Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Petra

    Petra space case

    Augh, Megatron in TGWP is such a bitter, violent narcissist, it makes my skin crawl. He can't admit he was wrong about anything. He doesn't even really want to govern, he outsources everything to everyone else and complains when they 'impinge on his time', but he wants all the glory of governing and gets pissy when the populace praise the people actually running the planet??

    Not to mention the way he blames Soundwave for 'making him' have to apologize. That's it, that's what he's mad about.
    Like, everyone else at least hints at some nuance, except for maybe Shockwave, but Megatron is just...
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2016
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  2. Petra

    Petra space case

    It also shows in how his core ideals flip around to whatever is most convenient, such as rebelling initially to free slaves and 'wipe away the restrictions of social class', and then instituting brutal slavery and new strict castes once he comes into rule. I'm kinda surprised more Decepticons aren't like 'okay we're on top now but this is the exact opposite of my personal ideals'. Like it cooould just be dramatic irony, and that's how stuff plays out in MTMTE, but in this specific fic...


    EDIT: I seriously want to make a tally of when we see Megatron actually doing governing stuff (aside from yelling at everyone else to make solutions at meetings), and compare that to Soundwave, Starscream, and Shockwave. He ain't ruling shit.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2016
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  3. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    oh booooooy here comes the phase 6 project! This won't go badly at all!

    Mayyybee you should check your monitors on the guy you're afraid of enough to need a killswitch for before you start blabbering about it in front of him

    Heh, lil Tarn reference-- waaaaiiit a second...*

    Oh. Oh damn, Megs. I really should not keep forgetting how much a schemer you are in this.

    Formal Jazz weird me the fuck out after TGWP, but eyyyy sneaky black-ops friend!

    Help, now I want Jazz<3<Drift

    Aaaaaaaaaaaa JazzWave sidepairing! With music appreciation, this time!

    Soundwave ships Mirage<3<Cliffy, pass it on

    Whiiiiiirrrrlllll my broken helicopter son

    ....okay I'm with OP on this one. Ancient library and the ability to read it all? [Internal screaming] [vibrates excitedly]

    (my mental image of the library bots is Rewind and I'm just DDDDD8)

    ...I don't know why it's only hitting me now, but this premise suddenly feels like a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game

    No, shockwave, we do not send OP back, he has a conjunx here >:[

    ....sometimes I forget this author's first language isn't english, and then some phrasing is just...

    AaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA WORLDBUILDIIIIIIIIINNNGGG [nine pages of screaming] shit only 6 chapters left I am Not Ready

    *I don't know how I didn't catch this earlier, but, uh. Tarn probably chose his own new designation, right? Being the leader of the DJD and all. Aaaand he named himself after Megatron's home region. Yeesh. Add another tally to the "creepy overzealous stan" pile...
  4. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    THE LIBRARY omg I haven't read that fic in a few months and I had somehow forgotten about that aaaaaaaah.

    Ooh you're in the home stretch! I'm excited, I love the last bits.
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  5. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i'm enjoying this fic quite a bit!! i am really not a fan of Babies Ever After, or of mechanical babies having human-like developmental stages. but i have powered through the knee-jerk 'ugh' feelings for the sake of this REALLY INTERESTING premise, and i am super glad i did!!! it's G1 with little things borrowed here and there from IDW.
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  6. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    nyon? Is roddy coming? :D

    "Doing miracles" [homestuck rumbling in the distance]

    Drift ships Ratchet<>OP, yesgood

    Drift getting invited to the hedonistic pale threesome: even better


    Ratchet is a good diamond :3

    Prooooowwwwlllll =_=

    motherfucker you ain't domey's conjunx

    Roddy :D

    OP you're gonna break soundwave.

    Boys you probably shoulda negotiated this first :T the empathy thing is useful but still

    Alt!shockwave is done with this drama shit

    D'aaawwww, sparklings! SG sparklings, but!

    Aaaaaaaaaaaa there goes the Lost Light!

    Pfffff OP literally everyone but you knew about MiraCliffy

    Fuck you alpha trion >:[[[[


    ...that is not the proper plural of matrix.


    Welp. No regrets, 9.9/10 would cry again
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  7. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    So the way the character profiles are done in the TFA Almanac is with a framing device of characters talking about other characters. I was looking through the Stunticons and was Motormaster talking about Toxitron, and long story short, I think I found THE BOULDER'S transformersona


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  8. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    I haven't finished either one yet, but there's two conflicting accounts of why the 13 primes left cybertron. Either they fled from fear during the first civil war after galvatron proved that they could be killed by a non-prime, or they left...possibly at the end of the golden age to colonize the galaxy.

    One of those sources is Alpha Trion and the other is general knowledge. It'll be interesting to see which version is right.

