WinkWonk and the Cling Clongs - A TF Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by WinkWonk, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Whoops, so my "lying down" yesterday somehow turned into "lying down for several hours in a way that looks suspiciously like 'sleeping'".
    Okay, but how cool is it that there are programs for cross-stitching patterns? That's neat as hell :D
    And when you make the patterns yourself, isn't it pretty much like making a pixel art versions of the original? I can see how it would take a lot of time and effort.
    Honestly though, limited palettes and the colours turning out different irl than on screen are some pretty big parts of what makes traditional art so hard. Let's hope one day 3D-printing gets to the point where you can just print your own correctly coloured floss.
    And thank you for the advice, I will definitely keep it in mind if I actually plan on starting for real, and ask you pros how it's done!
    That would be wonderful because the concept sounds really nice ;-; I think this is a fandom where non-penetrative alternatives are especially useful for porny things, what with the sometimes massive size differences either making penetration impossible or creating "like throwing a cable down a hallway" situations. Not that I don't appreciate a good ol' robot vagoo/donger too, though!
    Speaking of robot lewds:

    What gorgeous art, thank you so much for showing me. It's really amazing to see what people do with those relatively simple designs!
    That's a very interesting ship too! The easiest way to get me into a ship is with nice art, so good move >:D

    And I just went to look at your TFA tag and oh gosh, I love your Bumbleblitz stuff! And your Schockblurr! I really like how you draw them, especially their expressions c:
    Oh man, that would have been so interesting! It definitely felt like they were setting up a huge thing with cybertron going all McCarthy style paranoia, and maybe some exploring of how the autobots could be pretty terrible, too.

    Ah, that makes sense! If I remember correctly, Blurr was also still blue as a cube, and offline robots usually seem to turn grey. I will choose to believe he's still around as well ;n; #BlurrLives2k16Squad
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2016
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  2. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    If you ever get major fic reading spoons, then trust me, The Brave Shall Heed the Call is right up this alley. I read the fic first and only now am I watching TFA because I am a backwards order person, and it's just so nice having the darker context lurking in the back of my mind
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  3. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    You were obviously just so overcome with giant robot emotions that you had to retire to your fainting couch! Don't worry, it happens to the best of us.

    I haven't had a chance to embark on my epic porn quest yet, but omg, I have to show you this beautiful beautiful pair where I totally wrote (nonpenetrative) porn for them just to see if I could do it! I even decided to write it with Megatron not even able to get a finger inside him :3c I'm dying to draw them, but the logistics make my head hurt. It's going to happen, though! I'm definitely going to make it happen :DDDDD


    And I still haven't got wireplay visuals, but! I DO have a short writing excerpt from TGWP, just a few paragraphs, but enough that you can get the idea of how it goes if you're curious! (oh, also, glossa means tongue)

    "Now then. Poor master, you've had such a hard day at work, dodging power grabs, playing scary games... you should rest." Applying one finger of pressure against Soundwave's chest, Jazz backed Soundwave up to his own chair and pushed him down into it. "You must be so tired. Allow me to help you relax."

    Jazz breathed that last word directly into his audio sensor, before retreating just enough that Soundwave could see the wicked grin on his face. Jazz didn't straighten and step away, though, his knee joints melting beneath him until he was on the floor directly in front of Soundwave.

    "Donne-moi ta main."

    Wordlessly Soundwave complied, holding his right hand out to Jazz, who took it in both his smaller ones. As if he'd just been handed a fascinating treasure, Jazz cradled it tenderly, gliding his palms over every inch, tracing lines and joints with a gentle fingertip. Finally he turned Soundwave's palm toward himself, tilting it forward until a significant gap had opened up along Soundwave's wrist joint. Ever so delicately, Jazz reached one fingertip inside and ghosted it along a sensor wire.

