Furvilla and You: A Guide to Serf Neopets

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Ouija, Jul 4, 2016.

  1. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    What I'd like to see more than a tweaked chance is some kind of cap (maybe you won't catch more than X illnesses per 24-hour period) or grace period, like being cured also gives immunity for X hours (maybe 10% of the potency?)
    • Like x 4
  2. mek


    Seems to me they need the illnesses to have different chances for different careers, instead of a blanket percentage across all careers which I'm pretty sure is what they have now. Explorers get sick constantly because, as I think @OnnaStik pointed out, they roll a chance for illness twenty times per hour. Most other careers move much slower than explorers do, and so get sick less often.

    Which I guess makes a kind of sense, what with explorers wandering around poking at garbage all the time, but since explorers are also the foundation of the entire system it's incredibly frustrating when they can't work to their full potential

    AND ANOTHER THING I am so tired of buying a cure and having it fail, I give up, I'm just going to live with having a village of sick furries. Everyone come visit my leper colony, it's beautiful in the summer.
    • Like x 7
  3. Ouija

    Ouija Nani the fuck?

    It's worth the extra money to buy 75+% potency potions, trust me

    invest in a doctor for the long-run and just make a bunch of potions til you reach 100% potency, then sell the results when you dont need em

    also the "explorers get sick more often" is lies considering how often my carpenter got sick in comparison.
  4. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Ironically, my herbalist has broken his limbs four times in the last two days, while my explorers got sick... once.

    Goddamn it.

    (Also I have 56 Dragon Hide, 23 Dragon Scales, and 45 Dragon Teeth fwiw.)
  5. mek


    I'm still getting failed potions, even with high potency. I have great luck with not catching diseases but when I do, I'm screwed, because my luck on the cures is pure shit

    That's what I'm doing
  6. Leegle

    Leegle Electric Beagle-loo

    Oh shit guys I was hoping there was a thread for this. I signed up on like Sunday! Since I'm on mobile I can't edit the spreadsheet right now, but my username there is Leeland if anyone would like to HMU.
  7. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Hey I just caved in and joined the thing! I'm wixbloom there. I have a cute nb dragon named Reginold and I really have to ask what I should spend my starter money on - I wanted to just buy a spot for a second villager but I'm sure there's wiser things to do.
  8. mek


    Buy second slot, make both furries explorers, rake in the furrycash until they both die of aids
    • Like x 1
  9. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Second villager is the wise choice actually-- with two explorers you'll make your money back sooner than trying to do anything with only one.
    • Like x 2
  10. mek


    @Carnivore's guide on the first page is very accurate and helpful, I recommend living by it
  11. Ouija

    Ouija Nani the fuck?

    the reason i suggest going with three explorers then making the 4th one a carpenter instead of alloting space for a doctor is solely because newbies have a two week boon, thus giving you time to piss around and get money

    sure, having productivity halved is terrible, but if you don't have the money to get the slots in the first place, you're fucked once the grace period up and your villagers with a major illness cant work at all
    • Like x 2
  12. Ryncoon

    Ryncoon Well-Known Member

    Excuse you, it's Feline HIV.
    • Like x 1
  13. Ouija

    Ouija Nani the fuck?

    my current setup:

    Main Villager: Alchemist. Making Wickerbeast Potions makes me bank
    Next three villagers: Explorers, one being a doctor as a side job. On explore duty while I put all my seed efforts toward Wickerbeast
    Next: Combination blacksmith/carpenter.
    Middle: Herbalist. My main money maker. Supplies for both my alchemist AND my doctor
    Finally: Warrior. Not active duty, needs weapons. Can't get weapons without ingredients. Ingredients hail from outside villages, so I have to save up to buy them.

    I plan on getting a villager for solely gathering, so my doctor can go back to being only a doctor.
  14. Ouija

    Ouija Nani the fuck?

    imagine if we had to feed these guys
  15. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement


    edit: I genuinely appreciate that durability is a daily timer thing, not a use thing. Same with the timers on exploring and career changes, where it's a set timer not determined by when you actually do it.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2016
    • Like x 3
  16. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    Can't you use the warrior for that while they're waiting on their gear?
  17. Ouija

    Ouija Nani the fuck?

    @OnnaStik he still fights is why. i just cant get the good stuff
    • Like x 1
  18. Ryncoon

    Ryncoon Well-Known Member

    @Carnivore I'll be switching my construction worker to warrior once he finishes his current house, which be the home to my herbalist. I'm torn on which OC to convert to a villager, though... my Snow leopard cutiepie who wouldn't actually need his own custom image... or my darling, adorable,obnoxious as hell furry treefrog dragon.
  19. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Aw man I am so happy with my second villager, she's a transgirl white lion named Claire de Lune because hell yes, and she's super cute and ugh I already wanna make custom art for both my villagers and am already planning my 3rd one, help
    • Like x 1
  20. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    /does Animal Husbandry
    /gathers critters
    /finds Gray Hippo
    /looks around
    /still in clouds
    • Like x 3
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