!!!!!

    (my TGWP jazzwave playlist is called "even this is still too far (there is no ending between you and me)")

    (technically it's jazz's jazzwave playlist)

    I'M SO!!!!!!! i can't fucking handle it tbh

    and it's. so funny/heartbreaking that SOUNDWAVE CANNOT READ BETWEEN THE LINES, like...... jazz is all panicky in the recent LJ updates because he accidentally L-Worded in his musical montage, but. soundwave..... missed it entirely.......,

    i am so glad to have company down at the bottom of this TGWP pit that i fell into
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  15. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Does the FFN mirror have an update schedule? Because LJ formatting kills me, but [vibrates impatiently]
  16. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

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  17. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    I just got through chapter 28, can i look at any of that stuff?

    So i stayed up late and blew through 10 chapters of the fic. I gotta say, WOW.
    i only knew about half the songs rattling around in jazz's head. That was just awful, even though things seemed to have gotten better between them, i cant help thinking that Jazz isnt actually going to forgive him for a long long time, maybe not at all. In a bunch of ways, the mind rape was worse then what he suffered under his old masters, even though he won. The connection tentative connection that was building up between them feels demolished.

    Soundwave is hard for me to figure out in this phase of the story. It seems like he's regressed back to treating/regarding Jazz the way he did in the beginning of the story. He's back to being a dangerous possession that has to be tamed, instead of (tentatively) a partner in crime. Even though Soundwave's goals on the surface never changed, his motivatiobs have become more urgent.

    Soundwave is terrified of losing him. He no longer has a surefire way of figuring out if Jazz is acting against the decepticons. He knows that Jazz wantd freedom more then anything else, but if Jazz goes, he can't be certain that his family will survive the experience.

    Soundwave joined the decepticon cause for the sake of his family, he was willing to embroil himself in a 4 million year war without a second thought to ensure that he and his cassetticons had a place to live and a steady supply of energon. Jazz is another huge threat to their prosperity. Soundwave can't afford to lose him at this point, he's become to important to everyone. He has no choice but to focus his energy on taming jazz, much like he did with ravage all those years ago. It's hard to say, but i think his desperation is going to make him shortsighted and crueler than he was before, especially if something goes wrong again. He's in such a place of weakness with Jazz and there's not much he can do about it besides exert more control.

    I was surprised at how little emotional description we got from Soundwave during the beating. We saw more from him when starscream brought up the dead cassetibots and numerous times alone with Jazz then we did while a very important person was almost murdered by megatron in front of his optics. From the pov, he seemed to have shut himself off from his emotions. I know that earlier in the story (cant remember where), Soundwave outright disassociated in front of Jazz (I think it was about the cassetticons?). In the aftermath of the beating, Soundwave's world seems to have narrowed down to the fact that Jazz wants freedom more than anything else, and keeping him from getting close to that freedom is prioity number one, even while he's lying there delrious and in pain on the hospital bed, calling for his dead friends.

    The thing that hit me the hardest over the ten chapters was the way Soundwave isolated Jazz from First Aid in the hospital. I dont care that he did it because jazz was still loyal to the autobots, or to exert some control over a slave who just mouthed off to megatron SO much, that megs ordered all the autobrands erased, it was a cruel act. I guess i hoped that soundwave was slowly starting to be more compassionate, but no, his mental defeat screwed that over. He just cant show any at all when he's in such a place of weakness with Jazz.

    CAN WE JUST PROTECT FIRST AID? HE DOESNT DESERVE ANY OF THIS BULLSHIT! Seriously, Soundwave, I know you don't give a damn anout him but stop making his life more miserable than it already is.

    Also, Soundwave's takedown of Shockwave was so satisfying..... GOOD STUFF.

    Robot sex is confusing, and I still don't have a complete picture on how it works... if it's just 'touch each other's wiring in a sexy way until orgasm', there's no room for one to force themselves on the other and get off at the same time (i feel like megs wouldn't have been so keen to testdrive all the autobot slaves without that key component). I'm Looking forward to learning more about the wonders and horrors or ailen robot nooky
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2016
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  18. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I'd wait a little to read that stuff! There's a big plot thing that's going to happen with Emotional Developments between where you are and then. The thing we're discussing in particular takes place in chapter 38. And I'm on mobile right now so I can't discuss in too much depth, but you will get more variety in robot sexytimes, and I am LOVING your thoughts on how aware Soundwave is that his family can't afford to lose Jazz
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  19. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    ...I want to say a thing but I don't actually remember when the bit I want to reference happened :T

    Specifically wrt "Soundwave completely shuts down when it's Megs handing out the beatings"-- what chapter is the one where Soundwave is the one who takes a beating? Because I was definitely getting emotional abuse pings from Megs even before that, but. It makes a Very Obvious example that yes, actually, Megatron is someone that Soundwave should be-- and is-- afraid of, not just the grumpy boss who's picked Soundwave as the Favorite Child Subordinate.

    Like. 'Scream brings up the triggering past, and Jazz pushes any number of buttons, but if there's one Rule I picked up living in an abusive house it's "do not interfere when the Rulemaker is handing out punishment." Bitch about it later (to someone else)-- yeah. Take it out on someone else-- maybe! But I know I shut down a hell of a lot harder when mother's around than just if something happens to hit one of my brainbugs, and Soundwave refusing to acknowledge his emotions while Megs throws a fit hits really close to home. Megatron is the Authority Figure neither Jazz (for all Soundwave cares about him) nor Starscream (who got a lucky shot in) can ever really be to Soundwave. He can't contradict Megatron in public, it'll make everything worse for everyone. Better to just... not process, detach as much as you can.

    And then, because this is Soundwave and what is emotional health, keep it bottled up forever :T
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2016
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  20. Petra

    Petra space case

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