    Soundwave's systems accelerated sharply, and his internal temperature climbed two degrees. Jazz graced him with another sinister smile before tipping forward and replacing fingertip with glossa. The warm, moist tip merely touched the wire and Soundwave's spark jumped in his chest, excitement crackling throughout his body but especially along the most vulnerable lines. Of its own accord his armor loosened, relaxing itself for anticipated pleasure, and the wrist joint gap opened even further. Jazz made good use of the extra room, dancing and tickling his glossa along sensitive nerve wires, teasing them with an expert's touch. Soundwave's fans kicked on, spinning hard to combat his skyrocketing temperature, and even over their noise Soundwave could hear the air rushing in and out of his wide-open vents. In contrast Jazz looked perfectly cool and collected, toying lovingly with Soundwave's internals in what Soundwave had always thought was a fairly insensitive joint. He withdrew his mouth and blew lightly over the wires so recently moistened, and Soundwave almost jumped out of his chair.

    Looking smug, Jazz tickled his fingertips over Soundwave's palm and returned his glossa to the wrist, pushing in harder, delving deeper, exciting Soundwave's systems into rotating even faster, generating friction, and unbearably delicious electricity. He could feel the fuel pumping furiously through his lines, generating increasing surges of energy that had nowhere to go. The electricity almost sang through the wires under Jazz's glossa, quivering with sensation. There was too much of it: the heat, the friction, the energy that sparked and flared with every new tickling touch. His left hand curled into a vicelike grip on the arm of his chair, tightening to the point of pain.

    "Go on," Jazz murmured, and even the movement of his lips against Soundwave's outer metal was enough to make his plating buzz with pleasure. "You deserve it."

    His body did not need the encouragement. A hot white flash erupted inside him and he overloaded, tiny sparks bursting from every joint. It was brilliant, sizzling bliss, pure ecstasy in those first few seconds for which even his optics had blacked out. Then his systems restarted themselves, his vision cleared, and he was left panting in its ebbing glow.

    I love Shockwave/Blurr! You've got Shockwave and his detached, mysterious, emotionless act, but you know there's got to be some kind of hardcore passion driving him for him to do SUCH a crazy infiltration. Also, him lorge. And in the other side, you have Blurr, who's emotional, impulsive, but it's presumably very smart and skilled, since he's in the intelligence service. And also he's delightfully tiny :3 I love either seeing it played in line with canon, where Shockwave is using him and is just a couple steps ahead, or seeing the script flipped with Blurr domming the everloving HECK out of him. And either way, ohhhhh the SIZE KINK! I love this ship.

    Ahh, thank you!! I have a lot of fun with the faces in this series, and generally speaking, I LOVE drawing the transformers who don't have proper faces at all. I've got some lovely references lined up for some of the most size-difference-y ships, and I'm hoping to start having fun with those tonight! Also I want to draw Lugnut doing the Will Smith pose with Strika

    Oh mannnn, there was some SERIOUSLY cool stuff in there that they didn't really get to play with! I especially would have loved to see the contrast between Ultra Magnus's sketchy-but-relatively-decent leadership and Sentinel. Also I need more Waspinator. MORE WASPINATOR! Plus I'd love to see more about Omega Supreme and the other bots in his series. It's so deliciously fucked up that they were built stupid so they'd be easier to control. Plus even though they were instrumental in turning the tide of the war, only TWO of them survived, and both of those two were in comas in their alt modes for years and years and years.

    Oh!!! I didn't even think of that! Hahaha, YES Blurr is absolutely definitely still alive and I categorically resize to believe anything else. BLURR LIVES!