    I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that those fleeing Prime's were actually remembered as both the knights of cybertron AND the 13 colonists. The few alive who were there at the time (cyclonus, alpha, etc) are suffering from information creep. I could see Nova trying to erase the accomplishments of the 13 primes and their tribes from collective memory and attributing the works they left behind as the creations of mythical figures in the past. He hated the primes that much.
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  9. Petra

    Petra space case

    I'm also pretty sure the colonies deliberately lost contact with each other. If you were fleeing a brutal civil war, it makes sense you wouldn't want to stay in contact with the planet you fled or the other large groups of refugees from groups you were fighting with. I feel like what happened on Eukaris most heavily supports this, since they certainly set themselves up not to have contact and Chela saw any standardformer as a threat, but other stuff also supports this.

    Although I wonder - how'd they make sure only beastformers were formed from sparks on Eukaris? Did they just have a bunch of protoforms half-formed in statis?
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  10. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    The Christmas Special indicates that there might be some level of imprinting, although that might just have been the scraplets being manipulative. But none of them seemed particularly shocked that the protoform was modeling itself on Whirl, so it could be that imprinting isn't uncommon.
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  11. Kemmasandi

    Kemmasandi Optimus Prime's disapproving eyebrows

    I got buried in work for a bit, but I love that most of the last few pages of this thread have been reactions to These Games We Play. I read the first thirty or so chapters of that fic a few years ago, and I haven't caught up with the updates yet, but my god it is a brilliant work.

    I don't know of any works inspired by TGWP specifically, but there are a couple of fics I know of that sort of run in a similar vein. transit-the-sun is the LJ home of Borealis, by tainry - which is on Ao3, but the comments on LJ have some easter eggs, so I like reading it there. It's bayverse, though AU from the first movie onwards, because the author started writing it in 2007. Story of a Lifetime by taralynden is an amazing Prowl/Jazz; same for Where You And I Collide, by Hearts of Eternity; the latter is unfortunately incomplete and hasn't been updated since 2013, however. A Wing And A Prayer is G1 Skyfire/Silverbolt, a ship which I now have a weakness for thanks solely to this fic. Sound And Fury, and Giants of the Earth, both by fractalserpent and HopeofDawn, are also extremely good. In general, it's worth reading anything by Ultharkitty, dracoqueen22, ladydragon76, Kookaburra, femme4jack, White Aster, Starhorse, and L.Mouse.

    Also CSI: Ark is amazing and hilarious.
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  12. Petra

    Petra space case

    I'm on TFA Season 1 Episode 6 and I've gotta say, I love

    Megatron's horrible, smarmy monologues to himself.
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  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Isn't it great?? I love this version of him a lot. Also, from approximately that point out in TFA, the timing on dialogue/actions/etc gets a lot tighter. I know that was a big thing that bothered me in the first few episodes.
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  14. Petra

    Petra space case

    I feel really bad for the Dinobots tho. Poor babies. You'll get to punch the problems better in later episodes, I imagine.

    And I mean, literal babies, since the problem with them stems from the fact that they're new and got misinformed.

    EDIT: No way there's a population crisis in this version of Transformers, haha. Someone should make a tally of sapient life-forms Sari accidentally makes.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2016
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  15. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh nooooooooo oh no, I got my car fixed today and spent two hours sitting around re(-re-re-re-re-re)-reading TGWP, and then I come home and THIS is on my dash and hhhhhhhhhhhh I am so full of soundwave emotions and am fighting the urge to spend all the money

    .....I did just order one transformers pillow. Ten will be lonely without a friend, obviously. The only solution is to order another transformers pillow, right?
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    What have I done

    Transformers - Blurr Shockwave Spread Face 1.png

    Transformers - Blurr Shockwave Spread Face 4.png
    Transformers - Blurr Shockwave Spread Face 3.png
    Transformers - Blurr Shockwave Spread Face 5.png

    Transformers - Blurr Shockwave Spread Face 2.png
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  17. Petra

    Petra space case

    He is beautiful.

    I need to get a custom overlay of him recolored in actual Thundercracker colors instead of Starscream, and work on his treasure chest more.
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  18. Petra

    Petra space case

    There is an item on subeta called 'screenplay' that's just. A screenplay you can read to your pet to increase intell.

    And I am orz over here because it's STUPID EXPENSIVE but I need it for Thundercrack.
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  19. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    ...Without context, this looks like Sunstreaker just won an absolutely explosive game of table tennis
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  20. Petra

    Petra space case

    I dunno if I've posted this before, but either way, good time to post again. It's a song for Soundwave in TGWP, towards Jazz. More about general relationship and how Soundwave sees himself, no spoilers!

    And I came to write a letter
    But my pen was full of hymns
    I came to drown a sorrow
    It seems they've learned to swim
    Mouth full of pins and heart pumping gasoline
    It's late
    I'm still at the sewing machine
    Stitching up strays fifteen years
    But this one's mean
    Well I fixed you up
    When they said you were past repair
    And I stitched you up
    I thread a needle with my hair
    And I fixed you up
    When you were still a common sparrow
    But look who's on the shoulder now when the road goes narrow
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