    (that's a reference to the comics, where a group of characters is going around painting [CHARACTER] LIVES on the walls of their city)
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2016
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  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    OH ALSO, so I'm working on a picture for the first time in like two weeks, and I got myself all excited over Shockblurr when I replied before, so that's what I'm doing. But then Shockwave's face looked so empty and bare while I was filling in the rest of the picture and I just

    Transformers - Blurr Shockwave Spread.jpg
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  5. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

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  6. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Ah, I figured it would explore that! I just went to read the summary, and it definitely sounds epic. 80 chapters, though :') One day, man. One day...
    It's true, it's true. As I'm unfortunately still but a squishy lil human, the robot feels just overwhelmed my fragile organic body u_u
    [Heavy Breathing] That sounds so good! I'm totally gonna check that fic out when I'm caught up!
    And I'm looking forward to art of it as well, though I can definitely see how it would be challenging! Generally I imagine that keeping all the robots proportionate to each other is one of the more difficult parts of doing fanart for this fandom.
    Ahhh, this is so nice, veeery nice *o* From what I've gathered it's basically a bit like letting someone at your open nerves and stimulating them directly? That seems really sensual, in a sort of body horror-ish way. I like it!
    But anyway, thank you, that was very helpful! Also, may I ask why Jazz is speaking French (?) at one point?
    Ahhh, I love how you explained it! That does sound like a great dynamic either way around >:3c And the size difference is absolutely delicious! Also, you probably have seen this before, but look what I found!!!
    I imagine they would be pretty interesting to draw, like focusing mostly on the body language and all.
    And that sounds so adorable, please draw that! Lugnut is so enthusiastic about the peeps he admires and looks up to, so I can totally see him doing that, bless his spark ;u;
    Oh, that would have been so interesting! Also, I read that Ultra Magnus would probably have died for real in season 4, so damn. It did seem like Sentinel was pretty much waiting for him to kick the bucket, anyway.
    And I agree! More Waspinator! And maybe get Bumblebee to apologize to him for real for once!
    Poor Omega Supreme ;-; His creation really was sketchy as fuck, and they were definitely building up to something with it.
    [Shockwave Voice] Blep.

    (Seriously though, I can't decide if it's adorable or creepy. A bit of both, probably? Don't open your eyes, Blurr...)
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  7. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    It's really funny, because the comic DEFINITELY plays games with the robot proportions in a pretty serious way. With Tailgate and Cyclonus, you usually get relative sizes like this, where Tailgate comes up to about Cyclonus's waist.


    But then you get a panel like this, where Tailgate is sitting in Cyclonus's cockpit, in the pilot's chair, with looots and lots of wiggle room.


    I think that's the biggest example of size-difference shenanigans in the comic, but like... it is not very consistent. The minibots are consistently tiny (which is gr8) and a couple mechs are consistently MASSIVE (also gr8), which makes written or drawn porn an adventure. When I end up writing for two mechs who are about the same size, it's always like... wait........ hold on, this is too easy, something's wrong. But it's also nice having those logistics steering me away from just standard-issue tab a + slot b porn. Which is still lots of fun! But I've got almost 40 chapters in my kink bingo fic, and it's good having that extra nudge to keep me steered away from getting repetitive.

    Oh man, I know, right? It's exactly like how you described it! It's such a weirdly intimate way to do sex, and kind of horrific if you slow down to think too much about it, but it gets HOT. The fic covers a lot of sexual ground, because even though Soundwave doesn't force Jazz into the full sex, he's definitely going past Jazz's boundaries into 'it's heavy petting time now' and is putting a lot of energy into nudging Jazz into voluntarily getting jiggy with it, plus all the slaves in the story have sexual slavery as part of their unfortunate deal, so the fic is FULL of sexual content. There's even self-servicing (one of the hottest scenes) and coerced sex (also hot) and straight-up rape all over the background (also pretty darn hot), but because of how the wireplay is set up the fic itself is only rated T, hahaha. I'm dying to find good art, but I've been striking out, so I think I'll have to take it upon to try drawing some ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

    Jazz is speaking French because he's really into the sheer amount of variety and diversity in Earth's culture! The fic says that most of the mechs only bothered to download English while they were staying there, but Jazz went for just about everything, and it looks like Soundwave did that too. Sometimes he uses it to talk to Soundwave so the cassettes can't understand what he's saying, but sometimes he just uses phrases in other languages for the hell of it. And I think there are times when he uses other languages around people he knows aren't going to get it as a way to hold onto the last shreds of his independence. Since Soundwave is usually the only one around who can understand him, it's often something that just the two of them share, and I think the author uses it occasionally to draw a line under the slow burn of their growing intimacy.

    Oh, and I think you'll appreciate this. @coldstars mentioned in a PM that wireplay sounds an awful lot like robot guro, and mentioned 'but what if Overlord made a friendship bracelet out of Fortress Maximus's nerves' and welp, looks like now I've got to draw a comic, thanks coldstars

    Oooooooooh, I hadn't seen that! That's absolutely gorgeous, omg. I think that one of my favorite things about the extreme size difference here is that when you want to show them being physically intimate, it so often means that you end up with Soundwave curled around Blurr. It's just too cute, my poor heart can't handle how adorable it is. And one of the weird things that that got my attention about the TFA art style is that I really love how the thighs look on these robots. Usually I'm all about that thicc thigh lyfe, whether I mean to do it or not, and art like this that captures how delicate the TFA thighs are is just lovely.

    It's a lot of fun!! It's kind of nice not having to worry about mouths or noses or any of those face angles, and because everything comes down to the eye, you can do basically whatever the hell you want. You even wind up having canon panels like this, and it's fantastic.

    whirl face.jpg

    His character really grew on me! I didn't care for him at ALL at first, but now, like... my precious violent bomber child. Let me embrace you. I think my tipping point was reading that one TFA fic coldstars and I keep bringing up, because you get to see how much Strika loves him and get a picture of him as more than 'muscle for the bad guys,' but now I look back at the show, like awwwwwwwwwwwwww, why would I ever dislike you, you're PRECIOUS! Oh, and I think I might have mentioned somewhere that the IDW comics are pulling in characters from all kinds of old continuities? Lugnut totally got a brief appearance recently :DDDD

    lugnut panel.jpg

    I AM REALLY UPSET THAT WASPINATOR GOT SUCH A SHITTY EVERYTHING. I am also ticked that Bumblebee did such a shitty-ass job of apologizing to him. Like... oh my god. You fucked over this guy who was an asshole, but an innocent asshole. You ruined his career and his life and whatever happened to him in that prison fucked him the fuck up. He was 100% definitely tortured for information. Information he didn't have. Because he was innocent. Oh my GOD, at least give the poor fucker a genuine sorry :CCCCCC

    But on a lighter note! I really enjoy this little minor tweak to canon

    And just generally speaking, if you're curious about anything to do with TFA, I have the almanac, which is the monster book I photographed below (edit: I forgot to actually insert the image, so it's the attachment at the bottom), so like... virtually any aspect of the show, if you're curious, I'm glad to go in and go digging for information. I haven't gotten much past the character bio stuff (there's a LOT, for tons of background characters that never really did anything in the show), and a ton of worldbuilding and other information like that. There's an entire thing on the ships like Omega Supreme, who they were and how they died and all that. Slash, apparently the only other surviving Omega Sentinel was Sigma Supreme, who was bonded to Ultra Magnus. It's a little moot since he's stasis-locked and in his alt mode, but I wonder what happens to the Sentinels when their bonded mech dies. Aw :( And also there was apparently one known lady Omega Sentinel... until Blitzwing blew her the fuck up. BOOO, Blitzwing. Boooooooo :CCC

    Oh, and in the almanac, most of the character bio stuff is done with a framing device of characters describing other characters for the reader. I was flipping through the decepticons and stumbled onto Motormaster describing Toxitron, and long story short, I'm pretty sure I just discovered THE BOULDER'S transformersona



    Ahahahahaha, I'm like... 99% sure I'm going to draw a bunch of silly faces onto Shockwave when I'm done and upload them all to tumblr. I keep gettting all sad about how the face has to go, and oh what if I drew this other expression, or oooooooh what if ahegao-- So looks like I'll have to draw them all! All the silly faces. Only the most respectful treatment for this dignified character :V

    Oh, also, if at any point you start itching for a further Transformers fix, I know the phase two comics (more than meets the eye and robots in disguise are the beginning of idw's phase two) are still on hold for you, but there are some phase one comics scattered here and there around the internet that you could always look into if you're curious! No pressure or anything, but if at any point you decide you're looking for more content, I can point you towards things!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 5, 2016
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  8. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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  9. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

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  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I feel a little horrified right now, but also I am giggling uncontrollably. Blurr should definitely just keep his eyes shut.

    Transformers - Blurr Shockwave Spread Face 1.png

    Transformers - Blurr Shockwave Spread Face 4.png

    Transformers - Blurr Shockwave Spread Face 3.png

    Transformers - Blurr Shockwave Spread Face 5.png

    Transformers - Blurr Shockwave Spread Face 2.png
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  11. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Shockwave: mlemlemlemlemlem >:P

    Also I made the mistake of tapping one of the images to make it bigger on my phone
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  12. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Ok so THIS is where you've all been hiding. I should keep tabs on this thread.

    PLEASE DO! I loved that ficlet so much. It was so complicated and amazing at the same time. I'll give you 3,000 shanix.

    (insert quote where ppl are talking about robosex, I read the thing now I can't find it)
    -The nice thing about robot sex is that it doesn't have to have any of the same limitations as the human variety, even when they've got humanesque-yet-robotic naughty bits, the sky's the limit!

    - Agree %300 that anyone with a size difference kink will find a natural home in transformersland. It's a magical realm where some fully grown robots barely come up to larger robot's knees and that's just a normal thing for the cybertronians. Just look at the difference in hand size between these two (Medium and Extra Wide)
    This is a decently popular ship too! Can we just..take a moment to appreciate the possibilities.

    -I'll add my hat to the TGWP recommendation ring. It's everything Spock said, a small warning though. The fic is VERY much a slow burn on the intimate side of things. The exerpt spock posted doesn't happen til chapter 30 out of 45, and there's only a handful of scenes that even get close beforehand. What I'm saying is that it helps to have patience.

    -(panel with tailgate in Cyclonus' cockpit) Also, Tailgate has control of Cyclonus' weapon systems in that sequence and I have no idea why.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2016
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  13. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Sorry for the late reply. My fleshy vessels has been really uncooperative lately >:C
    Oh, is this the "it's bigger on the outside" effect you mentioned?
    Yeah, I can see how it would be a very fun challenge :D Putting stuff in things is always nice, but it's also fun to see what would happen when that's not really an option.
    Ohhh nice, veeeery nice! I love that kind of stuff *o* That definitely sounds super intriguing!
    Also, YES! PLEASE! DRAW THE THING! [crowd cheering]
    I'm really excited, especially now with the "literally touching someone's nerves" context.
    That's so cute, oh my gosh ;-; I do have a weakness for aliens for are interested in human things, or people using languages others can't understand to have sort of a secret place, even if it's not physical. Good for you, Jazz!
    (And please, please do!)
    I feel you on the thicc thigh lyfe, though fortunately there seem to be robots for that too! I remember that orange/yellow-ish robot from one panel one of you guys posted. I remember he had REALLY nice hips and thighs, with his butt jutting out a little in that particular drawing. Even in Prime, some of the bots have some pretty impressive waist-to-hip ratios - Optimus included. Sometimes I was just like, damn, for robots they got some really fertile looking hips.
    And as you said, a lot of characters in Animated have really slender legs, and the huge, bulky feet parts really emphasize them, like in that Shockblurr drawing.
    In conclusion:
    Ahhh, that's so sweet ;A; And I'm glad he got to hang around!
    It was so frustrating! Bumblebee came so close, if he could just get over himself!
    And yeah, Wasp wasn't exactly a pleasant guy, but damn! Oh man, though, now that you say it, I can totally see him getting tortured for information, wow. They probably fucked around with his brain parts too, and apparently did some real damage there judging from how his speech changed. #JusticeForWasp2k16

    And aww, that's adorable, oh my god ;-; Comically serious Optimus would b---
    Wait a moment.
    Is he wearing lip gloss.
    Ah, thank you, bab! That's really nice of you!
    And oh no, that's really heartbreaking! Damn you, Blitzwing ;_; Speaking off, is there some more backstory on him?
    And wow, those big robots were really fucked over.
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  14. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Oh my god, I missed like, half the post and some recent posts, lemme just catch up @A@
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  15. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it


    You get to see some related stuff in TBSHTC with how the Autobots start tinkering around and cutting into prisoners' processors. Heart breaking variations on robot lobotomies abound, esp in the first few acts, and it's fucked up yo. Mind control/brainwashing stuff is one of my staple tropes and I love the dark shit that the Autobots get up too even as it causes me great agony
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  16. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Oh my god, now I can't unsee it. Motor Master/The Boulder crossover ship Y/Y?
    Oh yeah, if there are any comics I could check out before reading the main thing, I would be all up for that!
    THIS IS SO CUTE, thank you ;_;
    HOLY SHIT THERE WERE ACTUAL TEARS. Please upload all of these as well.
    Also, tag yourself, I'm the last two Shockwaves.
    God damn though, that huge robo-dickeroo 6o6 Good luck, Blurr.
    ...and okay, now I just had the mental image of Blurr as one hell of a quickshot. Imagine if he fapped as quickly as he ran.
    I also love how his autobots insignia is a little heart.
    Yaoi hands CONFIRMED! Imagine if blue guy tried to cup red-orange-y guy's face!
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  17. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    i am now suddenly so excited for you to get to a specific panel in the late parts of season 2 of MTMTE bc oh my god i want to see your reaction to it so badly.
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  18. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    The red and yellow guy is sometimes drawn in a way that makes it look like he's wearing thigh high boots. I've never cared much about thighs, but Rodimus has made me see the error of my ways.
    (apologies if someone posted one of these earlier)
    Gotta love the comics, that is the exact same character drawn by different people

    I AGREE WITH COLDSTAR, WHIRL IS THE CUTEST EVER! THERE'S NO GOING BACK. He is a one eyed precious birb with impulse control problems.


    .....THAT TOO! *i'vebeenreadingtoomuchsmuttyfanfictionlately*
    Seriously though, that artist tends to draw the blue guy's hand bigger than normal, he could probably just grab Rodimus around the waist and lift him up one handed without any problems (he'd need two hands if he was struggling). I swear, the robots come in about the same variety of sizes as dog breeds.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2016
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  19. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    No worries! I feel you on the fleshy vessel thing. I look forward to the day I can shed this mortal husk and become a being of pure logic and efficiency


    ....someday :')

    I think this case is just a silly art mistake :P The plot was moving pretty quickly at that point, and they needed to shift characters along, and either didn't realize they were being silly, or just said screw it and hoped people wouldn't really notice. Neither of those two characters do anything else with mass displacement, and another part of the comic mentions that you need to have your spark modified to be able to do it at all, which we haven't heard about for either of them.

    It works out really, really well!! There are moments that are plain cute, like with the 'give me your hand', but then there are moments where Jazz is like 'please don't comfort me, people are watching, please let me at least have this.' And one of the most elegant touches, I thought, was actually a Galileo reference. I had to google it, but after Megatron forces Jazz to say a thing about how Autobots are inferior, Decepeticons are soooo much better, and Jazz is nothing more than a slave, Jazz says a thing in Italian that translates out to 'and yet, it moves.' When Galileo was trying to be like 'dude, the earth totally orbits the sun,' the church forced him to recant, and this was apparently his passive-aggressive way to say that even if they're forcing him to say something, that doesn't make it true. It makes me want to work something that elegant into a story, but whoops, I do not write very deep stories or ones that are long enough for that kind of thing to be worthwhile :P

    Funny you should mention that, because

    Transformers - Fortress Maximus Overlord Bracelet 1.jpg

    It is the roughest, ugliest sketch, but now it's started, so I have to finish it. I'm trying to figure out if I can get away with.... not redrawing these characters from scratch across four or five panels, but I guess I'll only know once I get that first one done :P I really ought to try to work out a sketchy style, but I have to be in the right place to be improvising with art style, which is thbbpptppbpbppt. But we'll see! It's going to happen one way or the other.

    Rodimus got posted up above, but the other notable thigh-tastic robobabe is Drift! His thighs are out of control



    And Tailgate also has hips for days


    Listen. Listen. I have to warn you. Whirl is the most adorable thing, it's awful and wonderful how adorable he is. No matter if you think you're ready, he's going to be more than you're prepared for. He is. THE. BEST. I am emotionally compromised by his character, all day, erry day.

    There isn't too much more, because he kind of got bumped aside as a main character by the third season :C I haven't finished looking at all the pseudo log entry things in the almanac, but there may be more for him in there! One tidbit I do remember is that he has his split personality thing specifically because he was rebuilt as a triple-changer, and in this continuity, that destabilizes your personality. I thiiiink I heard somewhere that Megatron was supposed to be a triple-changer in the fourth season, so I wonder if any of the same thing would have happened to him.

    One other tidbit I can't remember if I already said! The Jettwins originally had ground-type alt modes, and were like... manual laborers or factory workers or whatever. They were young and low ranked. After the Autobots caught Starscream, Ultra Magnus was like hmmm yes I think we should have some flying Autobots. But ugh, I don't want to risk any of my experienced soldiers with this experimental surgery. Oh hey, those two Autobots just got caught in an industrial accident? WELP, looks like I have my "volunteers" (he said it with the quotes and everything). And their new names apparently came when Sentinel Prime was assigned to train them and he was like UGHHH I DON'T WANNA and just named them whatever. So their names weren't even chosen with love or care ;_;

    I have a few pages I took pictures of from the almanac, but they're on my phone and I'm typing on my computer, so I'll give them their own post soon! There's also one page that's hard to photograph, because it's super blurry and handwritten, because it's a message in a bottle from where Waspinator got stranded all alone with Blackarachnia after she double extra fucked him up.

    OH MAN, so my guilty guilty pleasure ship for The Boulder is totally with Toph. And imagine her and Motor Master! I feel like she'd be ALL about the destructive potential of these robots.

    I shamelessly stole that idea from other artists who do a similar thing! The autobot and decepticon faces can be soooooo annoying to get right

    Blue guy is in fact Ultra Magnus!! He's a major player in mtmte, so you'll get to have lots of chances to see him being DELIGHTFULLY HUGE and interacting with smaller people. And oh my godddddd, I love his character, I get so choked up over him, given half a chance. My useless superpower is being able to cry over Ultra Magnus on cue, which I'm sure I will put to excellent use in fighting crime and being a deadly vigilante superhero :P

    Awright, so IDW's Phase One is much more conventional than their Phase Two stuff (which is where the mtmte and exrid series fall). A lot of it comes back down to autobots versus decepticons fighting on earth, and it starts out... dull. There's definitely some really interesting stuff too (especially what happens with Sunstreaker, which starts early and escalates for a long time), but I think it has a much less exciting foundation than the later stuff does. It's... erratically good. There's some stuff that's PAINFULLY BAD (mostly the things about Cyclonus's backstory, unfortunately), but there's also a lot of stuff that's really exciting and fun! I read mtmte without even touching phase one, and I got by just fine, but there is some good stuff in there that will add depth to some of the characters and plot points in mtmte, if you're interested.

    There's a lot of material in phase one, split between sequential miniseries that tell the ongoing plot (not just one ongoing series, that would be too easy) and various character-oriented spotlight issues that (sometimes) tie in pretty closely and add depth to the main plotline. I was going to photograph the phase one trades to give you an idea of how much there is, but I forgot that half of them are with my friend right now (he's trying to infect me with warhammer while I try to infect him with transformers, and his wife just laughs and sighs at both of us). But here's half of phase one


    That isn't all required reading! Some of it, I recommend skipping, because it gets weird at spots (there's a crossover with the avengers, who are never ever mentioned again, or there's a.... zombie plague?? I don't even know) Where things get a little tricky is figuring out which issues you want to read, and which are actually online :P The pirating can be kind of erratic for these early books. That being said!! People have been navigating this mess in the other thread, I just have to figure out where that part of the conversation got buried.

    SO. There's a rough timeline here, which isn't exaaaactly the same as the reading order the trades themselves lay out for you.

    First! As a general thing, I really recommend the Drift 4-issue miniseries, but I am too lazy to figure out where to stick it in the reading order. It's in the past compared to comic present, but not TOO far back, and it's good background to have on his character and for the war in general. It's got good writing and good art, both of which can be hit-or-miss for the rest of the series. Also it features the comic version of Lockdown, who is spiky and handsome! There's a copy in applechime's google drive folder, Drift Series 1-4. Just ignore the other documents in there for now, they won't make much sense yet, hahaha

    As a kind of rough order for the main plot
    • Infiltration (squishy human discovers there are giant robots hiding out on earth, giant robots are distressingly un-hot compared to later versions)
    • Stormbringer (autobots uncover an ancient genetically modified supersoldier in the ruins of cybertron)
    • Spotlight: Kup (dark and weird, but Kup and what happens to him are important in later parts of the story, all the way through phase two)
    • Escalation (Bad Things start happening on earth)
    • Spotlight: Blaster (being a radio star and prime target during wartimes. in older continuities, blaster is set up as soundwave's autobot counterpart. also, first hints in the series of robot mental health being a major, major running theme)
    • Devastation (Bad Things just don't stop from happening)
    • Spotlight: Hot Rod (good times in character development land)
    • Spotlight: Dealer (sequel to spotlight: hot rod)
    • Spotlight: Shockwave (shockwave's Weird Shenanigans play a part in the background parts of the plot that go beyond autobots/decepticons. not my favorite, but the spotlight issue is interesting and it's got DINOBOTS)
    • Spotlight: Soundwave (more to do with shockwave's thing, and not too-too consistent with his later characterization, but again, it plays into the plot pretty soon
    • Spotlight: Grimlock (pretty immediate lead-in to the next miniseries)
    • Maximum Dinobots (NOT on viewcomic, annoyingly, but I posted shitty pirates from my trades onto dropbox) (things get EPIC AND ACTION-Y on earth)
    • All Hail Megatron (the autobot vs decepticon conflict escalates, humanity gets dragged into the mess, everybody is super fucked up)
    • Last Stand of the Wreckers (this!!! is!!! my favorite!!!!!!!! it's about propaganda and redshirts, and it's very sad and excellent and features OVERLORD. if you're up for it, there are also text supplements that came with the trade that I pirated and posted, some of which are extra stories, and some of which are just background on making the miniseries. you should totally read them if you can, it's all amazing. i could talk about this miniseries forever. join me in loving rotorstorm, my traumatized asshole son)

    And after that is when phase one gets... messy. Art and writing are usually at least tolerable up to here, but after that, there are some spots where it just gets awful. I'll break those down for you soon but right at this moment, I am le tired and untangling the content is complicated. I'll look at that for you soon, though! That's most of the way through phase one, there's just a little bit about untangling what the fuck galvatron and cyclonus are even trying to do, and then a bit more about moving the cybertronians back to cybertron and trying to make the planet habitable again. Galvatron's stuff and the bits where the characters are languishing on earth has some of the worst art and writing I've ever seen, but there are some decent bits I want to try to pin down, and the concluding miniseries is definitely good stuff.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2016
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  20. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Just some random pages from the TFA Almanac that caught my attention as I was flipping through yesterday! Figured I should probably share them before I forget that I ever meant to post them in the first place :p Apologies in advance for the quality.

    0709161505~2.jpg 0709161505a~2.jpg 0709161507~2.jpg 0709161509~2.jpg 0709161509a~2.jpg 0709161513~2.jpg 0709161514~2.jpg 0709161514a~2.jpg
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